Dr. Hansen's Thought For The Day

Blog: Thought For The Day


October 22, 2024


Why worry when Jesus said don’t? Read More

October 21, 2024


We are born in spiritual warfare. Read More

October 20, 2024


If you say you follow Jesus, why do you live in sexual immorality? Read More

October 19, 2024


Who do you follow? Read More

October 18, 2024


Jesus fed 5000 but only 500 followed Him after lunch. Think about that! Read More

October 17, 2024


Proverbs 25:28 warns about controlling one’s emotions or your life will end up like a ruined c... Read More

October 16, 2024


Many people in America who call themselves Christians live in fornication, etc. Obviously they do no... Read More

October 15, 2024


Do you believe in God? So live like it! Read More

October 14, 2024


Miracles still happen if you believe in God. Read More

October 13, 2024


Which presidential candidate said, "Up with agitation down with deportation"? Read More

October 12, 2024


If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed, but if you do read the newspaper, yo... Read More

October 11, 2024


The song, “Jesus and others and you, what a wonderful way to spell Joy”; most people don... Read More

October 10, 2024


Do you truly mean the words of the song, when you sing it, “I surrender all“? Read More

October 9, 2024


Are you able to recognize when an evil spirit is talking to you? Read More

October 8, 2024


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The question is, are you? Read More

October 7, 2024


Who do you serve on earth? Read More

October 6, 2024


The Bible tells us, in the beginning God created the family with one man and one woman. Read More

October 5, 2024


Why are they creating all types of families other than one man and one woman? Because it’s a d... Read More

October 4, 2024


The government of God on earth starts with the family unit of one man and one woman! Read More

October 3, 2024


Everyone can operate under the gift of the Holy Spirit called prophecy but true prophets are hard to... Read More

October 2, 2024


Are You intimate enough with God to hear his voice if He tells you to go pray for a stranger in a sh... Read More

October 1, 2024


To be intimate with God is the most important thing you can do in this life. Read More

September 30, 2024


What spirit causes anger, rage, unforgiveness and hatred? What spirit is influencing you? Read More

September 29, 2024


Stay under your covering and enjoy love, joy and peace. Read More

September 28, 2024


Do you know how to say sorry? If not, you will live with a lot of misery as anger will rule, instead... Read More

September 27, 2024


If a person doesn’t operate in Mercy and Grace, they hurt a lot of people; even the innocent. Read More

September 26, 2024


Life is short, so show love daily and constantly forgive. Read More

September 25, 2024


Trust your spouse and don’t accept other people's comments, or your marriage is in trouble. Th... Read More

September 24, 2024


True freedom can only be found with unconditional love and acceptance. Read More

September 23, 2024


Proverbs 10:12, hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Read More

September 22, 2024


Are you like the three monkeys who see, hear and speak no evil; ignoring reality all around them? Read More

September 21, 2024


Blood doesn’t make family. It makes you related. Loyalty, love and trust makes you family. Read More

September 20, 2024


In the Bible, a person in business, etc., who is called an apostle deserved it because they could li... Read More

September 19, 2024


It’s is amazing how many worthless, honorary doctorate degrees are presented by No-name instit... Read More

September 18, 2024


Many people, including self proclaimed Christians, don’t want to hear the truth because they j... Read More

September 17, 2024


Be careful about people who act like a victim with the problem they created. Read More

September 16, 2024


I Corinthians 15:33 tells us bad company corrupts good character. Read More

September 15, 2024


Animals would never let the dumbest one lead the pack. Read More

September 14, 2024


Both candidates have committed immoral sin in their lives but one supports killing babies. It should... Read More

September 13, 2024


Would you defend your family against evil men who are going to brake into your house to rape and kil... Read More

September 12, 2024


A Christian who won’t vote is about as stupid as those Christians who refused to vote against ... Read More

September 11, 2024


Vote, or don’t complain when evil politicians make laws to take away your freedoms and arrest ... Read More

September 10, 2024


A Christian who refuses to vote is foolish and doesn’t understand their responsibilities in th... Read More

September 9, 2024


Are you a fair weather Christian? Examine yourself. Read More

September 8, 2024


One day in God’s house is better then a thousand days elsewhere. Read More

September 7, 2024


America is turning its back on the God of the Bible and God is allowing judgment to start falling. I... Read More

September 6, 2024


Choose this day who you will serve? Will it be GOD or man? Read More

September 5, 2024


If you fail to forgive, it’s a sure indication you’re no longer intimate with God. Read More

September 4, 2024


To forgive, it’s not so much for the other person, it is for you so you can receive eternal li... Read More

September 3, 2024


If you want the anointing of God not to be hindered in your life, then you must forgive. Read More

September 2, 2024


The Bible warns one must forgive to be forgiven by God. Read More

September 1, 2024


Forgiveness is a must, if you don’t want to hinder your prayers from being answered. Read More

August 31, 2024


The sooner you forgive, the sooner you’ll find peace. Read More

August 30, 2024


Dwelling on the past can be destructive to your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Read More

August 29, 2024


The two relationship killers. James 3:16 warns us that envy and self seeking will bring confusion, d... Read More

August 28, 2024


Manipulation is where they blame you for your reaction from their toxic behavior but never take owne... Read More

August 27, 2024


I am a House of Prayer! Read More

August 26, 2024


Jesus tells us that whosoever will may come to him, he will give them rest. Who are you running to f... Read More

August 25, 2024


The Bible says the lake of fire was created for the devil and his angels but it also warns that unre... Read More

August 24, 2024


Politics is part of the great commission. Get involved in selecting who rules your city, state or na... Read More

August 23, 2024


The Bible says there is a friend that is closer than a brother. Is he your friend? Read More

August 22, 2024


Are you befriending a Benedict Arnold? Take a good look at the character of those you call friends! Read More

August 21, 2024


Do you have a good friend or a Brutus in your life? Read More

August 20, 2024


Do you have a good friend, or instead, people you call friends but only use your good nature and cha... Read More

August 19, 2024


A good friend should be trustworthy and always there to be reached if needed. Read More

August 18, 2024


Why is it that a person that is guilty, constantly, of not following the policies, of making silly m... Read More

August 17, 2024


A person's marriage is only as good as both spouses want to make it. Read More

August 16, 2025


If you totally trust the government in the nation you live, then I could sell you ice at the north p... Read More

August 15, 2024


I think every government in the world has mafia elements within it. Read More

August 14, 2024


Do you believe in the Bible? Then why do you reject apostles and prophets and the baptism and gifts ... Read More

August 13, 2024


Jesus came to set the captives free. Call on him with all of your heart to break every addiction and... Read More

August 12, 2024


Do you really believe in Jesus as your lord and savior? Then why don’t you serve him, obey him... Read More

August 11, 2024


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is promised in America’s constitution. Yet our gove... Read More

August 10, 2024


Are you ready to lay down your wealth, happiness, family and life for the Lord? Read More

August 9, 2024


People sing, "I’ll go where you want me to go dear Lord." In reality some apostles and leaders... Read More

August 8, 2024


God is the same yesterday, today and forever; but denominations constantly change their values, mora... Read More

August 7, 2024


Why do democrats want to hold gun manufacturers accountable but not vaccine manufacturers? Read More

August 6, 2024


Across the United States I have talked to church leaders who now would advise men to seek a Christia... Read More

August 5, 2024


Besides drag queens mocking the last supper in the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics, they had ... Read More

August 4, 2024


Opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics is a direct attack on God by the spirits of Sodom and Gomorra... Read More

August 3, 2024


The drag queen opening ceremony, attacking God in the last supper, should have a backlash of righteo... Read More

August 2, 2024


What is your calling in life? Do you know? Read More

August 1, 2024


I talked to an Apostolic leader today from Africa who said that the American church doesn’t kn... Read More

July 31, 2024


Few people want to hear a true prophet because they primarily deal with sin, not the pathetic words ... Read More

July 30, 2024


Even the Republicans are no longer against gay marriages or a federal ban on abortion. Only the chur... Read More

July 29, 2024


Some churches sing and seductively dance, similar to the dancers in pagan times who worshiped Dagon.... Read More

July 28, 2024


It is amazing how now, so many people are proclaiming Trump but yet a few years ago, these supposed ... Read More

July 27, 2024


Some people are drawn to their spouse because they’re the daughter or son of one of the hierar... Read More

July 26, 2024


False teachers are God’s judgment on people that don’t want God’s Word or Will, bu... Read More

July 25, 2024


It’s nice to say, I don’t want to be involved but if you have listened to a one-sided st... Read More

July 24, 2024


What looks ridiculous to me is older preachers speaking, trying to look in tune with the culture but... Read More

July 23, 2024


As the song says, I love Him better every day. Close by his side I will abide, I love him better eve... Read More

July 22, 2024


The world says me, myself and I but God says, Jesus, others and you. What a wonderful way to spell J... Read More

July 21, 2024


God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. Read More

July 20, 2024


God did not remove the Red Sea. He parted it for them and God will make a way for you to walk on dry... Read More

July 19, 2024


If a man-eating lion got loose in most churches, he would starve to death because there aren’t... Read More

July 18, 2024


God’s plan for sex. Proverb 5:15-17. Read More

July 17, 2024


If a friend, including relatives, can go from friend to stranger or enemy without ever talking to yo... Read More

July 16, 2024


President Trump shot. People, prayer alone is not gonna save this nation. Christians are going to sa... Read More

July 15, 2024


Being close to someone has to do with trust and respect; listening to somebody’s feelings and ... Read More

July 14, 2024


When they're back-stabbed, they start praying with a thousand knives in the back. They start praying... Read More

July 13, 2024


It’s time for legacies. Read More

July 12, 2024


Do you want God to build your house, but yet you ran away from Goliath? Read More

July 11, 2024


Receive the right heart to fulfill your destiny and be a helpmate to help your husband reach his. Read More

July 10, 2024


Prayer is where you get full of eternal legacies. Read More

July 9, 2024


God says I cannot work with a man who doesn’t pray, because that person’s heart is not r... Read More

July 8, 2024


Prayer is the language of the heart. Read More

July 7, 2024


As a pilot who flies by his instruments, so is a prayer life arriving at the destination Read More

July 6, 2024


There’s enough wealth from the kingdom of God in prayer, that you don’t need outside sou... Read More

July 5, 2024


A praying man is a dangerous man. Read More

July 4, 2024


God does insider training and trading Read More

July 3, 2024


When you are tested, you start to understand the mysteries of God Read More

July 2, 2024


A prayerless life is a spiritually aborted life. Read More

July 1, 2024


Job lost everything he had but kept his faith and God rewarded him with double. Read More

June 30, 2024


Build up your spouse, for in reality you're building up yourself. Read More

June 29, 2024


Walk away from people that constantly put you down. Read More

June 28, 2024


Walk away from arguments that ignite your anger. Read More

June 27, 2024


A foolish person does not count their blessings daily but instead of loving those God has joined the... Read More

June 26, 2024


Be thankful for what you have, for God could take it away from you. Read More

June 25, 2024


Quit being critical about your spouse. Instead, pray for them. You could be the deceived one that ca... Read More

June 24, 2024


There is so much good in the worst of us. There’s so much bad in the best of us. Be careful ho... Read More

June 23, 2024


God allowed David to face Goliath but did not let him die. Instead, David defeated Goliath. Have fai... Read More

June 22, 2024


God allowed Peter to fall in the water but did not let him drown. Have faith in GOD. Read More

June 21, 2024


The Holy Spirit will never tell you to gossip, cheat, hold a grudge, be bitter, rude and disrespectf... Read More

June 20, 2024


Though our sins they are many, yet his mercies are more! PTL Read More

June 19, 2024


You relax in a plane, even though you don’t know the pilot. You relax in the taxi, even though... Read More

June 18, 2024


Blood makes you related. Loyalty, love and trust makes you family. Read More

June 17, 2024


Never speak when your heart is bitter. The tongue one cannot trust. Keep quiet until you allow the H... Read More

June 16, 2024


When you marry a non-believer, you’re marrying an unsubmitted person. When you don’t com... Read More

June 15, 2024


Smile and make somebody’s day brighter. Read More

June 14, 2024


Life or death is in the tongue. Use your tongue to bring life and not discouragement, sadness, depre... Read More

June 13, 2024


Visiting a dairy farm does not make you a cow and going to church does not make you a Christian. Read More

June 12, 2024


Never forget that this life is a vapor. It’s nothing more than shadows and dust. Eternity is f... Read More

June 11, 2024


Never forget that God is watching and is aware of our every thought, deeds and actions. Make them pl... Read More

June 10, 2024


Never forget, in all things and every day of your life the promises of God. They tell us that God is... Read More

June 9, 2024


A Person that flies off the top like a volcanic eruption every time a person, they believe, looks at... Read More

June 8, 2024


Always remember you’re not fighting flesh and blood. When people operate ugly and vendictive i... Read More

June 7, 2024


Remember, Christ is your defender. He is your advocate. At times it’s better to keep your mout... Read More

June 6, 2024


Before you quit in failure, remember the promise From God, “I can do all things through Christ... Read More

June 5, 2024


Before you act out in the flesh ask yourself this question, is this a test from God to see my attitu... Read More

June 4, 2024


Remember, God can even use your enemies to honor, respect and promote you as he did Daniel and Josep... Read More

June 3, 2024


Rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice, for this is the will of God. Read More

June 2, 2024


A person doesn’t win the lost by showing their teeth, but rather their smile. Read More

June 1, 2024


Be courteous and respectful in all things; for this is the best way to influence the most people. Read More

May 31, 2024


Be happy in all things; knowing that God is using the good and the bad to test and change us into Hi... Read More

May 30, 2024


Remember, God uses older people in your life to help you ascertain Wisdom. Be mindful of that and ho... Read More

May 29, 2024


A wife needs a loving husband, not a tyrant. Read More

May 28, 2024


A husband wants a wife who honors and respects him. He doesn’t need a dripping faucet. Read More

May 27, 2024


Honor those in authority who God has placed in your life. They are for your protection and promotion... Read More

May 26, 2024


Be careful who you trust, because one is betrayed by a friend. Read More

May 25, 2024


When a person attacks their spouse, they’re destroying themself. Read More

May 24, 2024


Do you love your spouse with an everlasting love? If not, that’s the problem in your marriage.... Read More

May 23, 2024


Never let the family that you came from damage the family that comes from you. Read More

May 22, 2024


If the pastor in your church doesn’t preach the literal word of God, move in the gifts of the ... Read More

May 21, 2024


How do you choose a church? Read More

May 20, 2024


Do you understand we have political leaders literally trying to topple the Republic of The United St... Read More

May 19, 2024


Do you really trust in God? Read More

May 18, 2024


Do you know who your real enemies are in this life? Read More

May 17, 2024


Hebrews 10:25 Read More

May 16, 2024


The Power of the Tongue Proverbs 18:20-21 Read More

May 15, 2024


Truly we are in the last days where Jesus said, "When I return will I find Faith?" Compromise and he... Read More

May 14, 2024


To reject people because they don’t measure up to your standards of behavior, or your politica... Read More

May 13, 2024


Life is too short to not forgive and love friends and family. Do not reject others because of your o... Read More

May 12, 2024


Put your trust in the Lord and not in man, for the Lord is faithful and true and can handle all your... Read More

May 11, 2024


Be saturated in prayer and don’t worry about anything, for GOD is there! Read More

May 10, 2024


It’s a shame when people reject a persons love till the person doesn’t care anymore. Cer... Read More

May 9, 2024


Study the Word and Wait on God for the revelation of His ways, so you can follow them fully and pros... Read More

May 8, 2024


April 1 is for men in dresses. Mothers Day is for biological women who are mothers. Read More

May 7, 2024


When you’re in conflict with some people and there is no good reason, possibly it’s The ... Read More

May 6, 2024


People are always wanting to be politically correct. What about worrying about what God thinks and n... Read More

May 5, 2024


Church should be a family, not a building. Read More

May 4, 2024


What should we think of someone who promises to send you a love offering after speaking for them or ... Read More

May 3, 2024


The true test of Christianity is can you love the person that betrayed you, rejected you and gave yo... Read More

May 2, 2024


Do you understand we are in a spiritual battle for our soul and our nation? Read More

May 1, 2024


Honor your father and mother: that your days may be long upon the land. Spend time with them. Believ... Read More

April 30, 2024


Talk is cheap. Show me that you love me. Read More

April 29, 2024


My heart breaks for sinners when people won’t show them love and kindness. How do you expect t... Read More

