Dear Saints, for over twenty years now I have been warning on television, radio, and in churches and conferences of the global agenda to depopulate the world. The agenda is to institute a one world government removing the sovereignty of nations and implementing a cashless society with a mark in your body as warned about in the 13th chapter of Revelation.
Tribulation Watch Newsletter August 2020 stated: “Some are calling the Corona virus a ‘plandemic’. The plan is to destroy the Old Order and bring us all into the NWO. However, this new order will be nothing like the old, freedom loving America all of us grew up in. No, the NWO will be nothing less than pure communism. The NWO will have total domination and control over all the masses of the world. This will be done through human micro chipping and vaccines…Before he died…Hollywood director and documentary filmmaker Aaron Russo, openly discussed his relationship with Nicholas Rockefeller of the Rockefeller family. According to Russo, Nicholas Rockefeller personally told him that the elite’s ultimate goal was to create a micro chipped population…The goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”
I have had professional people in different fields of expertise including politicians, attorneys and doctors reporting the truth with me over the airwaves on TV, radio, shortwave and in conferences.
One global New World Order organization, The Georgia Guidestones, called for keeping the population on planet earth to below a half billion people.
A United States census came out in 2020 projecting that in 2025, America would only have 100 million people. What is supposed to happen to over two hundred plus million Americans? How will they disappear? Will they just die? If they die, what will cause their death?
Many experts are reporting the Covid-19 vaccinations were death jabs. They reported that many, if not most people, died after taking the jabs. Many in authority were trying to force people to take the jabs, as well as having pastors shut down their churches. They were also telling people to quarantine themselves, wear masks and stay six feet apart from one another. I believe, as others do, that this created pandemic was a trial run to see how difficult it would be to control people. They discovered that most people were easily persuaded to surrender their freedoms. What we are seeing is a mass global grooming—brainwashing individuals to follow the tyrannical instructions of a beast government.
NOTE: On my television and radio programs, I exhorted pastors not to close down their churches, as this was an attack by evil men on the freedom of Christians. I also warned people not to take what I call the "death jab". I have heard many professionals in the medical field and elsewhere, warn of the dangers and tell their patients, and the public at large, not to take it. My attorney actually sued the governor of Washington for his unconstitutional, tyrannical policies which cost people their lives, jobs, and wealth. Let me ask the question, "Where were the apostles, prophets and senior pastors during this time?" Were they sounding the alarm or just going along with the government’s policies like most did in Germany when Hitler ruled? A few pastors fearlessly resisted but most followed like fearful or ignorant sheep!
In 1985, after repenting of hatred and unforgiveness toward a man, I received my first night time vision. It took me five years to repent and forgive due to my pride. I saw myself traveling the nations and meeting with presidents, prime ministers and governments as well as speaking to the masses. I saw apocalyptic events and death lines. I saw the heart of God and it was broken. I asked God why His heart was broken and He said “because my bride is in love with the world more than me.” I asked God why and He said, “because of the pastors behind the pulpit are more in love with the world than they are with me.” I came out of the dream sweating and started resigning from my job responsibilities at the Sheriff’s department as well as my pastoral responsibilities as a lay pastor in a church. I sold my businesses and started traveling the nations, warning the church they were not ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ. God had given me a John the Baptist, Elijah type of warning ministry to preach repentance and follow the Lord with all your heart.
On December 24, 1995 at 0541 hrs, I received a prophecy primarily for the people who call themselves “born again.”
"America, America, awake out of your slumber; I will shake you, I will shake you with a shake that has never shaken you before."... But, I will bring you down; like the wind brings down the tree, so I will bring you down... I will tear down the haughty; the mighty religious leader in my kingdom, in my church who has deceived my people with your ever babbling rhetoric that has filled the pulpits across America. Instead of my church being one, you have become institutionalized where my true servants are not even welcomed because you're protecting your own man-made philosophies and your own selfish interests... America, your religious leaders are vain and corrupt; your church leaders are vain and corrupt; your political leaders are vain and corrupt; your relatives are vain and corrupt; your neighbors are vain and corrupt. A generation of heathen, those that appear to many as the elect -- my chosen, yet, I have not accepted them because I can see their heart.
