Dear Saint, we are fast approaching what I believe is the Great Tribulation and trouble such as the world has never seen before. The Great Falling Away is certainly taking place as heresy is growing rapidly. I have never seen such compromise by churches and pastors when it comes to basic truths recorded in scripture, whether it is concerning alternate lifestyles or sound Biblical doctrine. Even the Pope is contradicting the fundamental truth that Jesus is the only way for salvation, stating that all religions lead to God.

Since March 2020, God has given me twenty-five prophetic warnings in dreams. All of them deal with Civil Unrest, Civil War and an Invasion.

We have witnessed constant Civil Unrest with Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization who could care less about black lives; Antifa, an anti-government terrorist organization whose goal is to topple governments; and Hamas, another terrorist organization who has turned down a two state solution and in their charter wants to wipe out every Jew in Israel. They are also against Christians.

Civil War is seriously being talked about by men in the highest levels of government, military and law enforcement. Many of them are concerned that no matter who wins the Presidential Election in November, the other political side will fight. One side does not want to give up power because they want to solidify the takeover of The United States of America into a New World Order Communist nation. The other side understands that if the election is stolen again, America would be lost forever. They would all come under the threat of being arrested, incarcerated, and facing death as the Communists do in the takeover of a nation because we are being labeled as Domestic Terrorists.

An Invasion is taking place currently. The Constitution is being ignored and an estimated 10 to over 35 million illegal aliens have been allowed to enter this country. The purpose for this is because people want to retain power and transform America from a Christian nation into a Communist nation. Coming through our borders illegally are terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Syrians, Russians, Chinese, cartels and many criminals. Other nations are emptying their prisons and mental institutions so that these individuals can flood into America and the United States has to deal with this problem.

NOTE: At approximately 2:32 am, on December 2, 2011, I saw an invasion from outside forces invading America. I believe this could coincide with the civil war that is on the immediate horizon. Read the entire prophecy at

My fellow believer, we are in unprecedented times! The uncertainty of the future and total anarchy is around the corner and can literally break out any day. Hate and division is being propagated from the highest levels and President Donald Trump has already had two assassination attempts on his life.

We are already facing lawlessness and it will only increase. It should be abundantly clear for all to see that there is a double standard of justice now in America. Justice is no longer based on the morality of the Bible, but from Anti-Christ based individuals who have no real moral guidelines. They believe this is their only life and they won't have to face a God who will judge them and send them to heaven or hell.

Where are the true Apostles and Prophets warning their church members about the dangers we are about to enter and that they must prepare spiritually and physically for trouble? They need to be advising them to prepare by storing up some food and water in case they cannot get to the stores. Are people ready to defend their families? Did these self proclaimed Apostles and Prophets warn them of the dangers of the death vaccinations which the tyrannical authorities lied to us about? The truth is now being reported in nation after nation, as well as in red states across America that these Covid vaccinations are dangerous and that social distancing and masks do not work. The Covid vaccinations have been reported to have lead to millions of peoples dying, as well as a menagerie of health catastrophes such as an astronomical increase in cancers, strokes, heart issues, autoimmune diseases, etc., as the result of these shots.

The Bird Flu Fraud—In Alex Jones interview with Dr. Mike Adams, he stated-- "You predicted the lockdowns—all of it---six months before it happened. What’s happened with bird flu looks to me like they’re going whole hog."

"So, I want to say on the record here, and you know, Alex, I run a large mass spec laboratory and I’m a published food scientist. This whole bird flu scare is a total fraud. When they say that they ran PCR tests and they found bird flu in cows, chickens, humans, or anything, it’s a complete fraud.

There is no diagnostic capability; you just turn the PCR up right? They just turn up the replications on it. And by the way, all PCR instrumentation does not give you a quantitation answer, and they can find any protein sequence they want to find.

So huge, though! I mean, that’s a complete fraud. But, Alex, they’re using this to shut down the food supply. What they do is roll into a giant chicken farm—this actually happened in Texas—they swab a couple of chickens, put it on the PCR machine, crank it up, and say, ‘Oh, we found bird flu in this chicken farm.’