April 28, 2024


If you say you love somebody but you won’t be around them, your love is meaningless to that pe... Read More

April 27, 2024


Jesus loved the sinners and even ate with them. Do you? Read More

April 26, 2024


Are you able to help a person that’s an alcoholic or addicted to drugs by just showing them lo... Read More

April 25, 2024


Jesus was able to overcome the highest pain and rejection; consequently he had the highest anointing... Read More

April 24, 2024


Thank God he gives us grace or most Christians would roast. Read More

April 23, 2024


Most Christians break the first two commandments. They truly don’t love God with their entire ... Read More

April 22, 2024


A person wins the sinner to Christ by love. People can tell whether you love them or not. Read More

April 21, 2024


It’s amazing how many people call themselves Christians, but they don’t seem to be able ... Read More

April 20, 2024


Some of today’s false prophets and prophetesses would be condemning true prophets; like Jeremi... Read More

April 19, 2024


Sometimes, behind a smiling face hides demons. Read More

April 18, 2024


At least in Sodom and Gomorrah, they seemed to know the difference between men and women and there w... Read More

April 17, 2024


To trust no one is a lonely place to be. Read More

April 16, 2024


The devil fights whatever draws you closer to God. That’s why he fights your relationship with... Read More

April 15, 2024


Jesus, others and you, what a wonderful way to spell joy. This isn’t taught much anymore as pe... Read More

April 14, 2024


Life is fun every day, when husband and wife live to please God and each other. Read More

April 13, 2024


Pick up your cross and follow me, Jesus said. Amazingly there are not many sermons preached on this ... Read More

April 12, 2024


Jesus said the violent take it by force. We are in spiritual warfare. Some believers think they live... Read More

April 11, 2024


A life without problems, is a life without purpose. Read More

April 10, 2024


A good marriage is something you work at. Never take it for granted or belittle your spouse; as you'... Read More

April 9, 2024


Besides Jesus, the best investment one can ever make is in their spouse. That is God’s governm... Read More

April 8, 2024


Jesus said come follow me, deny yourself and have eternal life. Do not engage in sins of abomination... Read More

April 7, 2024


If you’re attending a church that doesn’t come against sin but instead celebrates altern... Read More

April 6, 2024


In America we celebrate and legalize sins of abomination that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by God&rs... Read More

April 5, 2024


It is amazing how many supposed Christian’s don’t seem to be aware how close we are to t... Read More

April 4, 2024


Be ready to see Jesus constantly, because one never knows the day or hour that they will. Read More

April 3, 2024


Be honest with yourself. Do you really love God or do you love yourself more? Read More

April 2, 2024


People make God into their own image, that way they don’t have to change. Read More

April 1, 2024


True Apostles and Prophets today are rare but people make them a dime a dozen. They really don&rsquo... Read More

March 31, 2024


What Has Resurrection Day to do with bunny rabbits and Easter eggs? Read More

March 30, 2024


This theory should not divide Christian’s but a pre-trip rapture is very new thought. It was n... Read More

March 29, 2024


The key to conquer worry is to give everything, all your concerns, to God in earnest prayer and allo... Read More

March 28, 2024


Is Jesus and the Holy Ghost GOD? Read More

March 27, 2024


Do you understand the difference between the gift of prophecy of the Holy Spirit and the mantle of a... Read More

March 26, 2024


President Abraham Lincoln had less than one year of formal education but yet was the wisest Presiden... Read More

March 25, 2024


President Abraham Lincoln blamed the civil war on America's sins and called the nation to repent. Read More

March 24, 2024


The safest place to be is in the center of Gods will. Read More

March 23, 2024


The best place to be is where God places you. Read More

March 22, 2024


Make today the best day of your life. Read More

March 21, 2024


We serve one GOD manifested in three persons. One cannot ignore and reject one and think we know God... Read More

March 20, 2024


Do you understand the science called the cup of iniquity and how it boils over into what the Bible c... Read More

March 19, 2024


If one plus one is two, how did evolution come up with thirty two? Read More

March 18, 2024


What is the responsibility of Christians on earth? Is it the same assignment Jesus gave, called the ... Read More

March 17, 2024


Do you understand we are close to civil war in America? Do you understand why? Read More

March 16, 2024


If the Republic falls, as in Germany during Hitlers reign, the problem is a divided church. Half the... Read More

March 15, 2024


Do you understand we are in a spiritual war for the survival of the Republic? Read More

March 14, 2024


There once was a donkey that lived on a horse ranch. The donkey said he was a horse. Many people go ... Read More

March 13, 2024


The rest of that song is “close by his side I will abide. I love him better every day“. ... Read More

March 12, 2024


There’s another song that sings “Jesus and others and you, what a wonderful way to spell... Read More

March 11, 2024


There’s a song that says “I love him better every day”. The question is, do you? Read More

March 10, 2024


Today is the day of salvation. Accept Christ today and walk in the promises He gave, whether you die... Read More

March 9, 2024


Do you understand what Jesus meant by, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood? Read More

March 8, 2024


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is critical in knowing, being led by God and doing what Jesus did on ... Read More

March 7, 2024


All The money in the world cannot give a real peace and satisfaction. Read More

March 6, 2024


A person can only know true happiness when they understand and give compassion. Read More

March 5, 2024


Jesus said I stand at the door and knock. He is willing to come into any house that opens the door. Read More

March 4, 2024


Do you believe we are in the last days? Read More

March 3, 2024


I believe in the grace of God and love it so very much. I don’t like it when people take it ou... Read More

March 2, 2024


Since April 2020, I have received 25 dreams of Warning; civil unrest, civil war and invasion. It&rsq... Read More

March 1, 2024


Do you feel you can be affective in ministry without being baptized as at Pentecost in the book of A... Read More

February 29, 2024


Do you think the Holy Ghost is important today? Read More

February 28, 2024


Do You care about the Holy Ghost? Read More

February 27, 2024


Do you know who the Holy Spirit is? Read More

February 26, 2024


Do you follow GOD or some pope? Read More

February 25, 2024


I love those that truly prepare and warn God’s people what lies ahead; so instead of being a v... Read More

February 24, 2024


Are you sounding the alarm because the enemy is approaching? Or don’t you even see the enemy? Read More

February 23, 2024


Do you truly understand the times were living in? Read More

February 22, 2024


I want to see Jesus more than anyone else. Do you? Read More

February 21, 2024


In eternity, nothing will matter except your salvation. Read More

February 20, 2024


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, but people try to make Jesus into their image instea... Read More

February 19, 2024


The love of God causes us to love and forgive others. Read More

February 18, 2024


The Grace of God is not a license to deliberately sin but immediately forgives our human imperfectio... Read More

February 17, 2024


The Grace of God is so beautiful. Read More

February 16, 2024


I believe millions are going to die under the cup of iniquity laws of God before we have a national ... Read More

February 15, 2024


Are you listening to true prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos and others that warned of judgment w... Read More

February 14, 2024


Do you believe in the cup of iniquity principle in the Bible or your pastor who teaches a false pros... Read More

February 13, 2024


The majority of churches are like The Christians in Germany under Hitler, who ignored reality and sa... Read More

February 12, 2024


All these prosperity preachers whooping it up and having a party are like the false prophets in the ... Read More

February 11, 2024


Where are the true servants that carry the mantle of a Prophet? Read More

February 10, 2024


Since April 2020, I have had 25 prophetic dreams of civil unrest, civil war and an invasion concerni... Read More

February 9, 2024


Nations in Africa, South and Central America, the Caribbean nations, and Asian Nations know the diff... Read More

February 8, 2024


The guilty go unpunished and continue their destructive ways; unless the truth is presented, so Just... Read More

February 7, 2024


To remain quiet, people assume you agree. The truth is never presented and the guilty continue to sp... Read More

February 6, 2024


To stay quiet is guilty by complacency and/or association. Read More

February 5, 2024


Most of today's so-called apostles and prophets are preaching greed and gluttony; boasting of their ... Read More

February 4, 2024


The song says, “I love him better every day”. Do you really love him better daily; wanti... Read More

February 3, 2024


Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice. Many so-called Christian’s today seek people to give them ... Read More

February 2, 2024


Jesus said come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Heretical leaders today say, do as I s... Read More

February 1, 2024


The early church wanted to share in the sufferings of Christ. Today's church runs from the suffering... Read More

January 31, 2024


Depression cannot be defeated if you focus on those who have hurt you. Love covers a multitude of si... Read More

January 30, 2024


The love of God is boundless. Let your love be the same, so your happiness is endless and your joy i... Read More

January 29, 2024


God has commanded you to forgive and love people. Don’t play the adversary who rejects and hat... Read More

January 28, 2024


Leave the past behind, especially the negative. God has already forgiven you. Don’t let men co... Read More

January 27, 2024


Focus on the positive, not the negative, and keep a strong mind where the Holy Spirit can lead you a... Read More

January 26, 2024


Success and prosperity are buzz words that false prophets preach and teach, whereas the message shou... Read More

January 25, 2024


A true prophet focuses on sin, not wealth! Read More

January 24, 2024


Love conquers all, not rejection. If you want to win people to Jesus or correct people, you must lov... Read More

January 23, 2024


Demons tell people to split families apart because of scriptural differences of opinions; what sad s... Read More

January 22, 2024


As for me and my household, we will serve the lord. This way we will ensure victories, as well as un... Read More

January 21, 2024


Don’t let the devil in someone else separate you from those you love. Read More

January 20, 2024


Do you follow your checklist on the job or do you think your slothfulness will be ignored or forgive... Read More

January 19, 2024


The truth brings justice, whereas a lie protects the guilty. Sometimes one must tell others the trut... Read More

January 18, 2024


Why are you still addicted to drugs and/or alcohol if you know Jesus? Do you really know Christ? If ... Read More

January 17, 2024


Jesus said I will give you rest. Are you expecting rest? If not, ask yourself honestly. Do you know ... Read More

January 16, 2024


Are you like Peter before or after Pentecost? One was a coward who compromised, while the other roar... Read More

January 15, 2024


Do you realize we are close to a civil war? Do you even care? Or do you think you are going to be ra... Read More

January 14, 2024


Do you surrender all to God or do you just sing the song? Read More

January 13, 2024


Do you believe in God or yourself? Are you or God leading your life? Your answer will tell you who y... Read More

January 12, 2024


Professional sports are similar to the gladiators in the Colosseum. The emperor used them to distrac... Read More

January 11, 2024


Judge not, that ye be not judged. Read More

January 10, 2024


Jesus' standards never changes but society's cultures changes with the morality values of their peop... Read More

January 9, 2024


Truth that exposes lies brings fundamental justice to those who have been wronged. Read More

January 8, 2024


Only the devil tells you to separate from family and friends because you differ over parts of the Bi... Read More

January 7, 2024


Jesus promises the peace that the world cannot give. Read More

January 6, 2024


Happiness is a choice. Choose Jesus and know true happiness and joy. Read More

January 5, 2024


Prophets in the Bible focused on righteousness and sin, not greed, gluttony and prosperity. Read More

January 4, 2023


Jesus warned in the last days that some people will lie about you, and persecute you, and say all ma... Read More

January 3, 2024


Jesus warned that persecution comes from members of one’s family sometimes, because they don&r... Read More

January 2, 2024


The Bible tells us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will added unto y... Read More

January 1, 2024


What did Jesus promise if you lay your burdens at His feet? REST!! Read More

December 31, 2023


Start the new year with Jesus as your priority and 2024 will be a great year in your walk with Chris... Read More

December 30, 2023


Christ's righteousness over comes your imperfections. Read More

December 29, 2023


God has the responsibility to fix your spouse. You have the responsibility to love your spouse. Sure... Read More

December 28, 2023


God wants His lions to Roar!!! Read More

December 27, 2023


God's love and Grace keeps relationships strong. Pride destroys families and friends. Read More

December 26, 2023


December 25 is the birthday of pagan gods proclaimed by Pope Julius I, to take the focus off them he... Read More

December 25, 2023


Some people can’t wait for Christmas. My question is, is it to celebrate Jesus or is it to par... Read More

December 24, 2023


If one will not allow family and friends to come into their home because they're not perfect, they h... Read More

December 23, 2023


Beware of wolves in sheep clothing. They destroy churches and families. They submit to no authority,... Read More

December 22, 2023


Billy the Kid came against totally corrupt businessmen, who were also cattlemen, that bought off the... Read More

December 21, 2023


Never choose messed up friends; for true family that wants your future to be successful. Read More

December 20, 2023


The people you hang around with are usually the people you become, and are. Are they winners or lose... Read More

December 19, 2023


There is nothing better than when family get together for the holidays. There is nothing worse than ... Read More

December 18, 2023


I know immature people; some are manipulators, others are liars that think they know more about God&... Read More

December 17, 2023


Value family, because when they die, they are gone till you reunite in heaven, if you do. It depends... Read More

December 16, 2023


If an addict doesn’t destroy the addiction that’s holding them in bondage, that addictio... Read More

December 15, 2023


I hate lying. It breaks all trust in a person who lies. An addict usually spins a web of lies to man... Read More

December 14, 2023


Pray for those families that don’t know the grace of God and some members refuse to get togeth... Read More

December 13, 2023


The most cruel and ungodly acts I have heard about as a minister of the gospel, is how grown childre... Read More

December 12, 2023


I am so sad that most churches and denominations don’t seem to understand their responsibility... Read More

December 11, 2023


Do you really understand the times we are living in? Read More

December 10, 2023


An organization that doesn’t recognize the end times, is like a person that doesn’t real... Read More

December 9, 2023


The last days refer to the end times. If one cannot see we are living in the end times, we the churc... Read More

December 8, 2023


How many demons have you cast out of people in the last 12 months? Read More

December 7, 2023


How are we going to save a nation when we don’t move in the Holy Spirit with signs following? Read More

December 6, 2023


Are you bored going to church and listening to stories from the Bible? If your pastor cannot also te... Read More

December 5, 2023


I love the genuine but hate the fakes. Read More

December 4, 2023


Enjoy who you have now in your life before you lose them. Read More

December 3, 2023


I love true Apostles and Prophets, not the imitators that are becoming a dime a dozen. Everybody wan... Read More

December 2, 2023


When leaders get together at conferences, they need to do more than tell stories and about their acc... Read More

December 1, 2023


Most networks don’t invite true Prophets to speak, as they want to hear inspirational rhetoric... Read More

November 30, 2023


Most Christian’s don’t want to hear the truth. They want to hear some pie in the sky esc... Read More

November 29, 2023


God's type of Love never gives up or rejects people. Read More

November 28, 2023


We live or die by the choices we make, which especially includes our friends. Read More

November 27, 2023


Are you eternal? Read More

November 26, 2023


Pray for people who have no family that wants them on Thanksgiving Day. Jesus loves them, even if th... Read More

November 25, 2023


I hope all parents and grandparents are especially honored during this Thanksgiving season. Read More

November 24, 2023


Thanksgiving is to give thanks to God surrounded by family and even friends for your life, each othe... Read More

November 23, 2023


God, family, friends, liberty and good food is what Thanksgiving is all about. Cherish them all whil... Read More

November 22, 2023


If you want life, quit alcohol and drugs and people that do them. They will destroy you. Read More

November 21, 2023


Jesus is a winner and so can you be, when you join His team. Read More

November 20, 2023


No matter what happens, never give up! Read More

November 19, 2023


Do you realize that Jesus, the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as the other apostles and prophets i... Read More

December 19, 2023


There is nothing better than when family get together for the holidays. There is nothing worse than ... Read More

December 18, 2023


I know immature people; some are manipulators, others are liars that know more of God’s love t... Read More

November 18, 2023


I hate the fake gospel coming out of many churches, because they destroy a life of faith. Read More

November 17, 2023


Most so called prophets today are only motivational and inspirational; not true people who have the ... Read More

November 16, 2023


Do you understand America is backslidden; because most churches have failed to be salt and light? Read More

November 15, 2023


Jesus' morality and values are the same yesterday, today and forever. Are yours? Read More

November 14, 2023


Deport protestors that are supporting Hamas, who declared war on Israel and the world that won&rsquo... Read More

November 13, 2023


Jesus said if you eat and drink of me, you’ll never go hungry and thirsty again. Do you know w... Read More

Noveber 12, 2023


Do you understand what the kingdom of God is; what day it will rule the earth? Read More

