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New World Order


The Bible warns of a day when people would no longer want to hear the truth and when the innocent wh... Read More


Today in America we are once again facing a civil war. The nation is bitterly divided by politics, s... Read More

President Donald Trump in Prophecy

The Bible is a book of prophecy. Much of it is dualistic, meaning for that time as well as the futur... Read More


The Bible is clear that Adam failed to cast Satan out of the garden and mankind has suffered ever si... Read More


The most important part of any building is the foundation.  If the foundation is inferior, then... Read More


The Bible is one third prophecy and scholars believe 90% of those prophecies are for today.  Am... Read More

People with Animal Minds & The Worst is Yet to Come

The Bible is clear that man is made in the image of God; but if man continues to reject God, then ma... Read More


In the early hours of June 8, 2023, around 3:00 am, I had a dream.  I saw warriors seated at a ... Read More

What’s at Stake for America and Your Family

Ever hear the phrase “we’re all in the same boat”? It’s like all of us bein... Read More

PRAYER BLOCKERS & The State of the Union

Prayer Blockers All of us at one time or another have struggled when we don't receive something fr... Read More


When Nimrod, the founder of Babylon died, Semiramis told the people that her husband’s spirit ... Read More


Moloch, also spelled Molech, was a Canaanite deity associated with child sacrifice. A statue of Molo... Read More


The 2022 mid-term elections are over, with the exception of a few states where the ballots are still... Read More

October 2022 Surprise

America and the Church are in serious trouble.  We are facing a Constitutional Crisis.  On... Read More

Attributes of an Eagle

EAGLES SAVING NATIONS is designed by the Holy Spirit to have people with the attributes of an Eagle ... Read More

Eagles Saving Nations - Part 5

America was founded on Jesus Christ. Eleven out of the original thirteen colonies had laws enforcing... Read More

Eagles Saving Nations - Part 4

The fight to build the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), is back, only this time it is called THE NEW... Read More

Eagles Saving Nations - Part 3

In the book, THE CONSPIRATORS HIERARCHY: THE COMMITTEE OF 300—4th Edition Revised & Update... Read More

Eagles Saving Nations - Part 2

According to the book authored by G. Edward Griffin,  “THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND&... Read More

Eagles Saving Nations - Part 1

The Bible is very clear that "in the last days perilous times will come". (2 Timothy 3:1) "For men w... Read More


Matthew 10:34-36, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, ... Read More

Marxism & Democrats - Communism in America

The radical left hates the Constitution which was written to protect people from tyrannical governme... Read More


II Timothy 3:1-8, “In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of them... Read More

Trump or Biden and Civil War

On November 3, 2020, I prophesied that President Donald Trump would win the election in a landslide,... Read More

Rigged Presidential Elections

These three posts are on my WMI Facebook page at: World Ministries International with Dr. Jonathan... Read More

2020 Election

Today is November 3, 2020 and I believe President Donald Trump will win by a landslide, but as with ... Read More

Special Alert

We are living in dangerous, troublesome times in America and around the world.  Christian freed... Read More

Woke and Prosperity Pastors

The terminology WOKE is a new usage of a word used by Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, National Bas... Read More

The Master Plan, U.S. Presidents & God’s call to Repentance

The Bible predicts and describes a New World Order and a One World Government that will eventually b... Read More

2017 Year in Review at World Ministries International - Kenya - Korea - Malaysia - Israel - China - USA

Knesset member Glick China Fox News - Amarillo, TX V.P. home - Kenya Huruma Redeeme... Read More

Unholy Alliances Part 2

The Bible is so very clear that even if an angel appears unto men and preaches another gospel, &ldqu... Read More


AMERICA WAS WARNED! In August of 1995, the Lord had me move my family and headquarters back t... Read More

January 2001 - Late Skirmish mars peaceful WTO II - Romania - Kenya

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The Year 2000 In Review: LOOKING FORWARD TO 2001 - America & International

Time is moving on at warp speed. All spiritual eyes are on Israel, especially Jerusalem. An explosio... Read More

WMI Takes Message To Europe - Kenya - Netherlands - Czech Republic - Austria - Germany - Sweden - Poland - Romania - Finland

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The Future Of Europe

Man versus God is the battle that the majority of Europeans are engaged in. Europe has now bec... Read More

The Fall Of Finland And The Beast

According to the Holy Scriptures, to have faith is to live your life according to what you und... Read More

The Year 1999 in Review - What's In Store For 2000!

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The Decline Of The American Culture Part 2 - Dress Codes For The 20th Century

It’s a startling fact that a two percent higher divorce rate exists amongst people who a... Read More

The Decline Of The American Culture Part 1 - Earrings and men and what they represent

According to the New Twentieth Century Unabridged, the definition of the word earring is &ldqu... Read More

Are You Ready? Economic Holocaust, Chem-Bio-Nuke Terror, WW3

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April 29, 1999 - WORLD WAR III is Imminent!

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February 1999 - 1993 World Parliament of Religions

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