To paraphrase it, God is not pleased with the character of most Christians. He is going to allow problems to come upon America to get His church to repent. This is a lengthy prophecy so please read the prophecy at
On December 26, 1997, I put an ad in a Seattle newspaper in America which stated, "Warning: Stock Market Collapse, Nuclear Attack, Social Security Collapse, Natural disasters, Powerful Northwest Earthquake, the 520 bridge will collapse, and Mt Rainier will erupt". On several radio stations I warned what was coming upon America including nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism in different cities throughout America, as well as several attacks and I named the cities. I also warned that in the Northwest, volcanic activity will occur and earthquakes across America. 1998-2008 was a time of mercy and grace to give the warnings before the worst of these prophecies would eventually come to pass. Study my web site and read with evidence how they started to come to pass (with evidence) and with newspaper evidence how the others will.
EXHORTATION REGARDING NEW ORLEANS---April 1-10, 2000, I was in New Orleans for city wide meetings. I actually went to New Orleans three times prior to Katrina, warning of impending judgment, driving across the dikes mentioning that they could break. When President Bush stated that New Orleans was going to be rebuilt, I said that the Lord said, “If New Orleans is rebuilt, I will destroy it again.” Read the rest of this Prophetic Warning regarding New Orleans at
THE 9/11 PROPHECY—Prior to the attack on New York, I spoke on a New York talk show, “Countdown,” many different times warning New York of impending judgment. I flew to New York in March 2001 personally and spoke daily on television for one week. I also held nightly meetings in the Brooklyn YWCA auditorium, strongly warning them that “New York would burn, skyscrapers would collapse, bridge(s) would fall,” naming the bridges. I warned with tears and groaning that “blood would flow down thousands of faces but still the city and nation would not repent but would rise up and say ‘we shall rebuild, we shall avenge’ and join together with false religions in prayers of blasphemy."
God warned that New York’s Twin Towers would collapse, but people did not listen, and they are still not obeying the warnings of God. I went on to warn New York that “after thousands died, God would continue until finally there would be such an onslaught that millions would die across America before finally, a true revival would sweep across the land.”
This attack is only the beginning of a continuation of attacks until finally millions will be buried. There will come a day when nearly every skyscraper will fall, bridges will collapse, and New York will burn as a city.”
On Friday, September 14, 2001, I was interviewed on syndicated radio talk show. We talked about the terrorist attack on America and how the National Day of Prayer (9/14/2001) was attended and led by different politicians, religious leaders and movie stars. My heart cried out to God and my spirit was deeply troubled and grieved with the hypocrisy and utter blasphemy of it all. According to The Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of the word blasphemy is “contemptuous or irreverent speech about God or things regarded as sacred.” I called the ceremony that was going on across the United States carried by television, THE PRAYER OF BLASPHEMY. Utterly immoral and amoral politicians, along with different false religions and movie stars are piously going into a cathedral committing, in my discernment, a sacrilege with their words of prayer.
Church leaders were praying to “the God of Abraham and Mohammed.” This is utter blasphemy! Islam denies the deity of Jesus Christ as God and if Jesus Christ is left out of the Godhead, then that religion is serving a false God. All through the Bible, God has condemned sharing His place with other gods and religions. This sin is called idolatry, and God sends judgment upon nations that worship other gods/religions. Joshua 24:19-20: “And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the Lord: for he is a holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins. If ye forsake the Lord, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after he hath done you good.”
On September 14, 2001, I was on two live talk shows. I stated emphatically that while I was in prayer that very morning, the Lord clearly spoke to me. “More attacks are coming, and finally there will be an attack that leaves 1,000 times more dead than the death count of this present disaster.” Only this will finally get the attention of some people. Others will, Revelation 16:21 predicts: “…blasphemed God because of the plague…” What we are seeing and will continue to see happen is that as these catastrophic events occur, they will cause the excuse needed to continue to form and usher in the New World Order and Religion.