November 11, 2023


What is your purpose in life? Read More

November 10, 2023


Do not let old soul ties pull you back into destructive behavior. Break it off and live as the Bible... Read More

November 9, 2023


Do you understand you will only have a long life if you choose your friends wisely and serve your Go... Read More

November 8, 2023


The decision to have a journey of health and happiness is yours to make. Read More

November 7, 2023


Choose life. Break off all old soul ties that have been destructive to your life. Start your journey... Read More

November 6, 2023


Starbucks union voices are supporting Hamas. There are other coffee shops to support. Read More

November 5, 2023


An addict, you cannot trust. They have given themselves over to their flesh and spirits. Read More

November 4, 2023


Jesus, others and you, what a wonderful way to spell joy. Read More

November 3, 2023


If you want GOD to give you Grace, you need to give Grace to others! Read More

November 2, 2023


Without the Grace of God operating in America today, this country would be already destroyed. Read More

November 1, 2023


Sometimes a person can see Jesus in people and other people, one sees death instead. Read More

October 31, 2023


Life and death are in the daily choices we make. Read More

October 30, 2023


Do you live or exist? Read More

October 29, 2023


If we lose America, the fault lies with main line churches, Pentecostal churches, and those claiming... Read More

October 28, 2023


True Prophets confront sin. They see what is about to happen and why. False prophets see nothing but... Read More

October 27, 2023


Deport those that protest against Israel and America but support Hamas butchering women, the elderly... Read More

October 26, 2023


Usually true apostles and prophets are under the radar, because the leaders of the business oriented... Read More

October 25, 2023


Until true prophets are accepted, the false ones will entertain and inspire the ignorant but the nat... Read More

October 24, 2023


Do you understand only the true disciples of Jesus Christ can save any nation if they are filled wit... Read More

October 23, 2023


Family is very important. Do you value your family? As I minister internationally to millions of Chr... Read More

October 22, 2023


The pastor who is not apostolic normally will not develop a church over 200. If he is apostolic, eit... Read More

October 21, 2023


To develop a true mega church takes the five gifts of ministry. A pastor, teacher and evangelist can... Read More

October 20, 2023


Anyone that comes against the agenda being pushed in America today, will be targeted like the Jews w... Read More

October 19, 2023


Satan wants separation of relationships, whereas Jesus demands restoration of relations if it’... Read More

October 18, 2023


Are the nazis alive in America today? It sure appears so! Read More

October 17, 2023


The church must overthrow Hitler and his policies or be taken prisoner eventually by his policies. Read More

October 16, 2023


Most churches are led by culture-oriented pastors; that when the true gospel is preached, their peop... Read More

October 15, 2023


These days in America are like the days in Germany leading up to World War 2. Civil liberties were t... Read More

October 14, 2023


I love revival but I hate the fake. The circus has got to end! Read More

October 13, 2023


True apostles and prophets are hard to find. But the title now is a dime a dozen. Everyone claims so... Read More

October 12, 2023


Can you honestly say God is first in your life? Most Christians will say mentally he is, because he ... Read More

October 11, 2023


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. But most denominations have changed the truth of the... Read More

October 10, 2023


Do you know what true revival is? It’s not just having a hallelujah time! Read More

October 9, 2023


Most, if not all, denominations need to get back to their roots. Because what they are today is path... Read More

October 8, 2023


Do you move with Pentecost or are you, instead, a dried up water hole? Read More

October 7, 2023


Are you really alive today or just existing? Read More

October 6, 2023


Do you realize The United States of America is supporting the agenda of the United Nations, which is... Read More

October 5, 2023


Do you love Jesus and serve Him with all of your heart, your soul and your strength, or do you love ... Read More

October 4, 2023


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an absolute necessity for affective Christian living and to be a t... Read More

October 3, 2023


I love the lord Jesus Christ. Do you? Read More

October 2, 2023


We are in the great falling away as Jesus warned. Even the church doesn’t seem to know right f... Read More

October 1, 2023


An opinion, whether something looks beautiful or ugly on a person, is not hate speech. It’s an... Read More

September 30, 2023


Family and friends are so important. Don’t devalue their relationships or importance in your l... Read More

September 29, 2023


Some people don’t care about the facts. They just want to believe what they think is correct. ... Read More

September 28, 2023


Are you truly in love with Jesus? If you are, you love those that disagree with you and you hold no ... Read More

September 27, 2023


Jesus promises you freedom and victory and a future. What voices are you listening to? Read More

September 26, 2023


People who wonder if you are talking about them, are usually guilty of various sins; although those ... Read More

September 25, 2023


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Does your pastor support homosexuality? If he does l... Read More

September 24, 2023


Does your pastor believe in making disciples, healing the sick, and casting out demons? This is what... Read More

September 23, 2023


If your pastor cannot cast out demons, leave his church. Read More

September 22, 2023


I am tired of the dog and pony show in most churches. They have nothing left because they have no tr... Read More

September 21, 2023


Eternity is one breath away. Don’t play around with your life that hangs in the balance betwee... Read More

September 20, 2023


People who engage in sin with you don’t care about you. All they want is the pleasure of servi... Read More

September 19, 2023


When you forgive, it sets you free. When you refuse to forgive, you become the slave. Jesus said to... Read More

September 18, 2023


Do you tell the truth or are you so addicted to substance abuse that only God can deliver you now? C... Read More

September 17, 2023


Choices of life and death are made daily. What are you choosing? Read More

September 16, 2023


Grace is not a license to deliberately sin. Jesus gave us grace by taking our place in judgment on t... Read More

September 15, 2023


There are leaders that are so out of touch of reality, that they believe we will continue on earth f... Read More

September 14, 2023


The church has never been so sick and dysfunctional as it is today. The church looks, smells, acts l... Read More

September 13, 2023


People like to build a ministry calling it revival meetings, when people fall down. Revival happens ... Read More

September 12, 2023


Tell truth about the ones you love or they might finally turn their backs on you. Read More

September 11, 2023


What would you do if you were running out of time? Then get it done. Read More

September 10, 2023


One day we all die. Are you ready? Read More

September 9, 2023


Choose your future carefully starting with your spouse and friends. They will decide much of your ha... Read More

September 8, 2023


He who finds a loyal friend finds gold. Read More

September 7, 2023


In a good marriage you don’t see your wife enough. In a bad marriage you see your wife too muc... Read More

September 6, 2023


Is your spouse your best friend? I believe that is ideal and makes for a great marriage. Read More

September 5, 2023


If you find a good spouse, you have found the best thing this side of heaven. Choose carefully, for ... Read More

September 4, 2023


It’s amazing how people always think you’re talking or writing about them. Don’t y... Read More

September 3, 2023


I can honor my government and not agree with them, like I can honor my parents but not agree with th... Read More

September 2, 2023


It’s amazing how guilty people always feel your preaching about them or posting on Facebook ab... Read More

September 1, 2023


I am always amazed how ignorant Christians are of sin and grace, which are in both testaments. Jesus... Read More

August 31, 2023


There are siblings in just about every family that are messed up. Don’t side with them. They m... Read More

August 30, 2023


Break away from old soul/friends ties that have terribly destroyed your health, unless they have tru... Read More

August 29, 2023

Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Who do you follow? Read More

August 28, 2023


Are you a loyal friend who doesn’t talk negatively behind your friends back? If not you’... Read More

August 27, 2023


Never vote for a donkey; too stubborn and a small capacity for intelligence. Read More

August 26, 2023


Don’t argue with a donkey who will never accept the truth no matter how much evidence is prese... Read More

August 25, 2023


I think the Bible is clear. Disease and early death will come upon those who do not honor their pare... Read More

August 24, 2023


People wrongly insinuate that in the New Testament we’re under Grace. Grace was established in... Read More

August 23. 2023


All sin originates in the heart and God judges the heart. People like to say God judges the heart. H... Read More

August 22, 2023


Who can honestly say the church in America is healthy when the nation is morally bankrupt? Read More

August 21, 2023


The nation reflects the health of the church. Most American churches are pathetically sick, ignorant... Read More

August 20, 2023


God certainly judges the heart. Grace is extended in Old and New Testament, whether a person is devo... Read More

August 19, 2023


Grace is throughout the Bible, both Old and New Testament. Read More

August 18, 2023


Mercy, grace and love are in both Old and New Testaments. So is sin. What is classified as sin in th... Read More

August 17, 2023


A devoted christian doesn’t necessarily mean a person understands the Bible. Read More

August 16, 2023


All sin originates in the heart. Read More

August 15, 2023


Today most people who call themselves Apostles and Pastors are like pennies, worthless spiritually! Read More

August 14, 2023


Tattoos are so ugly on people, not to mention condemned in the Bible. Most Christians don’t ca... Read More

August 13, 2023


If you don’t fill your mind with the word of God, the devil will fill your mind with anger, ha... Read More

August 12, 2023


Your best friend should be your spouse. You should treat them the nicest. Do you? Read More

August 11, 2023


True Apostles do miracles; they cast out demons. Strategy and implementation about kingdom expansion... Read More

August 10, 2023


True apostolic leaders are like Issachar. They will sound the alarm. They will prepare and warn what... Read More

August 9, 2023


Grace and justice work together in Judgment. Please order my book, The Science of Judgment. Read More

August 8, 2023


A true man will stand up for the truth no matter what the consequences are. Where are the men behind... Read More

August 7, 2023


Friendship involves trusting one another, not smiling, laughing but then talking to others negativel... Read More

August 6, 2023


The Apostolic should warn of dangers no matter how politically incorrect it might be. Read More

August 5, 2023


If you say I cannot or will not forgive, do you really know God? Read More

August 4, 2023


If you cannot forgive, where is your faith? Read More

August 3, 2023


When injustice becomes normal, resistance becomes a responsibility. Read More

August 2, 2023


Why cannot you forgive others their trespasses so you can yourselves be forgiven by God? Read More

August 1, 2023


Families that don’t know Godly love destroy themselves. Read More

July 31, 2023


Will you give Christ your pain and leave them with Him? Read More

July 30, 2023


Bring all your burdens to the Lord and give them to Him. Read More

July 29, 2023


Jesus will give you a new beginning if you let Him. Read More

July 28, 2023


Giving your heart to Jesus is not acknowledging Jesus as God or that he died for your sins, as the d... Read More

July 27, 2023


Do you realize your fiery temper and unforgiving attitude opens the door for the demoniac to attack ... Read More

July 26, 2023


There is a song titled “I love him better every Day”. The question is, do you? Read More

July 25, 2023


Are you growing in the image of Christ? If not, why? Read More

July 24, 2023


If Jesus is lord of your life, why aren’t you living like it? Read More

July 23, 2023


Yesterday is gone. What are you going to do with the rest of your life? Read More

July 21, 2023


Who said demons can’t talk? We hear them speaking at times from the White House, the Senate an... Read More

July 20, 2023


A pastor cannot council or medicate a demon. Demons must be cast out. The problem is most Pentecosta... Read More

July 19, 2023


Have you noticed that many Pentecostal church denominations are becoming as powerless as those that ... Read More

July 18, 2023


What’s wrong with some denominations that started off in Pentecost and knew how to cast out de... Read More

July 17, 2023


Why in America do countless sheep follow a donkey? Read More

July 16, 2023


Pigs wear rings hanging from their nose. Read More

July 15, 2023


Why do some donkeys lead so many sheep? Read More

July 14, 2023


In the Bible true apostles and prophets warned leaders of nations and nations of sin but today most ... Read More

July 13, 2023


I am tired of members of the clergy calling themselves leaders but they don’t have genuine mir... Read More

July 12, 2023


If you were told Today you will meet your creator, are you ready for that event? Read More

July 11, 2023


Who do you really serve? Read More

July 10, 2023


What would you do daily if you realized you had only one week to live? Read More

July 9, 2023


Don’t plan to physically live forever because nobody has accomplished that feat. Read More

July 8, 2023


Choose today whether you live for eternity or die forever. Read More

July 7, 2023


Are you ready to die? Read More

July 6, 2023


Are you alive or dead today? Read More

July 5, 2023


Is Heaven your home? Read More

July 3, 2023


Do you honor and respect your parents or do you try to judge them like the hypocrite you are? Read More

July 2, 2023


I think it’s extremely sad when a person who calls himself a Christian won’t work with a... Read More

July 1, 2023


Stay within your calling. Don’t try to be somebody else. I am not Billy Graham. I am Jonathan ... Read More

June 30, 2023


Be careful who you allow your son or daughter to marry. That person will either unite your family or... Read More

June 29, 2023


A tree produces good or bad fruit and you can tell the tree. What kind of tree is it where the perso... Read More

June 28, 2023


Your choices today determine whether you live in heaven or hell tomorrow. Read More

June 27, 2023


Who are you? A child of heaven or hell? Read More

June 26, 2023


I am so tired of smiling, lying faces that give you thanks and praise but behind your back criticize... Read More

June 25, 2023


My heart breaks for all of the fathers out there who’s grown children don’t honor and re... Read More

June 24, 2023


Do you have an anger problem? Why? Learn to live in the love of God and then you won’t. Read More

June 23, 2023


Jesus is the same every day. Are you? Read More

June 22, 2023


Let the breath of God just breathe on you and be healed. Read More

June 21, 2023


Can you easily forgive? If not, why? I am sure you are dealing with many demoniac attacks. Read More

June 20, 2023


Do you believe in demons? Depending on the answer could be the problem. Read More

June 19, 2023


The just shall live by faith. What do you live by? Read More

June 18, 2023


If you cannot love your faithful spouse, do not try to say you love God. Read More

June 17, 2023


Betrayal by a friend or ally is usually the worst kind. Read More

June 16, 2023


Love never fails but people sure do! Read More

June 15, 2023


If you love your parents, don’t wait till after they’re dead to realize it. Read More

June 14, 2023


If you give someone too many chances they disrespect you, thinking they’ll always get another ... Read More

June 13, 2023


Never argue with stupid people. It’s a waste of time and you lower yourself to their level. Read More

June 12, 2023


Some people are so filled with unforgiveness that they won’t even attend their grandparents or... Read More

June 11, 2023


Life is so very short. Cherish family and friends. Honor and love your parents. Only by doing these ... Read More

June 10, 2023


If you call yourself a watchman or an apostle or a prophet, do you truly warn the church of the dang... Read More

June 9, 2023


Those that don’t recognize your giftings and celebrate you, get out of that relationship or ne... Read More

June 8, 2023


Do you meet God today? Read More

June 7, 2023


Heaven or hell is your choice. Read More

June 6, 2023


Are you attending a church that ignored reality like most Christians and Jews did in Germany until i... Read More

June 5, 2023


Follow me and I will turn you into fishers of men. What do you fish for? Read More

June 4, 2023


Don’t let a racist divide you from your fellow man. Read More

June 3, 2023


Do you know how to cast out demons? If you cannot, quit calling yourself an apostle or prophet or pa... Read More

June 2, 2023


I think it’s extremely sad and pathetic when Christians separate over eschatology of rapture. ... Read More

June 1, 2023


Most Christians in America are so ignorant about demons because of their pastors who don’t edu... Read More

May 31, 2023


Apostolic Leaders see the enemy approaching and sound the alarm. Read More

May 30, 2023


I have a question. If you go by the title Apostle, Archbishop, Bishop, presbyter, District Supt., Se... Read More

May 29, 2023


I am tired of racists calling Patrick Mahomes a black quarterback. The realty is he is both black an... Read More

May 28, 2023


Many Christians don’t know their Bible. Either they don’t believe in present day apostle... Read More

May 27, 2023


Who do you serve? Is it really GOD or some arrogant self proclaimed supposed minister of the gospel?... Read More

May 26, 2023


I hate hypocrisy in church & political leaders, family and friends. Read More

May 25, 2023


The Bible tells us that God will build his church. It also warns some church leaders will use the ch... Read More

May 24, 2023


God has never failed you but people sure have. Read More

May 23, 2023


As time goes by, one realizes who truly valued and loved you and who only used you. Read More

May 22, 2023


If you really know God, you know how to forgive and love. Read More

May 21, 2023


Few church leaders have had the courage to speak the truth the last few years because of the fear of... Read More

May 20, 2023


If you’re not respected, cherished where you’re at, move on. There are people and leader... Read More

May 19, 2023


Work with those who will celebrate you and not just tolerate you. Read More

May 18, 2023


The Bible says Jesus, God, is the same yesterday, today and forever. Why does the emergent church an... Read More