And what do they say? You’ve got to kill 4 million chickens! Look, that employee’s got a runny nose? Yeah, right. They’re telling him to put on Hazmat gear to create the illusion. It’s all completely psychosomatic—total fraud.

But this is being used to shut down the food supply, drive up food inflation, increase food scarcity, and then to scare people into the next round of COVID….”

Debunking Global Warming Myths—The scientist tells you, there’s no global warming. There was no pandemic; nothing is spreading. Nitrogen is not a problem; cow farts are not a problem. You can double the amount of CO2, and it will not have a noticeable effect on the earth’s mean surface temperature—period. That’s a hard calculation.

News reporters Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly, amongst many others, have reported these lies that Americans and others were told have caused so much death and health issues with so many that took the vaccinations. Kelly said she was leery about taking the jab, but finally took one and she now has an autoimmune disease her doctor said was the result of the COVID jab she took.

The COVID virus was real, but not as deadly as proclaimed. It was a virus like the flu which kills people, but the best prevention was to keep your immune system strong to prevent sicknesses, as with any disease. The vaccinations were dangerous and not tested adequately.  I’m so sorry for the families that lost loved ones due to the virus and/or vaccinations.        

Prepare yourself for trouble is coming. Draw intimately close to God so He can lead and guide you in this storm to which we are entering. Stay in the ark, so to speak, so God can keep you on dry ground away from certain death as He did for Noah’s family.

Jim Rickards, former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House has warned that “What’s about to happen in the 2024 Presidential Election will shake the markets and American society to its core. Jim Rickards correctly predicted the Great Recession of 2008, Trump’s 2016 Election, The COVID Crisis of 2020, and now, President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Today, Jim is warning all Americans to prepare for an election meltdown that could trigger a 50% stock market crash, the final collapse of the US dollar, violent riots on the streets, and even potential martial law, with the temporary suspension of some of our most fundamental rights. Jim Rickards is a lawyer and economist who has worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance across five decades. Rickards believes Trump will win the election, but the Democrats plan to prevent Trump from being sworn in as President. With the help of Rhino Republicans, the Democrats plan to block Trump from being sworn in by labeling Trump as an insurrectionist. Remember that one of Trump’s own staff even orchestrated his first impeachment. In 2021 every House Democrat (along with 10 Republicans) voted to impeach Trump for incitement of insurrection. I predict the newly elected members of Congress will be sworn in before the certification of the presidential election. Once Democrats take the house, I predict they will say that Trump is an insurrectionist, and for that reason, cannot be allowed back in the White House. The corrupt mainstream media is already setting the stage for this coup. The 2024 Election Meltdown by Jim Rickards.

Tribulation Watch Newsletter August 2020 stated: “Some are calling the Corona virus a plandemic. The plan is to destroy the Old Order and bring us all into the New World Order. However, this new order will be nothing like the old, freedom loving America all of us grew up in. No, the NWO will be nothing less than pure Communism. The NWO will have total dominion and control over all the masses of the world. This will be done through human micro chipping and vaccines. Before he died, Hollywood director and documentary filmmaker Aaron Russo openly discussed his relationship with Nicholas Rockefeller. He personally told him that the elite’s ultimate goal was to create a micro chipped population. The goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, and to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

Yes, they want to implement what Revelation 13 classifies as the mark of the Beast. They want to make us a cashless society where they totally control you.

Please remember Psalm 118:24, “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!” Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and all His promises and He will give you peace in the storm. Amen and amen!

If I am correct and Donald Trump is a Jeroboam II, as I have indicated for 4 years now, he will somehow become the President again. Jeroboam II entered the scene in a time of trouble, but he did not end well. I believe Donald Trump will regain power during a time of national crisis.

Whether we have civil war during or after the election, or years later, civil war is certainly inevitable without a Great Awakening/National Repentance as 2 Chronicles 7:14 promises us.

Dr. Jonathan Hansen                                                                                                 


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