God raised up three adversaries against King Solomon for committing the same sins of pride, self reliance immorality and outright idolatry in worshipping with other religions and gods as we in America are guilty of doing. Please read 1 Kings Chapters 3-11. Chapter 11 tells us about the three adversaries that God rose up against King Solomon to tear his kingdom apart. All through the Bible one can find where God sent adversaries against His own people when they went into idolatry and immorality. We have missed the message from God to repent and now millions will eventually die. To read the rest of this prophecy see
At 1152 hrs on February 12, 2009, I saw elephants running/trampling through green grass, fields, and corn crops. At 1223 hrs, as I was meditating on it, I could see elephants…a herd of elephants running down people purposely as they were on assignment. I believe the green grass and the fields with waist high wheat and barley blowing and the corn crops represent what is going to be released on America. 1. I believe the green grass represents the weather-water, sun, snow that will be turned against the USA. 2. I believe the fields with waist high wheat and barley represent our wealth—industry, imports, exports, housing equity, stocks and bonds, savings, banking, money markets, retail, wholesale business, etc., will fail. 3. I believe the corn crops represent the high buildings and sky scrapers, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans. All will be affected. Many will be destroyed. Different cities across America will come under attack. Some by terrorists—some by other nations—some by earthquakes, volcanoes and meteorites. 4. Weather will turn against us---Wealth will be removed—much destruction is coming.
Only the church can stop the judgment and preserve America. Christians must become salt and light and obey Jesus' commission to be ambassadors, and making disciples of the nation. If the church fails to confront evil, including governmental authority when it backs evil, then the church will be ruled.
On October 13, 2010 at 11:11 hrs, I received a prophecy for the Hawaiian Islands. Change is coming to the Hawaiian Islands. Not the change that Obama promised to destroy the power and sovereignty of the Republic of the United States of America, but a mighty spiritual change that will also manifest in the physical. Tidal waves that Hawaii has never seen, dreamed about or imagined is coming to Hawaii to tear down strongholds and stench and groves. Please go to to read the rest of this prophecy.
On December 2, 2011 at 0232 hrs, I awoke from a dream: In the dream, I and others with me…were being chased by the military. The uniforms of the people chasing us were not American. It seemed as if they were Russian or German in appearance, but could have been a mixture of both or an entirely new uniform, as I could not positively classify it. As we Christians were being hunted down…I awoke pondering the dream and within five minutes fell asleep and had another dream. In that dream, the peace had broken and I and other Christians were being hunted down again. This time the persecution was much worse in intensity. I saw myself in a room warning other church leaders of what was about to happen to them… to read the rest of this prophetic warning.
Since March 14, 2020, I have received twenty-five prophetic warnings-words-dreams concerning civil unrest, civil war and an invasion.
Please read my Pastoral Article titled: November 2024 Crisis dated October 4, 2024 for more details. Visit my web site and click on 'Reading' to bring up the article.
NOTE: In all communist countries where they are taking away the freedom of the people and Christians, they meet with the senior pastors, especially of the large churches, and tell them according to Romans 13, they are suppose to obey the government. When trouble causes civil disobedience, they tell the congregations to obey the government's instructions. These governmental authorities are taking Romans 13 out of context as that is not what it tells us. Instead, it tells everyone, including governments, that there is a higher authority, and that is God. If anyone, including governments, come against the laws and morality of the higher authority, we must resist. Bonhoeffer understood that in Germany, as did Watchman Nee and many others who were martyred throughout the Bible, as well as recorded in history.
Please order my book, THE SCIENCE OF JUDGMENT.
Also, read my pastoral article via my web site titled: April 19, 2023—The Office of a Prophet or The Gift of Prophecy. This tells you why we are in serious trouble as those that are called prophets are not sounding the alarm or confronting evil, but focus more on exhortation, encouragement and comfort. A true prophet does this, but a true prophet primarily focuses on sin which separates one from God and brings judgment.
Finally, please join Eagles Saving Nations (ESN) via We have to have another Great Awakening, which means a national repentance, to save America. President Donald Trump will only delay the toppling of the Republic, but he will not stop the Science of Judgment. The goal of ESN is to get Christians into the stadiums where presenting truth can take away deception and we will usher in Pentecost. In other words, people will be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so they can go forth with power and authority, instead of fear and intimidation, to confront evil and lead a national repentance.
We are facing the greatest days in history to be used by God! Be excited and encouraged. Nothing can touch us unless God allows it, and if He allows it, then it's for His glory and our promotion.
May God Richly Bless You!
Dr. Jonathan Hansen