May 17, 2023


God is still moving like the pillar of cloud in the daytime and the pillar of fire at night. Are you... Read More

May 16, 2023


Why isn’t anyone warning that the Titanic is sinking? Most of the pastors in the pulpit are no... Read More

May 15, 2023


The way some adult children and in-laws treat their parents will probably earn them a special place ... Read More

May 14, 2023


I am so tired of the flakes, heretics, twisted messages and peacocks representing themselves as lead... Read More

May 13, 2023


Go WOKE and Go Broke. Read More

May 12, 2023


Isn’t it amazing how two adulterers can rise to power as a king and queen? That type of immora... Read More

May 11, 2023


If you’re not warning of the judgment of God ready to be poured out upon America, do you know ... Read More

May 10, 2023


Four sins bring judgment on a nation; idolatry, immorality, killing the innocent, and dividing the l... Read More

May 9, 2023


Like in Germany when Hitler was changing the laws, taking away freedom and arresting Jews, most Chri... Read More

May 8, 2023


It doesn’t matter what others think only what you know to be true! Read More

May 7, 2023


They are all doing it and still going to church. Jesus asked will I find faith on earth when I retur... Read More

May 6, 2023


God is love and loving God is not rejecting your loved ones, especially your parents. Read More

May 5, 2023


Serve God or serve your yourselves. That is the real choice. Read More

May 4, 2023


I will just pray for the people in sin but Jesus said to witness to them and warn them of the danger... Read More

May 3, 2023


I don’t want to offend the person so I will ignore their sins and let them go to hell instead.... Read More

May 2, 2023


Do we care about people? Why are we ignoring sin in their lives if we say we care? Read More

May 1, 2023


I am so tired of weak leaders leading the churches today. We are losing America because of them. Read More

April 30. 2023


Where are the true leaders in the churches today? They think it’s wise to keep silent. Jesus a... Read More

April 29, 2023


Across America, Americans are divided over politics and religion. This should never separate friends... Read More

April 28, 2023


A live and let live mentality is what most Christian’s today think. That’s why America i... Read More

April 27, 2023


Can you ignore your differences with your loved ones and let love prevail so you can have a relation... Read More

April 26, 2023


It’s always conservatives willing to talk about the issues. Liberals cannot defend their brain... Read More

April 25, 2023


Never listen to a one sided story of a person’s parents. You might find out you have been list... Read More

April 24, 2023


When people refuse to talk about their differences the devil wins. Read More

April 23, 2023


Most who call themselves Prophets are people who operate under the gift given by the Holy Spirit cal... Read More

April 22, 2023


I am tired of cowards in the church calling themselves leaders, when they are afraid to call out sin... Read More

April 21, 2023


If you call yourself a church leader, or an Apostle no less, and you are not speaking up against the... Read More

April 20, 2023


If your pastor is not worried about sin and its consequences but instead has a twisted view of grace... Read More

April 19, 2023


Do you understand judgment? Order my book, “The Science of Judgment.” See why America is... Read More

April 18, 2023


A true Apostle, besides being a master builder, moves with power, authority, miracles, signs and won... Read More

April 17, 2023


I am tired of supposed prophets and prophetesses prophesying some pie in the sky but never warning o... Read More

April 16, 2023


Love confronts sin it doesn’t ignore it. Only a coward ignores sin and calls it love. Read More

April 15, 2023


It’s better to live for God than die for yourself. Read More

April 14, 2023


Do you cast out demons? If not, quit calling yourself an Apostle. Read More

April 13, 2023


Spirits/demons are attacking people today yet most Americans, even in the church, are clueless! Read More

April 12, 2023


Do you care that same sex marriage is legal? Read The Science of Judgment book because God holds nat... Read More

April 11, 2023


I’m tired of all the excuses cowards give like: it’s not wise, they already know the tru... Read More

April 10, 2023


If your pastor is not publicly condemning sins of abomination like Jesus and the Word of God does, t... Read More

April 9, 2023


Why are most pastors quiet on the communistic takeover of America? Why aren’t they speaking ag... Read More

April 8, 2023


Evil talks tolerance until they are in control. Once in control, they crush all resistance to their ... Read More

April 7, 2023


Do you know America is in a communistic takeover? If your pastor is not warning you of these things,... Read More

April 6, 2023


Pre-trib Rapture is a theory that is leading many Christian’s into a false sense of security. ... Read More

April 5, 2023


Are you ready for the Great Reset or is your pastor totally ignorant of the times we live in? He can... Read More

April 4, 2023


The movie Avatar has demoniac figures behaving as humans. Most American Christians have no clue abou... Read More

April 3, 2023


Sometimes people that hate you or reject you are jealous of you. Read More

April 2, 2023


Some people looking forward to summer for swimming and boating etc. I look forward to every day of m... Read More

April 1, 2023


Love never fails, not retaliation and rejection. Read More

March 31, 2023


God will judge young punk pastors that destroy extended families because of their pride. Now they be... Read More

March 30, 2023


Jesus said some of your enemies will be relatives and close friends and that is true most of the tim... Read More

March 29, 2023


Men with little faith are destroying the church because they bow to pharaoh, not challenge him like ... Read More

March 28, 2023


The lukewarm church is usually led by pastors who live carnally, depending on common sense rather th... Read More

March 27, 2023


All true men of God who move in the Holy Spirit have testimonies. They tell them to give God the glo... Read More

March 26, 2023


Isn’t it hilarious that people with no testimonies call people with testimonials braggarts. Th... Read More

March 25, 2023


Do you understand your life is a vapor? What are you doing with your life? Will you at the end regre... Read More

March 24, 2023


Most people ignore thinking about eternity. They only want to think about the present. They are afra... Read More

March 23, 2023


Today you are alive. What about tomorrow? Where will you spend eternity? Read More

March 22, 2023


There is nothing sweeter than when children are proud of their parents. There is nothing sadder than... Read More

March 21, 2023


There is huge difference between those that operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit under prophecy a... Read More

March 20, 2023


Most Christians live like the people lived during the days of Noah. They are eating and drinking and... Read More

March 19, 2023


Christian cowards are destroying our nation as they turn it over to the devil without even verbal re... Read More

March 18, 2023


Our daily choices determine our success in life and eternal destiny. Read More

March 17, 2023


Are you wise enough to choose Jesus over people? Or do you choose the sex with your fornicating part... Read More

March 16, 2023


The walking dead have daily resisted the Holy Spirit to the point the Holy Spirit has left confronti... Read More

March 15, 2023


Are you alive or are you the walking dead? Read More

March 14, 2023


The Bible tells us people will know that we are followers of Christ by our love. Yet some self procl... Read More

March 13, 2023


Today I choose life. What about you? Do you know the author of life? Read More

March 12, 2023


I love spending time with family. My heart breaks for families that experience division because some... Read More

March 11, 2023


Conflict is never fun but sometimes necessary. Read More

March 10, 2023


Watch and pray as your adversary is planning to destroy you. Read More

March 9, 2023


Exercise the choice of forgiveness so you can be happy. Read More

March 8, 2023


Love is the most powerful force on earth. It can move mountains and heal the most hopeless situation... Read More

March 7, 2023


Do you understand there is a truth which I call, The Science of Judgment? Read More

March 6, 2023


What do you think is going to happen to America? Prosperity or Judgment? Read More

March 5, 2023


The people you hang out with determine who you are and your destiny much of the time. Read More

March 4, 2023


Our choices have a lot to do with our healing and daily happiness. Read More

March 3, 2023


Choose today to make it be joyful and happy and filled with hope to create victory. Read More

March 2, 2023


If you truly want restoration you don’t condemn and call names but love covers a multitude of ... Read More

March 1, 2023


Time is running out for America. Judgment is eminent. But first it will be begin with the lukewarm a... Read More

February 28, 2023


The Bible, Jesus and every biblical counselor will tell you that a person chooses to love or chooses... Read More

February 27, 2023


An individual does not marry into a family and try to play Holy Spirit to discipline someone, as tho... Read More

February 26, 2023


John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are my disciples.” Love is our badge of ident... Read More

February 25, 2023


In the dysfunctional church today, leaders cannot cast out demons but instead they refer troubled pe... Read More

February 24, 2023


If your pastor only preaches that God wants to bless you but they don’t warn you about sin, yo... Read More

February 23, 2023


People choose to attend a church that preaches prosperity; not holiness, righteousness and sacrifice... Read More

February 22, 2023


Today Christian’s attend church to become prosperous, not to serve God. Read More

February 21, 2023


A great awakening is needed to save America. A national great awakening that prevents judgment on a ... Read More

February 20, 2023


There’s nothing more dangerous than a Pharisee trying to be a pastor, passing on judgment on o... Read More

February 19, 2023


Love holds no grudges, restores relationships and cherishes, respects and honors family and parents.... Read More

February 18, 2023


Why does every topic now in sports that has a black person have to become a racist topic. I watch so... Read More

February 17, 2023


Jesus taught if you don’t walk in love, you don’t know God. This is not my teaching but ... Read More

February 16, 2023


Because the NFL has backed BLM and Wokeness, I haven’t watched much football the last three ye... Read More

February 15, 2023


I know several young men that call themselves Pastors but they are hypocrites and divide families. T... Read More

February 14, 2023


Only God has the right to truly judge somebody because God knows all things and has all the facts. W... Read More

February 13, 2023


I am tired of the discrimination, even racism involved in saying Patrick Mahomes; Kansas City Chiefs... Read More

February 12, 2023


Jesus came to set the captives free. Some people make the free into captives. Read More

February 11, 2023


Are you excited about missing church or going to church? It could reveal different things. Read More

February 10, 2023


Are you a fool or are you wise. Your decisions expose who you are. Read More

February 9, 2023


A foolish man lives for today. A wise man lives for tomorrow. Read More

February 8, 2023


A prophetic man lives for tomorrow. A foolish man lives for today. Read More

February 7, 2023


Some people are gonna be terrified when they stand before Jesus because of the way they treated and ... Read More

February 6, 2023


Remember, how you treat your parents is how your children are going to treat you! Read More

February 5, 2023


Some people try and judge and reject others instead of loving them. Jesus said people will be drawn ... Read More

February 4, 2023


Do you truly love God? You prove it by the way you honor your parents. Read More

February 3, 2023


Love wins the sinner to Christ not rejection. Read More

March 3, 2023


Some leaders are so arrogant. They burn bridges with people who have helped them in the past and lov... Read More

February 2, 2023


They will know that you’re Christians by your love, not by your critical, judgmental, rejectin... Read More

February 1, 2023


People used to go to church and their sins were dealt with, but now they go to church to engage in s... Read More

January 31, 2023


A person used to go to church to worship God, now they go to church to be entertained. Read More

January 30, 2023


Remember, if you want to be like some of the greatest leaders like Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus, ... Read More

January 29, 2023


Victory is just ahead, depending on your choices. Read More

January 28, 2023


Jesus is the same every day, as He is not WOKE. Read More

January 27, 2023


I am ready to meet my God. Are you? Read More

January 26, 2023


Today or tomorrow, when will you finally do what God is asking you to do? Read More

January 25, 2023


And everything seems to be going wrong, maybe that’s the day for total victory? Read More

January 24, 2023


I am tired of the lukewarm church. Judgment is certain. Read More

January 23, 2023


It’s an abomination for parents to keep their children from their grandparents. Even professio... Read More

January 22, 2023


If you cannot honor your parents, you cannot honor God. Read More

January 21, 2023


Unforgiveness is the most horrible sin because it not only rejects another person but you sentence y... Read More

January 20, 2023


Be careful about your daily choices because they determine your tomorrow’s successes and failu... Read More

January 19, 2023


If today is the day you die. Are you ready? Read More

January 18, 2023


With Christ I can do anything that He asks me to do. Read More

January 17, 2023


When a nation legalizes immorality, judgment is at the door. Read More

January 16, 2023


Nothing can save America from millions of people dying other than a Nineveh revival. Read More

January 15, 2023


Why aren’t people and all politicians calling for Joe Biden to be impeached? Taking classified... Read More

January 14, 2023


All of these swamp creatures caught in outright perjury and other felony crimes, yet no one is arres... Read More

January 13, 2023


It is so funny and totally hypocritical to see politicians who are part of the swamp saying they&rsq... Read More

January 12, 2023


It is really sad to separate your relationship over a different view of eschatology. It doesn’... Read More

January 11, 2023


Be an encourager not a discourager. Operate in grace, love, mercy and forgiveness, then you’ll... Read More

January 10, 2023


Do dogs, cats or family and friends showing up as you’re going to church stop you from attendi... Read More

January 9, 2023


Life is short. Death is sure. Operate in grace so you receive grace when you die. Read More

January 8, 2023


Apostles do more than talk about kingdom expansion. They live the kingdom and expand it without need... Read More

January 7, 2023


Respect your parents, not because they deserve it. You respect your parents because God commands it.... Read More

January 6, 2023


You honor God by honoring authority. If you don’t honor your parents you don’t honor God... Read More

January 5, 2023


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The question is are you changing? Read More

January 4, 2023


Do you live a life extending the Grace of God? You should if you want the Grace of God extended to y... Read More

January 3, 2022


Who do you serve? Read More

January 2, 2023


What we do today has ramifications that can last in eternity. Read More

January 1, 2023


With the Lord’s help make 2023 your very best year! Read More

December 31st, 2022


Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come to pass. It’s only how you live today that count... Read More

December 30th, 2022


What the world needs is to know the Grace of God. Read More

December 29th, 2022


Judgment is getting ready to fall on the house of God in America! Read More

December 28th, 2022


Do you understand the meaning of Grace? Read More

December 27th, 2022


People who refuse to forgive others are miserable, tormented, selfish individuals who don’t kn... Read More

December 26th, 2022


I celebrate Jesus on December 25 without the Christmas pagan roots, with family and friends, even th... Read More

December 25th, 2022


Molech and his demons rule America. Read More

December 24th, 2022


Are you an Abraham or are you more like Lot's wife? One is life and the other is death. Read More

December 23rd, 2022


Jesus is eternal life. Do you have eternal life? Read More

December 22nd, 2022


America use to be blessed by God. Now America is coming under judgment for sins of abomination that ... Read More

December 21st, 2022


Do you know what a child of God is? Read More

December 20th, 2022


Some people live for eternity. Other people only live for this world. Your decision determines wheth... Read More

December 19th, 2022


You have one life to live! Who do you live for? Read More

December 18th, 2022


One painful lesson ministry has taught me is that the people who love and support you today can be t... Read More

December 17th, 2022


Some people like to use the word Apostle and Prophet. But can they really function as one? There is ... Read More

December 16th, 2022


The misunderstanding of the scriptures contributes to a dysfunctional church that is waiting for the... Read More

December 15th, 2022


When will the body of Christ quit compromising? Does it take a loss of freedom and eventually millio... Read More

December 14th, 2022


The government and the mafia have worked together to rule nations. Sometimes the government is the m... Read More

December 13th, 2022


What is life all about? Read More

December 12th, 2022


Who do you live for? Read More

December 11th, 2022


Today you’re alive. Tomorrow you might not be. Do you know where you’ll spend eternity? Read More

December 10th, 2022


God spoke words and created the world. Watch your words as they are powerful and can determine succe... Read More

December 9th, 2022


You live today but will you be alive tomorrow? Choose well who you serve today, because your choice ... Read More

December 8th, 2022


If you can’t honor your parents as the Bible commands, you cannot honor God. Read More

December 7th, 2022


Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with y... Read More

December 6th, 2022


Watch how your pastor treats his parents or in-laws. If he doesn’t honor them, leave his churc... Read More

December 5th, 2022


Know your friends and know your enemies, for that truth one has victory or defeat in life. Read More

December 4th, 2022


Molech and judgment and all those that serve him. Read More

December 3rd, 2022


Are you serving Molech? Read More

December 2nd, 2022


It’s so hard to Believe Christians would separate from working with one another over a differe... Read More

December 1st, 2022


Eternity is one breath away. Are you ready for heaven or hell? Read More

November 30th, 2022


Are you a Christian warrior or a Christian spy? Read More

November 29th, 2022


Have you thought about eternity? You could be in it today. Read More

November 28th, 2022


If you are not concerned and grieved with the sin in your nation, then you need help yourself. Read More

November 27th, 2022


I am deeply grieved with christian cowards and hypocrites. They cannot preserve a nation. Read More

November 26th, 2022


People say, "I don’t like the messenger." I’m sure there are those that said they did no... Read More

November 25th, 2022


Is your pastor preaching with a deep urgency from deep within, created from the Holy Spirit because ... Read More

November 24th, 2022


Is your pastor involved with censorship? Is he involved with cancel culture in the woke heresy? If h... Read More

November 23rd, 2022


Do you realize that censorship is what communist countries do? What dictators do? We are living in c... Read More

November 22nd, 2022


Bad theology and eschatology is destroying America because it has neutered the church. Read More

November 21st, 2022


Going to church doesn’t make you a christian and preaching doesn’t make you a righteous ... Read More

November 20th, 2022


We pass this way only once. Make sure you qualify for heaven. Jesus said if you don’t forgive,... Read More

November 19th, 2022


Grace is God’s love He gives to people in all their sins. That’s why only death will giv... Read More

November 18th, 2022


Do you realize that until the second coming of Jesus Christ, He will not walk the Earth unless He do... Read More

November 17th, 2022


He comes as a thief in the night. Are you ready? Read More

November 16th, 2022


Only another Great Awakening can save the nation and prevent persecution. Go to www.worldministries.... Read More

November 15th, 2022


Heaven is filled with only people who knew how to forgive. Read More

November 14th, 2022


Only a person’s arrogance burns bridges in holy relationships because of foolish pride. When a... Read More

November 13th, 2022


The Great Physician overrides earthly doctors. Read More

November 12th, 2022


If you deny Jesus, you deny any hope of true peace! Read More

November 11th, 2022


When I am writing Pastoral articles or teaching or preaching, if you think I’m talking about y... Read More

November 10th, 2022


Life is too short to have a critical condemning spirit that refuses to love and cherish one’s ... Read More

November 9th, 2022


You are extremely foolish to burn your bridges with people who blessed and helped you in the past. Y... Read More

November 8th, 2022


You cannot fly with someone who has no feathers. Make sure you choose the right people to work with.... Read More

November 7th, 2022


There is a difference between a true apostle of Jesus Christ and a Great entrepreneur, who is a CEO ... Read More

November 6th, 2022


True Apostles walk with humility, knowing they are the servants of all. If you see one walking in se... Read More

November 5th, 2022


Your humility is what promotes you. Your vanity is what demotes you. Listen to all people who questi... Read More

November 4th, 2022


If you have to advise someone of the “Grace” that you walk in, then maybe you’re n... Read More

November 3rd, 2022


Forgiveness is the key to all relationships. If you can’t forgive, God can’t forgive you... Read More

November 2nd, 2022


Focus on your relationships, not the perceived racism in society. Dwelling on racism will destroy re... Read More

November 1st, 2022


Are you ready when trouble comes to fight or lie and run like Peter did when Jesus was arrested? If ... Read More

October 31st, 2022


When men slept Jesus returned. Will that be you? Read More

October 30th, 2022


Don’t try to tell somebody you love them but you can’t hang out with them until they rep... Read More

October 29th, 2022


Love is how people know you truly are a child of God. Your words mean nothing without transmitted lo... Read More

October 28th, 2022


I believe Apostles and prophets are still operating today but many people who use these titles are n... Read More

October 27th, 2022


Some denominations are nothing more than demonization centers. They twist the Scriptures and try to ... Read More

October 26th, 2022


Using an excuse that I will do it tomorrow is usually a sign of failure. For tomorrow with this ment... Read More

October 25th, 2022


Trying to act as judge over someone is the opposite of humility, which knows but for the grace of Go... Read More

October 24th, 2022


God tells us that love covers a multitude of sins. The Bible warns if you are a disciple of Jesus Ch... Read More

October 23rd, 2022


The bad interpretation and twisting of the scripture with the wrong eschatology is helping to bring ... Read More

October 22nd, 2022


I know narcissists who have married into families and destroyed and stopped the close family gatheri... Read More

October 21st, 2022


It is not your job to judge your parents or in-laws. It is your job to honor them, respect them, lov... Read More

October 20th, 2022


If God is the most important thing in your life, does your life reflect that? Read More

October 19th, 2022


Are you an Eagle, a sparrow or a buzzard? What would God call you spiritually? Read More

October 18th, 2022


Get rid of the traitors; the disloyal people in your office or on your staff. Unless one likes livin... Read More

October 17th, 2022


Why don’t intelligent people who think research, instead of believing a barrage of lies from t... Read More

October 16th, 2022


Why are people so foolish to separate because they hold a different view when the rapture will take ... Read More

October 15th, 2022


I hate the apathy that is in most churches today. Surely the Holy Spirit is so grieved. Don’t ... Read More

October 14th, 2022


Without another great awakening, no political leader will save America only delay judgment. Order my... Read More

October 13th, 2022


Only Twelve percent of youth pastors have a biblical world view, and you wonder what is wrong in Ame... Read More

October 12th, 2022


Do you realize America is self destructing because of sins of abomination? Order my book “The ... Read More

October 11th, 2022


Jesus asked the question, “when I return will I find faith?“ This is so very true! Even ... Read More

October 10th, 2022


Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Are you? Read More

October 9th, 2022


As we compromise the gospel we betray Jesus Christ. Read More

October 8th, 2022


Boycott any church that celebrates Halloween. Read More

October 7th, 2022


A person cannot live in the past or they won’t be able to live with happiness in the future. Read More

October 6th, 2022


God's view on morality doesn’t change with different cultures. Jesus changes the culture to Go... Read More

October 5th, 2022


Christian families can overlook a multitude of sins as that is what Christ taught. If you cannot, yo... Read More

October 4th, 2022


I believe in my God; the Republic and in myself. Read More

October 3rd, 2022


Don’t allow any person to come between family because of differences in the interpretation of ... Read More

October 2nd, 2022


Be careful who you marry because some people will take you away from your gifts under the Holy Spiri... Read More

October 1st, 2022


First Corinthians chapter 13 tells us that love forgives and bears all things and restores relations... Read More

September 30th, 2022


Don’t ever let spouse, family, friends or enemies stop you from walking in your calling as a p... Read More

September 29th, 2022


To win in life depends on your choices. Let the word of God and council from men of God influence yo... Read More

September 28th, 2022


Life or death, success or failure, depends whether one can be taught and corrected. If you don&rsquo... Read More

September 27th, 2022


How utterly sad and foolish it is for people who are supposed Christians to separate over one’... Read More

September 26th, 2022


Are you ready to meet God? Death comes as a thief in the night. When he comes you won’t have t... Read More

September 25, 2022


Sodom, Gomorrah and the Plain cities. The Romans and the Nazis. All cultures filled with sexual perv... Read More

September 24th, 2022


The Politically Correct will never save this nation nor will it spark another Great Awakening. Read More

September 23rd, 2022


Leadership is responsible for the blessing or destruction of a nation; primarily political and churc... Read More

September 22nd, 2022


The most important thing in your life is who you serve. Is it God or is it yourself? Read More

September 21st, 2022


It’s your decision who you marry, so don’t blame others. Don’t blame others becaus... Read More

September 20th, 2022


It’s your decisions that determine your future. Your decisions determine your happiness. Your ... Read More

September 19, 2022


Only the church can stop this communist takeover in America. But the problem lies in the condition o... Read More

September 18th, 2022


Cowardly pastors and those under the The Marxist covering, The Federal Council of Churches, who won&... Read More

September 17th, 2022


Matthew 6: 15 “If you don’t forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father won&rs... Read More

September 16th, 2022


It is truly pathetic when even at death some family members stay bitter with one another and won&rsq... Read More

September 15th, 2022


Do you realize America is on the brink of the Republic toppling? We must have another Great Awakenin... Read More

September 14th, 2022


No politician will save America, only the bride of Christ. Yes, Donald trump could prolong Americas ... Read More

September 13th, 2022


The Bible says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The emergent church claims the word o... Read More

September 12th, 2022


Are you serving God or do you think God is serving you? One view is scriptural and the other is here... Read More

September 11th, 2022


The church is totally dysfunctional. Only 12% of children's and youth pastors have a biblical worldv... Read More

September 10th, 2022


There is healing of every disease and infirmity and demoniac attack through the power of Jesus. Read More

September 9th, 2022


Each day that goes by cannot be changed. Watch what you say because words are powerful and have posi... Read More

September 8th, 2022


If you lower your morals and values to be friends with your children, then you were no longer a pare... Read More

September 7th, 2022


Never compromise your values and morality to be friends with anybody. Read More

September 6th, 2022


Most people don’t know how to control their mouth and keep hurting other people. Pride is the ... Read More

September 5th, 2022


Do you realize you’re living under communism now and soon they will take away your liberties, ... Read More

September 4th, 2022


Judgment is coming to America, including many churches who are guilty of evolving God’s Word t... Read More

September 3rd, 2022


Why are mainline churches supporting sins of abomination? Why are they supporting homosexuality and ... Read More

September 2nd, 2022


We are on the verge of losing our freedoms as prophecy is coming to pass literally and the church is... Read More

September 1st, 2022


Fundamental Christians, true patriots, true conservatives and those that voted for Donald Trump are ... Read More

August 31st, 2022


I am tired of living under communism in America. We need another Great Awakening or the Republic of ... Read More

August 30th, 2022


What type of Christianity do people practice with either no law or no mercy? A made up religion wher... Read More

August 29th, 2022


Only you can change bad habits to become successful. Unless you’re disabled, an idiot, a moron... Read More

August 28th, 2022


If your church supports WOKE and sins of abomination such as homosexuality, abortion, drag queens et... Read More

August 27th, 2022


We must be warriors for Jesus Christ protecting the word of God against the emergent church heresies... Read More

August 26th, 2022


Do you understand all liars; all those who deliberately disobey authority are going to hell? Why don... Read More

August 25th, 2022


Do you realize there are churches inviting drag queens into their church to teach their students abo... Read More

August 24th, 2022


When I grew up, if people came to visit when it was time to go to church they either could go with u... Read More

August 23rd, 2022


Heaven is where some people will go. Where will you go? The Bible warns liars, cheaters, fornicators... Read More

August 22nd, 2022


Who leads the church? It is suppose to be the Christ of the Bible, not the emergent WOKE Ichabod chu... Read More

August 21st, 2022


Christians are suppose to be the body of Christ. If the body (ekklesia) doesn’t save America f... Read More

August 20th, 2022


If you don’t want to go to a church that moves in the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders, working ... Read More

August 19th, 2022


Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come to pass. Enjoy today and make sure you’re ready ... Read More

August 18th, 2022


Happiness is God, family and friends. Read More

August 17th, 2022


In an hour that you think not I come Jesus said. Are you ready to die and face eternity? Read More

August 16th, 2022


It’s a shame how some people have to twist the truth because they are afraid of other people. Read More

August 15, 2022


When you stop trusting you have no relationship. All sides need to start forgiving and then trusting... Read More

August 14th, 2022


The Priority is your marriage. If husband and wife show they love each other, their children are sec... Read More

August 13th, 2022


The most important relationship that a man and woman must focus on is their marriage. Child centered... Read More

August 12th, 2022


God made Adam. God made a wife for Adam after his own kind. Meaning human, not animals, birds or fis... Read More

August 11th, 2022


Most Christians today don’t operate in the love of God. They operate in their own shallow, car... Read More

August 10th, 2022


It doesn’t matter how much you tell somebody you love them if you refuse to be with them. Then... Read More

August 9th, 2022


Today in America the church is Germany all over again, weak, fearful and dysfunctional. Where are th... Read More

August 8th, 2022


The Bible tells people how to know Jesus followers. It says by their love which is suppose to reflec... Read More

August 7th, 2022


If you allow differences on doctrine or politics to separate you so you won’t see the person, ... Read More

August 6th, 2022


1 John 4:7 “We are to love one another, for God is love.” Christians are targets of Gods... Read More

August 5th, 2022


The Bible says God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His morality doesn&rs... Read More

August 4th, 2022


Do you have the relationship with God to be at peace and the authority to say in the middle of a sto... Read More

August 3rd, 2022


Do you realize America is under attack? Are you like the Christians in Germany who failed to get inv... Read More

August 2nd, 2022


Who are family but those who truly support your vision and want to be with you? All others are but s... Read More

August 1st, 2022


The Bible and Jesus talks a lot about hell. Twice as much as heaven and who would go there. Are you ... Read More

JULY 31ST, 2022


I find it comical and pathetic the many excuses people use for not attending church. Which one of yo... Read More

July 30th, 2022


Most Christians today Will receive the same penalty of persecution, suffering and death as the first... Read More

July 29th, 2022


Remember those you love to show them and tell them how much they mean to you. Death comes as a thief... Read More

July 28th, 2022


Forgiveness without restoration is sounding brass and a tinkling symbol. Are you a tinkling symbol o... Read More

July 27th, 2022


The Word of God never changed. It doesn’t evolve like some WOKE pastors claim to justify homos... Read More

July 26th, 2022


One appointment that you cannot avoid is death. The Bible warns that it is appointed unto man once t... Read More

July 25th, 2022


Live each day as if you will meet God that very day. One day you will and that day you won’t e... Read More

July 24th, 2022


Do you go to a church that they teach you to serve God? Few churches teach this truth. Or do you go ... Read More

July 23rd, 2022


The gospel in America has been polluted terribly. The Bible is one book. Man has divided it into the... Read More

July 22nd, 2022


Most Christians are pathetically Unconcerned about the reality facing America today. With hedonism p... Read More

July 21st, 2022


Most people even in the church do not fear God. The Bible tells us “that the fear of God is th... Read More

July 20th, 2022


If you don’t move in Pentecost it’s time you tarry until you do. That was a commandment ... Read More

July 19th, 2022


Are you an Eagle or are you a Chicken? Depends how much time you spend with God and other Eagles. Read More

July 18th, 2022


Eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus Christ and proclaim, I will live and will not die in Jesu... Read More

July 17th, 2022


Do you know Jesus is coming back? Are you ready? Do you forgive those who have disappointed or hurt ... Read More

July 16th, 2022


America is in crisis. Subscribe to Eagles Saving Nations at www.worldministries.org. The goal is to ... Read More

July 15th, 2022


Can you literally cast your cares and burdens upon the Lord and leave them with God? Or, do you pick... Read More

July 14th, 2022


The movers and shakers in the Great Awakenings continued to chase after more of God. This is why the... Read More

July 13th, 2022


When the Bible refers to Jesus concern whether he would find faith when he returns I certainly under... Read More

July 12th, 2022


Unless the church gets back to Jesus commandment to tarry so He can continue to do miracles, signs a... Read More

July 11th, 2022


One of the most stupidest statements I have ever heard came from a pastor. “I don’t have... Read More

July 10th, 2022


Life is so very short. What are you doing with your life? Yesterday will never be recovered. Today i... Read More

July 9th, 2022


Hedonism is destroying America. Adults from Other countries are shocked the way children and adults ... Read More

July 8th, 2022


Moses as a young man refused to be called the son of pharaohs daughter. Our choices determine our de... Read More

July 7th, 2022


Hedonism rules America including most Christian’s. Many pastors are afraid to address this sin... Read More

July 6th, 2022


Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What a winning combination. Husband, wife and Holy Spirit is also a win... Read More

July 5th, 2022


Do you know why Andy Griffith was the number one program and is still extremely popular today? It Is... Read More

July 4th, 2022


Celebrate Fourth of July and our freedom because if the church doesn’t have another great awak... Read More

July 3rd, 2022


What is the most important things in one’s life? It should be God, family and friends. Cherish... Read More

July 2nd, 2022


The famous revivalist Charles G. Finney would say, “If you think I’m speaking to you I a... Read More

July 1st, 2022


If your pastor doesn’t support the over turning of Roe v Wade, leave that church as it is Icha... Read More

June 30th, 2022


Freedom is on the line. Will the church wake up or sleep like the The Christians did in Germany unde... Read More

June 29th, 2022


Some people are so undescerning they miss the attacks of Satan because they are looking for the litt... Read More

June 28th, 2022


Since March 2020 I have had twenty five dreams concerning Civil unrest, civil war and an invasion. R... Read More

June 27th, 2022


God’s Grace is time given when the spirit is in our body to judge oneself. When the spirit lea... Read More

June 26th, 2022


What kind of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law are you that judges or rejects or dishonors your parent... Read More

June 25th, 2022


No matter what you have done, no matter how much you have failed God, God still loves you. He will a... Read More

June 24th, 2022


Do you care about people? Do you love people? Do you forgive people? If not, how can the love of God... Read More

June 23rd, 2022


Only the bride of Christ could stop this communist takeover around the world in every nation. Most o... Read More

June 22nd, 2022


Words of love are meaningless if you don’t give them respect and honor and want to be with the... Read More

June 21st, 2022


The good, the bad and the ugly. A good person is respectful, remembers holidays and funerals with ap... Read More

June 20th, 2022


The seasons in life have a beginning and ending. Don’t give in to despair because better days ... Read More

June 19th, 2022


One has no choice over relatives. But you can choose your friends. I have great friends as close or ... Read More

June 18th, 2022


There is a time and season for all things. Don’t worry or be distraught, this time in your lif... Read More

June 17th, 2022


Someone who is evil and dishonorable to their parents or in-laws cannot know the love of God enough ... Read More

June 16th, 2022


I have testimonies of adults keeping their children from their parents. What evil people they are. C... Read More

June 15th, 2022


We need another Great Awakening or this nation will fall. Words preached without Pentecost behind th... Read More

June 14th, 2022


One day for each of us life on earth will be over. We will all be judged on how we treated family, f... Read More

June 13th, 2022


If you’re attending a church that denies the need for the baptism of the Holy Spirit or you ha... Read More

June 12th, 2022


Satan is the author of confusion and division. Jesus is the author of forgiveness and restoration. D... Read More

June 11th, 2022


Winds of change are coming. Are you ready to change with the seasons of God in your life. For all th... Read More

June 10th, 2022


True family are those that are with you in good and bad times. They are there for you and support yo... Read More

June 9th, 2022


John the Baptist lost his head for standing against Immorality to the king. Joseph went to prison in... Read More

June 8th, 2022


Four sins bring certain judgment on a nation, Idolatry, immorality, killing the innocent and dividin... Read More

June 7th, 2022


Some people are so bitter they won’t even go to a family member's funeral. Do they realize the... Read More

June 6th, 2022


Is the church going to experience another Great Awakening or are we going to suffer a lot of needles... Read More

June 5th, 2022


When you reject family members because they are not as perfect as you or they are in sin, you condem... Read More

June 4th, 2022


There is approximately 630,000 abortions yearly in the United States. Should we ban all women from h... Read More

June 3rd, 2022


In Rwanda 1.3 million people died in less than six months with no guns, just machetes, hands & r... Read More

June 2nd, 2022


It’s not only the devil who lies about you! Sometimes it’s your friends and some family ... Read More

June 1st, 2022


If your pastor doesn’t believe in, exhibit and preach the importance of the baptism of the Hol... Read More

May 31st, 2022


One day will be your last on earth. Is hell waiting for you? Read More

May 30th, 2022


Family should be the most important thing other than God in one’s life. It’s a shame tha... Read More

May 29th, 2022


A person wins his enemies to the lord through love. If you condemn or criticize or judge you will ne... Read More

May 28th, 2022


The hypocrites who scream gun control to save lives are the same people that support killing babies ... Read More

May 27th, 2022


If your pastor does not honor his parents or in-laws, leave his church. He is not qualified to lead ... Read More

May 26th, 2022


If you call yourself a pastor and you refuse to honor your parents or in-laws, resign your church be... Read More

May 25th, 2022


Honor your father and mother that your days will be long on earth; that your prayers will be answere... Read More

May 24th, 2022


If one cannot show kindness and love, can that person be a Christian? A believer is suppose to exhib... Read More

May 23rd, 2022


Every family has relatives or in laws that are worse than any enemy or pagan. They do not know the l... Read More

May 22nd, 2022


I have found out that most people who scream racism, usually they are the ones that are a racist. Read More

May 21st, 2022


Do not pass judgment on a person, not anyone unless you have talked to them one on one. This is what... Read More

May 20th, 2022


If you live in the unforgivness of the past you will have no happiness in the future because you&rsq... Read More

May 19th, 2022


There is appointed unto man once to die and then comes judgment. So live your life with that reality... Read More

May 18th, 2022


Only the righteous can bring freedom back. If Christian’s don’t repent of their hedonist... Read More

May 17th, 2022


Cherish family because life is short. It’s so sad when family members are so small and selfish... Read More

May 16th, 2022


I hate hypocrisy. I know pastors that preach great messages and people think they are wonderful but ... Read More

May 15th, 2022


If you believe America needs another Great Awakening, go to my web site and subscribe to Eagles Savi... Read More

May 14th, 2022


Censorship is another form of control and brainwashing. That is what Stalin did in the Soviet Union ... Read More

May 13th, 2022


Unconditional love, not unconditional tolerance. Jesus will forever forgive, not holding bitterness ... Read More

May 12th, 2022


Do you realize this truth agency will be like what Stalin did in the Soviet Union and what Putin is ... Read More

May 11th, 2022


Do you realize you can’t save America by just praying about it and having Jesus leave heaven t... Read More

May 10th, 2022


Many so called “Christians” would rather listen to gossip than talk to the other party t... Read More

May 9th, 2022


Besides many children and adults are not honoring their parents. Some seriously dishonor their paren... Read More

May 8th, 2022


Are you part of the problem or the solution? You are one of two. Do you correct lies or just listen ... Read More

May 7th, 2022


What you are witnessing when liberals threaten to protest outside Supreme Court justices homes is th... Read More

May 6th, 2022


The sheer demonic anger exhibited from people wanting to continue to kill babies is the same anger e... Read More

May 5th, 2022


America is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. America wants to continue to allow women to kill their bab... Read More

May 4th, 2022


Only a lukewarm church can watch programs and read books like Harry Potter where witches and sorcery... Read More

May 3rd, 2022


Do you realize Disney Land, Disney World, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter etc., all promote evil is ... Read More

May 2nd, 2022


Heaven or Hell. It’s a choice! Read More

May 1st, 2022


You are either a miracle worker or a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol. Read More

April 30th, 2022


Three Miracle Stoppers. Offense—Without Honor and Unbelief. Don’t be like the relatives,... Read More

April 29th, 2022


Swing the sword and cut the head off Goliath. Read More

April 28th, 2022


Do you understand that the Republic is under assault and are we doing anything more than the Christi... Read More

April 27th, 2022


If you are not being used to unite families then you’re being used to divide them. Only love u... Read More

April 26th, 2022


Showing love is what wins sinners to Jesus not rejecting them. I am not talking about accepting thei... Read More

April 25th, 2022


Before you critize someone walk a mile in their shoes. Read More

April 24th, 2022


Four sins bring judgment on a nation. Idolatry, immorality, killing the innocent and dividing the la... Read More

April 23rd, 2022


Jesus loved the sinner but hated the sin and shared the truth to set people free from their bondages... Read More

April 22nd, 2022


Disney is not the only WOKE corporation that is destroying our nation. Many Pastors leading churches... Read More

April 21st, 2022


Unless the body of Christ wakes up persecution and death is certain. Read More

April 20th, 2022


Do you realize Tyranny is taking place in America today? Only the bride of Christ can stop this comm... Read More

April 19th, 2022


The Bible warns one day you will die and then comes the judgment. Are you ready? This is one appoint... Read More

April 18th, 2022


Resurrection Day is about LOVE, Forgiveness and Restoration. Enjoy family and friends. Don’t a... Read More

April 17th, 2022


Resurrection day is about life and love. God’s love to mankind which is supposed to be passed ... Read More

April 16th, 2022


The power of Pentecost is real because of the reality of Resurrection Day Read More

April 15th, 2022


Don't count on tomorrow for today, you might die! Be ready for the judgment. Read More

April 14th, 2022


I find it Ludicrous that a person can call himself a pastor but disobey the scriptures in supporting... Read More

April 13th, 2022


As I travel through 25 states speaking, I hear horror stories how faith and politics have separated ... Read More

April 12th, 2022


I stated how COVID 19 could disappear as fast as it came. It all depends when the people using it to... Read More

April 11th, 2022


Fake News Stops at Worldministries.org. Read More

April 10th, 2022


Are you ready to meet GOD today? It’s appointed unto man once to die and then comes the judgem... Read More

April 9th, 2022


The only hope for America is the pure power of God. Read More

April 8th, 2022


Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, one is powerless and is nothing more than sounding brass and... Read More

April 7th, 2022


It is a shame there is so much prejudice, bias and racism in America today. It is a shame that it&rs... Read More

April 6th, 2022


Miracles happen when you trust and literal obey God when He speaks rather then common sense. Ask the... Read More

April 5th, 2022


Most people today including the pathetic dysfunctional Laodicean church won’t repent until mil... Read More

April 4th, 2022


Jesus said, if you don’t forgive your heavenly father won’t forgive you. The Holy Spirit... Read More

April 3rd, 2022


Do you strive for Divine Encounters with God or are you the walking dead? Read More

April 2nd, 2022


What you did for the Lord yesterday doesn’t matter. What are you doing for Him today. Don&rsqu... Read More

April 1st, 2022


Some people don’t want to listen to truth they want to listen to CNN Read More

March 31st, 2022


We are on the verge of the toppling of the Republic and as in Germany when Hitler and the nazis were... Read More

March 30th, 2022


If you call yourself a christian but refuse to be with people who have a different political or reli... Read More

March 29th, 2022


Do you attend a church with an Issachar leading it or a Mr. Magoo? Read More

March 28th, 2022


Without another Great Awakening, America is destroying itself because of its hedonistic lifestyle an... Read More

March 27th, 2022


We need another Great Awakening or judgment is certain and the tyranny and destruction of America wi... Read More

March 26th, 2022


America is under attack. Do you know? Do you even realize the radical takeover of our values toward ... Read More

March 25th, 2022


If someone prays for you, they are looking out for you on a whole other level. Read More

March 24th, 2022


America is on the brink of World War 3 and most of the church doesn’t realize it. Read More

March 23rd, 2022


Jesus said if you don’t forgive I won’t forgive you. Read More

March 22nd, 2022


The Bible says that man’s heart is wicked. Only God’s love can change it. Read More

March 21st, 2022


Only Jesus satisfies the soul. Only Jesus can give you peace and lift your depression and give you a... Read More

March 20th, 2022


Today is the first day of spring. How about doing some house cleaning and throw out bitterness and a... Read More

March 19th, 2022


One must keep their eyes on Jesus Christ because most people will disappoint you, betray you and fai... Read More

March 18th, 2022


Many people in the Bible and today, don’t like some of the words or the tone in which Jesus sp... Read More

March 17th, 2022


Are you a spiritual Eagle or chicken? It depends on who you spend the majority of time with. Fly wit... Read More

March 16th, 2022


The second you die you face reality. Are you ready for that certain event? Read More

March 15th, 2022


People in churches sing the song, “I Surrender All,” but most people have not surrendere... Read More

March 14th, 2022


If you won’t walk the Christian walk then maybe you should quit talking the Christian talk. It... Read More

March 13th, 2022


The scribes, pharisees, and Sanhedrin, can talk and preach like a christian but they act and live li... Read More

March 12th, 2022


Is salvation free? It will cost one their life. Read More

March 11th, 2022


Most Christian’s today are not aware of the truth as they are in love with the things of the w... Read More

March 10th, 2022


Today's young cocky arrogant Christians don’t care a bit about the scripture. “Above all... Read More

March 09th, 2022


To say I am not going to church because it is filled with hypocrites is like saying I am not going s... Read More

March 08th, 2022


The most important thing in my life is to extend the kingdom of God on earth and to hear Jesus say a... Read More

March 07th, 2022


Did you come from an ape or from the image of God? Some people wonder when they watch how some Chris... Read More

March 6th, 2022


The most important thing in your life is for God to be pleased with you; not your husband or wife! Read More

March 5th, 2022


If you want to start a new book filled with exciting chapters, then throw out the old book with its ... Read More

March 4th, 2022


And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you... Read More

March 3rd, 2022


It is not possible to have confidence in God and expect our prayers to be answered yet hold people i... Read More

March 2nd, 2022


Keep your mind focused on the promises of God; the goodness of God; the love of God and you will fin... Read More

March 1st, 2022


Life is short. One day we will all be judged by the Word of God. Are you ready for a righteous judge... Read More

February 28th, 2022


The most important things in a persons life are God, family and friends. Read More

February 27th, 2022


Jesus loved the sinners on the cross. Would you? Read More

February 26th, 2022


Do your best to live in peace with all men, for this is the desire of God who is known as the God of... Read More

February 25th, 2022


Do you realize how close we are to World War 3? Only the dysfunctional church could stop it but can&... Read More

February 24th, 2022


There is no righteous indignation of sin anymore in the church. The Bible warns “will I find f... Read More

February 23rd, 2022


Love the sinner always but sometimes there is no excuse for their behavior. Unconditional love yes b... Read More

February 22nd, 2022


People ask me if I pray for the dead. The answer is no. The dead are preached to in most churches ev... Read More

February 21st, 2022


Some people are so filled with Unforgiveness that even a close family member’s death won&rsquo... Read More

February 20th, 2022


Jesus said he who believes in me shall never die. The word believe in the Greek means to adhere, rel... Read More

February 19th, 2022


Do you really believe the Bible? It warns you, if you fail to forgive, God won’t forgive you. ... Read More

February 18th, 2022


Man cannot not live by Bread Alone but by eating the Flesh and drinking the Blood of Jesus Christ wi... Read More

February 17th, 2022


Who do you love the most? Jesus Christ or your favorite NFL Team? If you’re not filled with th... Read More

February 16th, 2022


I did not watch one second of the Super Bowl. The NFL is now anti-American pushing New World order i... Read More

February 15th, 2022


Most Christians make wrong choices. Instead of sacrificing time to be with God, to move in miracles ... Read More

February 14th, 2022


You can serve in a Godly ministry. You could have served Jesus when He walked on earth. You can serv... Read More

February 13th, 2022


Love cannot be felt or given if you allow it to wither away by holding it back. Read More

February 12th, 2022


Here is a last warning against sin and eternal punishment “For without are dogs, and sorcerers... Read More

February 11th, 2022


Life is short. Love your family, friends and enemies so the Third Person of The Trinity resides in y... Read More

February 10th, 2022


I am so tired of Fake Christianity. It pollutes the earth. If one cannot live in a constant spirit o... Read More

February 9th, 2022


Miracles happen when we are clothed with the Holy Spirit. Read More

February 8th, 2022


Cherish and value your loved ones always because one day death comes to each one and then you can ne... Read More

February 7th, 2022


Some people when they become prosperous and wealthy ignore family and friends. Some of these ambitio... Read More

February 6th, 2022


The only thing that Matters the most is unconditional love. It allows relationships to continue or t... Read More

February 5th, 2022


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Love and forgive others, especially family. One day... Read More

February 4th, 2022


Love people when they are alive. If you cannot come and visit them when they are alive, they don&rsq... Read More

February 3rd, 2022


The movers and shakers of the Great Awakening had one thing in common. They literally loved God with... Read More

February 2nd, 2022


One either accepts the truths of Pentecost or they harden their hearts like the Israelites in the wi... Read More

February 1st, 2022


Jesus said, “will I find faith when I return?” In today's church truth is twisted into c... Read More

January 31st, 2022


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Only live by the promises of God and experience vic... Read More

January 30th, 2022


Chase the fullness of God like the movers and shakers in the Great Awakening so the power of the thi... Read More

January 29th, 2022


When one is full of God they have no enemies. They hate and reject no one. Instead they love and for... Read More

January 28th, 2022


If you are not serving God you are serving Satan. Read More

January 27th, 2022


Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as you love yourself. Lov... Read More

January 26th, 2022


You damn yourself if you don’t honor your parents or parental in-laws. Read More

January 25th, 2022


You lose your soul when you don’t have the Will to want to be Free!! Read More

January 24th, 2022


The Bible Warns! You attack the righteous at your own demise. The righteous aren’t perfect but... Read More

January 23rd, 2022


You have one life to live. One life to give. Give it to God and give it to others. Love covers a mul... Read More

January 22nd, 2022


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don’t live in the past but in the present. Le... Read More

January 21st, 2022


Delete the pain, misery, sickness and depression. Forgiving means letting it go so God will heal you... Read More

January 20th, 2022


Don’t let critics & judgmental people bother you. Just ignore their sins and continue to l... Read More

January 19th, 2022


Hunger and Humility for the fullness of God is what gave the leaders of the Great Awakening their tr... Read More

January 18th, 2022


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; t... Read More

January 17th, 2022


One does not win the sinner by rejecting them or gossiping about them or condemning them or turning ... Read More

January 16th, 2022


I know pastors that abused their righteous in-laws. They won’t let their wives and children se... Read More

January 15th, 2022


Don’t worry about the religious hypocrites who do not understand the love of God but only cond... Read More

January 14th, 2022


With the evidence of the dangers of the C jab where millions of intelligent doctors, nurses, pilots,... Read More

January 13th, 2022


Let God be God and His enemies will scatter. Moses, king David, Queen Esther, Elijah, the movers and... Read More

January 12th, 2022


People and Christians act like idiots over their college or professional football teams that win the... Read More

January 11th, 2022


God give you the authority and responsibility and power to defeat the Goliaths in your life; to defe... Read More

January 10th, 2022


We are truly in the last days when homosexuals are ordained as priests and pastors, when drag queens... Read More

January 9th, 2022


There has got to be another Great Awakening in America. Denominations today that were created by fo... Read More

January 8th, 2022


Where are the Warriors that produced the miracles and victories and defeated the tyrants in the Bibl... Read More

January 7th, 2022


The Power of Hope for the Anxious Christian. Hope provides tenacity of purpose; to renew wayward vis... Read More

January 6th, 2022


Only the church can save America but the problem is the church is more interested in their vacations... Read More

January 5th, 2022


Do you realize we are experiencing Germany all over again, where the dysfunctional church did nothin... Read More

January 4th, 2022


America is being toppled by communist leaders. The church is so pathetic, dysfunctional they cannot ... Read More

January 3rd, 2022


Always remember, do not allow others’ carnality and hypocrisy stop you from living in God&rsqu... Read More

January 2nd, 2022


Love always Unites, honors and visits their relatives especially their parents. Whereas Attacks, acc... Read More

January 1st, 2022


Enjoy and cherish family and friends because one day it will be the last for each of us. Only love a... Read More

December 31st, 2021


The backslidden church believes they can ordain homosexuals, support abortion and condone fornicator... Read More

December 30th, 2021


Your allies in life who are always there for you and support your life and ministry is your family. ... Read More

December 29th, 2021


I believe in a God of miracles. Never give up! Read More

December 18th, 2021


Merry Christmas to all. Remember Christmas is suppose to be about love and restoration. If you will ... Read More

December 3rd, 2021


Wake up America. Your government under Biden is trying to push pure communism. Read More

November 30th, 2021


Many self proclaimed Prophets speak out of their belly, out of their soul! They are not carrying the... Read More

November 23rd, 2021


Thanksgiving is to show love to God and Family. Don't let your pride separate you from both. Read More

November 14th, 2021


Forgiveness is a choice. You can be restored to your family today. If you wait for your emotions to ... Read More

November 11th, 2021


I served four years in The United States Air Force so freedom could continue. I am proud to have don... Read More

November 07th, 2021


Life is too short to have a critical and condemning spirit that refuses to love and cherish one's fa... Read More

November 06th, 2021


Time is precious and life is short. Choose to love. Forgive and restore. Usually the person who won'... Read More

November 03rd, 2021


So many proclaimed Christians don't know the spirit of love, mercy, and grace!! Read More

November 02nd, 2021


Do you realize there are millions of people, doctors, nurses, policeman, firemen, pilots, military, ... Read More

November 01st, 2021


Do you realize the world is being programmed to accept The New World Order? Read More

October 31st, 2021


See my website www.worldministries.org. Read my newsletters. Watch and listen to my TV and radio "Wa... Read More

October 30th, 2021


Most people, including carnal Christians, will take the mark of the beast because of convenience. Read More

September 24th, 2021


A person who is living in homosexuality, fornication or adultery and calls themselves a christian is... Read More

September 14th, 2021


The German Government educated the people to go along with classifying the Jews as a danger to socie... Read More

September 12th, 2021


Marxism is taking over America because of a dysfunctional lukewarm pathetic church which Jesus saw a... Read More

September 06th, 2021


Love covers a multitude of sins and encourages and forgives. Read More

September 05th, 2021


Family wants to be together and protects one another. Look around and see who your family is. Read More

September 03rd, 2021


It seems ludicrous that the government that says they want you to take the shot to protect lives, su... Read More

July 05th, 2021


We should be able to celebrate every race with fear of being attacked. God loves all the different r... Read More

July 04th, 2021


Only a racist focuses on color and constantly uses the Race Card. Read More

July 03rd, 2021


We were guaranteed as Americans, by the constitution, to be able to own guns as a means to protect o... Read More

May 15th, 2021


The scribes and Pharisees will always be around to criticize and condemn the innocent. Read More

May 11th, 2021


"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in ... Read More

May 06th, 2021


Make no mistake. Our 2nd Amendment rights is not so we can go deer hunting but to protect us from a ... Read More

May 05th, 2021


Make no mistake. Our 2nd Amendment rights is not so we can go deer hunting but to protect us from a ... Read More

April 29th, 2021


Revival is repentance. If you're not preaching on sin with people repenting, you're not in a revival... Read More

April 28th, 2021


The only hope for America is a national revival, which is the repentance of sins of abomination. If ... Read More

April 20th, 2021


In life, one finds out who knows the God of the Bible and who only reads the scriptures as the phari... Read More

April 11th, 2021


Something dead and rotting cannot give life but only decay the living, like a bad apple spoils the b... Read More

March 29th, 2021


The Spring Feasts and Pentecost all point to Jesus. Christians don't celebrate them like the Jews do... Read More

March 08th, 2021


President Kennedy put men on the moon. Presidents Obama and Biden put men in women's public bathroom... Read More

March 07th, 2021


I hate the critical judgmental spirit of religion in some professing Christians! Read More

February 23rd, 2021


Love is more powerful than hate and an encouraging word is more powerful than a critical statement. Read More

February 22nd, 2021


If you truly want restoration, you don't condemn and call names but love covers a multitude of sins.... Read More

November 16th, 2020


Two steps back. Surprised? Just like I said, their plan for control is moving ahead, and just like m... Read More

November 12th, 2020


I am greatly concerned over the lack of discernment in the church today. 1. How do people justify v... Read More

November 11th, 2020


I believe President Donald Trump will be sworn in for another 4 years in January 2021. Keep praying ... Read More

November 07th, 2020


President Trump. Never concede! Arrest the guilty parties in this coup attempt. The criminals are fa... Read More

November 06th, 2020


I certainly believe that the party that supports rioting and burning down entire cities has been pla... Read More

November 05th, 2020


Watch and pray. We were warned of massive corruption and now the evidence keeps pouring in that actu... Read More

October 27th, 2020


Make sure you watch and listen to my YouTube channel daily, Warning TV - Dr Jonathan Hansen., powerf... Read More

September 28th, 2020


God's love is unconditional. He will never leave you, forsake you or reject you. Read More

September 02nd, 2020


LeBron James is a racist bigot bought off by China to topple America. Read More

September 01st, 2020


I am tired of racist, Marxist and stupid athletes who were indoctrinated at liberal universities try... Read More

August 23rd, 2020


What we are watching across America is mafia tactics of intimidation and Stalin tactics of destroyin... Read More

August 17th, 2020


Of the Sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do...1 C... Read More

August 16th, 2020


Warning: This entire hyped up Coronavirus is not about the virus, it's about control! Read More

August 14th, 2020


John 8:7 "let him who is without sin cast the first stone." Read More

August 13th, 2020


Take the beam out of your own eye and the problem you think you see might be your own! Read More

August 12th, 2020


Where there are no consequences there is lawlessness! Read More

August 11th, 2020


There is a saying "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Read More

August 10th, 2020


If your pastor is not an Issachar find another church before you lose your freedoms and your nation.... Read More

August 09th, 2020


Where are the voices of the pastors in Portland and Seattle condemning the mayor and the city Counci... Read More

August 08th, 2020


Romans 13 says all authority is under a higher authority. That higher authority is God. Don't blindl... Read More

July 25th, 2020


If you are truly a pastor then be a Issachar who knew the times, gave warning and they were prepared... Read More

July 23rd, 2020


Why does Seattle News, KIRO 7, and Portland call rioters, arsonists and those that are intent to com... Read More

July 22nd, 2020


The Portland City Mayor joined those trying to break down fences to federal buildings and cries when... Read More

July 06th, 2020


It's about time we realize we are in a soft civil war ready to turn hard, led by the Democrats and t... Read More

July 05th, 2020


The NFL players are threatening to cancel the season unless Colin Kaepernick is hired. The NBA is th... Read More

July 04th, 2020


Racism is a word used to make the innocent submit to Marxist policies. The BLM and Antifa are the mo... Read More

July 03rd, 2020


Why does Seattle news call the people who won't leave the chop zone and continue to defy the police ... Read More

June 27th, 2020


This is not simple, legal protest but an organized anti-American, Marxist revolution to topple the r... Read More

June 17th, 2020


Rev. Martin Luther King would be totally against Antifa and BLM as his wife has already spoken out a... Read More

June 16th, 2020


When only criminals, arsonists, looters, terrorist, Antifa and BLM are allowed to brake the laws, it... Read More

June 15th, 2020


A liberal woman is in charge of the Criminal Justice training commission. The Seattle mayor and poli... Read More

June 14th, 2020


Total insanity to believe what Gov. Inslee or the Seattle mayor says. They have proved themselves in... Read More

June 13th, 2020


The Black Lives Matter Movement is Racism at its very worst. Read More

June 12th, 2020


Wake up Seattle. The Seattle lesbian mayor is a communist with the media pushing a political agenda!... Read More

June 11th, 2020


June 10, 2020, WA State Governor Inslee said he wasn't aware of The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone a s... Read More

June 10th, 2020


Gov. Inslee, you said Referring to the situation on Capitol Hill that "although the activity is unpe... Read More

June 9th, 2020


America is living the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Read More

June 8th, 2020


Pastors and Christians in Washington state. Call the governor and demand that he takes back Seattle ... Read More

June 7th, 2020


The right to protest does not give one the right to participate in criminal activities. Protesters c... Read More

May 28th, 2020


All prejudice, bias and racism must be strongly condemned by all, especially church leaders of every... Read More

May 06th, 2020


If you want to be used as a tool of Satan to someone who loves you, just reject them. Read More

April 28th, 2020


Men sleeping with men, women having sex with women, people having sex with animals, doctors are allo... Read More

March 11th, 2020


Although deadly the coronavirus is hyped driven by a spirit of fear. It's just a prelude as the elit... Read More

March 08th, 2020


The Coronavirus will not be destroyed by any self proclaimed prophet or prophetess that commands it ... Read More

March 07th, 2020


Sometimes truths spoken in a different way can seem radical and powerful. Read More

March 01st, 2020


In a Bouquet, Colors don't hate, people do. Read More

February 28th, 2020


We are all but shadows and dust, so stay humble. Read More

February 27th, 2020


The mind and heart must be renewed, to walk in the supernatural power that he provided his ambassado... Read More

February 26th, 2020


If a full term baby can be murdered legally, a future decision will be that born again Christians ar... Read More

February 24th, 2020


Love is more powerful than hate and an encouraging word is more powerful than a critical statement. Read More

February 23rd, 2020


Billy Graham said there's nothing more powerful than the word of God! That is why homosexuals/libera... Read More

February 22nd, 2020


If we lose America it's the fault of the church!! Read More

February 20th, 2020


Jesus warned that some people who should be the most loving and supportive in your life will reject ... Read More

February 16th, 2020


To Argue with a person that has already criticized and judged you without a trial is like arguing wi... Read More

February 15th, 2020


One must constantly forgive gossipers and holier than thou pharisaical hypocrites in your life, lest... Read More

February 14th, 2020


A person who tells you the Holy Spirit led me to talk to this person but yet they don't talk to the ... Read More

February 07th, 2020


The apostle Paul shared testimonies of his great exploits and people called him a braggart because o... Read More

February 06th, 2020


Jesse could not see his own sons anointing. It took the prophet Samuel to anoint David as king! Read More

February 05th, 2020


Satan is the author and influencer of accusing and dividing family and friends so people operate in ... Read More

January 20th, 2020


Have you noticed it's always the guilty Pharisee themselves that don't understand the fullness of Go... Read More

January 19th, 2020


Have you noticed it's the most immature that judges others? Read More

January 17th, 2020


Let go of the hurt, anger and unforgiveness of the past and live in God's victories and love. Read More

January 16th, 2020


Don't worry about how many hypocrites lie about you. God knows the truth and will give you victory. Read More

January 15th, 2020


The Bible says that some of Jesus' worst critics were his family and friends! Read More

January 03rd, 2020


It is amazing how many people throughout the world listen to a one sided story and are so deceived. Read More

December 26th, 2019


God's love is forgiveness and restoration. If you cannot do this then you have the spirit of an infi... Read More

December 20th, 2019


Christmas means love, forgiveness and restoration. 1 Corinthians 13:2 Read More

November 25th, 2019


Be careful who you trust and tell your problems to. Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend. Read More

November 17th, 2019


Until the church deals with their hypocrisy and truly learns to love, forgive and restore there is n... Read More

October 23rd, 2019


I also hear complaints in every nation of ministers testifying about Matthew 10:36; Mark 6:4 and Luk... Read More

October 22nd, 2019


All over the world I see the same thing. Satan is an expert in pride and uses people's pride to dest... Read More

October 21st, 2019


Any parent using children as a means to control or punish a grandparent is an unhealthy adult damagi... Read More

September 07th, 2019


America cannot terrorize and kill babies in the womb and not expect it to come to the streets of USA... Read More

September 06th, 2019


The Liberals want schools to teach homosexuality, lesbianism and other forms of depravity condemned ... Read More

August 29th, 2019


America has a spiritual problem not a gun problem! Read More

August 22nd, 2019


God uses ordinary people. All the heroes of the Bible were ordinary people. God will use you!! Read More

August 20th, 2019


Herbert Armstrong said "It's all a matter of cause and effect. God's punishment only reflects God's ... Read More

August 17th, 2019


Those who are involved in separation instead of restoration of family members are worse then an infi... Read More

August 11th, 2019


A poverty spirit is attached to a person who is too proud to learn. Read More

August 10th, 2019


If a person continues to make the same mistakes, they either have a disability, not enough IQ, too s... Read More

August 09th, 2019


Put your time into and value those people who are with you during the best and worst of times and ar... Read More

August 08th, 2019


If you are praying for protection, healing and prosperity but you cannot forgive, quit praying. The ... Read More

August 07th, 2019


Quit looking behind to the people in your life who rejected you but look ahead to new relationships ... Read More

August 06th, 2019


My Goal in life is serving God as a faithful ambassador of his kingdom! Read More

August 04th, 2019


After 37 years of ministry and studying the scriptures, I believe gossip and refusing to forgive des... Read More

August 02nd, 2019


I hate Hypocrisy probably because my Bible says God hates Hypocrisy!! Read More

July 30th, 2019


When a church gives up its biblical values to adhere to the cultures standards they no longer are sa... Read More

July 24th, 2019


Many of Today's modern churches are social clubs driven by entertainment instead of the Holy Spirit.... Read More

July 21st, 2019


I pity Christians who spread a one sided story and the listener pulls away from the person who is be... Read More

July 11th, 2019


As you go through life try and improve yourself, not prove yourself. Read More

July 07th, 2019


Never believe a one sided story. Talk to the other person and find the truth. Read More

July 04th, 2019


Saying guns kill is about as stupid as saying cars kill. The answer is People kill! Read More

July 03rd, 2019


Always remember a gossiper and backbiter is also a liar. Read More

July 02nd, 2019


Christians today are pursuing happiness not Jesus, which is righteousness and holiness! Read More

July 01st, 2019


In 35 years of ministry I have seen this sin! How many wasted years has to go by because one cannot ... Read More

June 30th, 2019


God hates hypocrisy because it separates relationships. Read More

June 08th, 2019


Today might be rain but tomorrow sunshine is coming. Read More

May 26th, 2019


God made male and female. The democrats create the other 37 Frankenstein genders. Read More

May 17th, 2019


Abortion is in the news today justifiably so but why aren't Christians also talking about the sins o... Read More

May 01st, 2019


Homosexuality is being accepted by both republicans and Democrats and judgment is escalating. Read More

April 28th, 2019


Don't allow people's jealousies and prejudices stop God's blessings and God's direction and destiny ... Read More

April 26th, 2019


What is the highest form of service and worship? Obedience is! Read More

April 22nd, 2019


When people are jealous of you and your ministry they talk against you actually putting curses again... Read More

April 21st, 2019


Smiling faces, sometimes they don't tell the truth. Read More

April 12th, 2019


We are all but shadows and dust. Only what we do for Christ will last. Read More

April 05th, 2019


Do you make bridges or blow them up? Read More

March 28th, 2019


Walls can be torn down when you choose love! Read More

March 27th, 2019


It might be raining today but remember sunshine is tomorrow. Read More

March 26th, 2019


Everyone needs people in their lives they can count on. Read More

March 25th, 2019


The word of God is serious. Can you say amen? You don't play with it. You don't mock it. You don't m... Read More

March 21st, 2019


One is either part of the problem or the solution. Read More

March 20th, 2019


Be a healer not a destroyer. Read More

March 06th, 2019


When a person goes through hard and difficult times they find out who really exhibits the love of Go... Read More

March 02nd, 2019


God made men and women and created life. Democratic leadership made men become women and women into ... Read More

February 28th, 2019


Love the people that disappoint you as Jesus still does. Read More

February 27th, 2019


For the sake of unity, Jesus was betrayed by someone close to Him. Read More

February 26th, 2019


Betrayal and unity are two words used together. When the innocent become victims they are often betr... Read More

February 25th, 2019


In America's history political candidates kissed babies, now they promise to allow mothers to kill t... Read More

February 18th, 2019


The most painful experience in relationships is hypocrisy and gossips. Read More

February 01st, 2019


Judgment is about to increase upon America 7 times 7 according to scripture, because of: 1. Idolatry... Read More

January 20th, 2019


Everything that is in the Father, is in the Son and is in you if you are truly born again. Read More

January 19th, 2019


People protect immoral, criminal, illegal aliens with sanctuary cities but they kill babies in the m... Read More

January 17th, 2019


If one cannot forgive, one cannot live but is miserable instead! Read More

January 07th, 2019


God told Nehemiah to build a wall. The Bible is filled with walls for protection. Jericho had a wall... Read More

January 06th, 2019


Christians who don't operate with love, which manifests in grace and restoration, are the biggest hu... Read More

December 30th, 2018


I hate gossip, especially by family and friends that judge you without talking and listening to you ... Read More

November 10th, 2018


Deception is when you think the lord told you to talk to someone but then you don't go and talk to t... Read More

November 09th, 2018


Don't confuse using the cliche "I'm using wisdom" when in reality you're a coward to obey God when h... Read More

November 05th, 2018


Be quick to forgive or your relationship will slowly die! Read More

November 04th, 2018


Those that support abortion truly have the spirit of Hitler who dehumanized the Jews to justify kill... Read More

October 25th, 2018


If someone treats you terribly wrong violating the laws of love, grace and forgiveness, know the pro... Read More

October 24th, 2018


It is a choice in life when people reject and gossip about you to be bitter or to exercise grace and... Read More

October 23rd, 2018


Right to choose, what a lie. Babies don't choose to die!!! Read More

October 22nd, 2018


The most important words in Life are Grace, Love and Forgiveness. Read More

October 21st, 2018


Fake family and friends listen to others and talk about you, but never come to listen to your side o... Read More

October 20th, 2018


Strong relationships are those that love, support and want to be with you. Read More

October 15th, 2018


The spirit of the Scribes, Pharisees and the Sanhedrin lives today through family and friends who ta... Read More

October 11th, 2018


Love covers a multitude of sins. God's definition of family. Read More

September 21st, 2018


Only a fool listens to a one sided story and makes a judgment Read More

September 17th, 2018


Your leader sees your qualification. Your spiritual father sees your potentials ~Jonathan Hansen Read More

September 07th, 2018


Time reveals all things including your true friends Read More

August 18th, 2018


Don't offer your opinion or advice till you talk to all the people involved or you will be sure to h... Read More

June 20th, 2018


Jesus said if you're ashamed of me I am ashamed of you. Who are you ashamed of? Read More

June 19th, 2018


Two men living together is not a marriage or a family. It's two sexually confused people playing hou... Read More

June 18th, 2018


Words of love are meaningless if you don't show a person respect, honor and want to be with them! Read More

June 17th, 2018


Jesus said if you're ashamed of me I am ashamed of you. Who are you ashamed of? Read More

May 02nd, 2018


Family should be the closest thing to grace, mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love, always suppo... Read More

May 01st, 2018


The worst deception is when a person plays God and becomes a pharisee or the Sanhedrin and through t... Read More

April 24th, 2018


It takes more effort to see the good in people than the bad, but it's worth it. Read More

April 23rd, 2018


You can see a counselor for twenty years and never be healed if you refuse to forgive, because God c... Read More

April 22nd, 2018


Love covers a multitude of sins and keeps families strong, where proud men destroy a family through ... Read More

April 21st, 2018


God is good restoring, healing and loving people. Evil is separating people from each other, instead... Read More

April 19th, 2018


God brought your parents together because they had just the right DNA to produce you. God was more i... Read More

April 17th, 2018


Truth that is not undergirded by love makes the truth obnoxious, and the possessor of It repulsive. ... Read More

April 16th, 2018


"Thats our job. Its always been our job. We're suppose to just love the people in front of us. We're... Read More

April 11th, 2018


A man with a Heaven sent dream who has a wife with a vision united under God will fulfill their dest... Read More

April 09th, 2018


A person that will not forgive will become depressed, oppressed and possibly demonically possessed. Read More

April 08th, 2018


A married couple committed to Jesus and growing in the Lord, submitting their will to the Word, is t... Read More

April 07th, 2018


The Church one attends is a family with a relationship with God and the people who attend that one d... Read More

April 02nd, 2018


Quit playing the Holy Spirit. Your job is to love, the Holy Spirits job is to convict. Read More

April 01st, 2018


The reckless love of God is unconditional, unstoppable and not ashamed. Read More

March 31st, 2018


The closer you are to a person, the easier it is to love on them or destroy them. Choose love! Love... Read More

March 28th, 2018


Gossips are worse than thieves because they steal another person's dignity, honest reputation and cr... Read More

March 26th, 2018


I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn't sorry, and accept an apology... Read More

March 25th, 2018


Don't let a difficult person or situation get to you. Both are powerless without your reaction. Both... Read More

March 24th, 2018


Liars know how to turn things around and make it seem like it's all your fault. A liar describes a s... Read More

March 23rd, 2018


A real man never hurts a woman. Be very careful when you make a woman cry, because God counts her te... Read More

March 22nd, 2018


Great marriages don't happen by luck or by accident. They are a result of a consistent investment of... Read More

March 21st, 2018


It doesn't matter how many Sundays you sit in church or if you think you are saved. God sees what yo... Read More

March 20th, 2018


Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence. King David understood t... Read More

March 16th, 2018


Condemnation, accusations and a judgmental critical person spews poison, separation and death to fri... Read More

March 15th, 2018


It is amazing how some Christians treat people and yet they dare say they love God. Read More

March 14th, 2018


Before forming an opinion talk to both sides of the story. Read More

March 13th, 2018


Stop all that worrying! god has already worked it out! Get ready for your miracle. Read More

March 12th, 2018


The problems in the world today and in all relationships is sin. Read More

March 11th, 2018


Ask the person that you have been so rude to if they think you know God. Read More

March 10th, 2018


I offer you a living Savior, a living God and His name is Jesus Read More

March 09th, 2018


God is your shield and buckler and will defend you against all the vicious lies and rumors from tale... Read More

March 08th, 2018


There is nothing more evil than separating children from their parents or grandparents as this is th... Read More

March 07th, 2018


When people treat you cruelly try to pray, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Read More

March 06th, 2018


People are objects of Gods great love that He gave His son Jesus to forgive our sins Read More

March 05th, 2018


If you refuse to forgive and love people, your friends and family you are worse than an infidel. Read More

March 04th, 2018


There is no excuse ever for hatred because the love found in Jesus Christ forgives. Read More

March 03rd, 2018


Humility and love for all people with a listening ear will lead men to Jesus Christ. Read More

March 02nd, 2018


Have a warm heart and listening ear and be a comforter. Read More

March 01st, 2018


Unconditional love is the character of Jesus and when you give that to people they see God. 1 Th... Read More

February 28th, 2018


It takes more effort to see the good in people than the bad but it's worth it. Read More

February 27th, 2018


If you know the truth don't worry about other people's basely opinions! Read More

February 26th, 2018


If people judge you without talking to you, they are violating the scriptures. Read More

February 25th, 2018


If you listen to the talebearer you poison yourself with their prejudices. Read More

February 24th, 2018


It's very easy to criticize the innocent and just listen to the guilty instead. Read More

February 23rd, 2018


A proud man filled with bitterness and prejudices calls names and threatens. Read More

February 22nd, 2018


Decide to let others criticize you all they want, because if they haven't talked with you before for... Read More

February 21st, 2018


A proud man cannot restore relationships because he lacks enough of the love of God so all he can do... Read More

February 20th, 2018


Very important when working with people or trying to restore or enhance relationships. Some people t... Read More

February 04th, 2018


A jealous, hot tempered, insecure and immature person is capable of destroying a family if the membe... Read More

February 03rd, 2018


Adult children remember their childhood through distorted eyes and memories. Read More

February 02nd, 2018


Bitterness produces all types of mental, physical and spiritual problems. Read More

February 01st, 2018


If a person refuses to forgive it is only a matter of time before they manifest demonically. Read More

January 16th, 2018


Joseph waited 13 years. Abraham waited 25 years. Moses waited 40 years. Jesus waited 30 years. If Go... Read More

January 15th, 2018


Everything the enemy has stolen, God is going to restore. Your peace. Your sleep. Your joy. Your hea... Read More

January 14th, 2018


Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all sta... Read More

January 13th, 2018


Don't ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go. Read More

January 12th, 2018


Two concepts for a truly happy life: 1. Use things, not people. 2. Love people, not things. Read More

January 11th, 2018


No matter how "busy" a person is, if they really care, they will always find time for you. Read More

January 09th, 2018


Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually reject expensive things because they can't aff... Read More

February 05th, 2018


Don't marry a rich man. Marry a good man. He will spend his life trying to keep you happy. No rich m... Read More

December 31st, 2017


How you treat your parents is how one day your children will treat you. Read More

December 30th, 2017


Honor and cherish your parents for when they leave this earth it is permanent. Read More

December 12th, 2017


Stressing out is the result of trying to control people when only the Holy Spirit can do that if a p... Read More

December 11th, 2017


When we truly cast our cares on the Lord we have no stress or fears. Read More

December 10th, 2017


The Lord told me in 1985 to wake up the church and Warn nations and governments to come under the au... Read More

December 09th, 2017


Give all your cares to the Lord and quit torturing yourself over them as faith is trusting in what y... Read More

November 03rd, 2017


God has already Judged Absolute Truth and that truth condemns alternate lifestyles!! Read More

September 23rd, 2017


When life is filled with thorns remember Jesus wore them. Take hope & courage! Read More

September 22nd, 2017


When life is filled with thorns remember Jesus wore them. Take hope & courage! Read More

September 17th, 2017


Words expressing love are hollow when a person feels rejected and barriers remain. Read More

September 16th, 2017


God, family and the bride of a Christ is in perfect relationship when we forgive meaning restoring o... Read More

September 15th, 2017


I don't live for the approval of other people but for the approval of GOD!! Read More

September 11th, 2017


To restore a breach in relationship is so easy. Just forgive as Christ does! Read More

September 10th, 2017


If you think you are innocent, you are so blinded by self righteousness like the Pharisees. Read More

September 09th, 2017


Parts of Texas and Florida are experiencing the laws of sowing and reaping. Read More

September 08th, 2017


Faith without works is dead and love without restoration is worthless! Read More

September 07th, 2017


For a Healthy Heart Exercise the Word and live your Faith. Read More

September 06th, 2017


The letter of the law condemns the best of us. But the spirit of grace saves the worst of us. Read More

September 05th, 2017


God's Love forgives and restores relationships where some people say they love you but continue to k... Read More

July 17th, 2017


Knowing God-- Being Strong--Doing great exploits. Daniel 11:32 Read More

July 16th, 2017


If you forget to pray before you eat then pray God bless all that is within me bless your holy name!... Read More

July 15th, 2017


Prayer can keep you from sin and sin will keep you from prayer. Read More

July 09th, 2017


Hypocrites criticize others but they don't look at their own shortcomings first. Read More

July 05th, 2017


Seniors if Godly carry the wisdom and blessings of the Lord with them if we are wise enough to honor... Read More

July 04th, 2017


As political ruler of the earth, Satan through his fallen angels influences governments to make laws... Read More

July 03rd, 2017


Flakes come and go but spiritual sons and daughters are a lifetime relationship! Read More

July 02nd, 2017


Christianity is the opposite of Political Correctness which allows sin and other gods! Read More

April 26th, 2017


April 22, 2017, my message was titled "Backsliding". Have you ever heard a message in any church on ... Read More

April 25th, 2017


As a leader don't waste your time trying to disciple a person that is not teachable and correctable ... Read More

April 24th, 2017


Words of Love are empty without actions! Read More

April 23rd, 2017


Stay teachable and you will prosper! Read More

April 22nd, 2017


God's will is mans pill. Read More

April 21st, 2017


Life sometimes is like a box of chocolates. At times you don't know what you are going to get. Read More

April 20th, 2017


Listen to Godly intelligent parents all their lives because they will always have wisdom to advise y... Read More

April 19th, 2017


Put the past behind you so you can move on. Read More

April 18th, 2017


Truth is sometimes something you don't want to hear! Read More

April 17th, 2017


If you don't Guard your heart a true servant of God will turn from an Adam, Abraham, Paul into a Jud... Read More

April 16th, 2017


Don't complain about what you allow! Read More

April 10th, 2017


I, Jonathan Hansen; President of World Ministries International am now holding my weekly staff sabba... Read More

March 23rd, 2017


Family is suppose to support one another through their darkest trials in life! Read More

March 21st, 2017


Be careful who you are with because that is who you become! Read More

March 17th, 2017


Enough of God's love inside a person forgives the repented and restores relationships. www.worldmini... Read More

March 16th, 2017


Christians usually must also extend/exercise their faith with the person praying for or with them to... Read More

March 11th, 2017


I, Jonathan Hansen; President of World Ministries International am now holding my weekly staff sabba... Read More

March 10th, 2017


Hypocrisy is saying you love someone yet you refuse to forgive and restore the relationship but cont... Read More

March 08th, 2017


The Simplicity of the Gospel is LOVE. Love forgives and restores relationships. Read More

February 28th, 2017


On November 1, 2016 I wrote: The simplicity of Under The Blood is when Jesus puts our sins under the... Read More

February 27th, 2017


On November 9, 2016 I wrote the following. America got a reprieve since enough fundamental born aga... Read More

February 26th, 2017


The Oscar Awards or should the title be changed to the hypocrisy awards. All the liberal progressive... Read More

February 25th, 2017


The New York Times is primarily a spokesman for liberal progressives along with the TV Oscars which ... Read More

February 24th, 2017


On November 1, 2016 I wrote: The simplicity of Under The Blood is when Jesus puts our sins under the... Read More

February 22, 2017


Steve Kerr coach of the NBA Golden State Warriors and Max Kellerman of First Take sports show as wel... Read More

February 21, 2017


What you are witnessing across America is not just people exercising their constitutional rights to ... Read More

February 20th, 2017


It is quite ironic, hypocritical and outright repulsive that the creators of fake news, the liberal ... Read More

February 13th, 2017


The United States of America is in civil unrest (violent protests) caused by a liberal agenda taught... Read More

January 31st, 2017


The enemies of Christ Jesus are not afraid to proclaim, back and support immorality. Are you willing... Read More

January 24th, 2017


Jesus, the apostles and prophets and all of the heroes of the Bible, Moses, Queen Esther etc. all un... Read More

January 16th, 2017


Only the church (Christians/believers) can bring peace & prosperity to their individual nations!... Read More

January 10th, 2017


When a person, institution, liberal media are always calling people who they disagree with a racist,... Read More

America's reprieve


America got a reprieve since enough fundamental born again Christian's helped to elect Donald Trump ... Read More

Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage


What a travesty, the recent ruling of the supreme court in favor of Gay Marriage across the United S... Read More

the Kingdom of God


The Kingdom of God is the domain of God from within His creation and from within people. If Stanwo... Read More

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