World Ministries International visited Cuba on June 23-29, 2004 with the International Christian Alliance. This was the first time in history that Cuba has allowed a large public gathering of Christians.
It was allowed because the Evangelical Church was celebrating its 50th-year anniversary in Cuba. But perhaps a greater motivation was for the government to show the world that Cuba practices “religious freedom”.

Regardless of what the motivation was, God used it for His glory. The idea for this conference was first presented last year by Pastor Jon Bowers to Pastor Alejandro Nieto, a Cuban pastor over several hundred churches. Reverend Jonathan Hansen is pictured above with Pastor Alejandro. When Alejandro heard of the plan, he exclaimed that, “It would be more likely that God would part the sea between Cuba and Florida, than for the government to allow us to meet together for a Christian conference!”

We know that all things are possible with God. The conference was held at the Melia Cohiba hotel in Havana, Cuba. A view of the city from the hotel is seen above. 238 pastors and Christian leaders from many countries came to join 365 Cuban pastors in Havana.
They were moved and touched to be able to come together in corporate worship because so many pastors in Cuba have suffered greatly through the years. One pastor and his wife left their home one day only to find all their possessions gone and their home completely destroyed, flattened with a bulldozer.
Another pastor’s son was taken and the abductors told him to stop preaching the gospel and each time he does they would cut off one of his son’s fingers. When the fingers were gone they would start on his toes.
On June 24, 2004 at 12:18 P.M., Reverend Hansen received this prophecy for the nation of Cuba: “Change is coming to Cuba! Sudden change, like lightning brought on by the Holy Ghost. Look to the Lord; there will be such a sudden change that you will be amazed. Pastors of Cuba, do not be discouraged! As I, Jehovah Jireh, your provider, supplied manna to My people in the wilderness, so I will provide for all your needs...”
Fidel Castro was invited to attend the conference and many were praying that he would come and that God would touch his heart. He sent his foreign minister instead of making a personal appearance. God’s Spirit is coming to Cuba in a mighty way and time is running out for Fidel Castro.

The prophecy given to Reverend Hansen continues... “I am the God who sees the affliction of My servants. As I saw the faithfulness of My servant Joseph betrayed by his brethren and imprisoned by Potipher’s wife’s lies, so I see your trials. As I elevated Joseph and brought him through his troubles, so I will do for you. I Am that I Am. I change not. I see, I deliver. I am the author of life and I will take the breath away from your enemies as it is appointed unto man once to die and then comes judgment.
Idolatry, immorality, killing the innocent and dividing the land of Israel brings a curse. Repent of all these sins, so I will protect and provide for all your needs. Come under My blood, so My wrath that destroyed My people’s enemies in Egypt, will not hurt you, but prosper you. Do not be afraid; for the Holy Spirit, I Myself, am visiting your land, Cuba, and change is coming. Get ready and preach repentance, be restored, for I am coming in My glory and none can withstand My mighty hand. The wind is blowing and revival and restoration is at hand.”

Many people repented and were refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Cuban pastors were weeping and crying during communion service. They were overwhelmed because they had never dreamed of being able to take communion with other Christians openly like what was shared that week.
One of the local pastors invited our WMI team to preach at his church nearby. He showed us an old-fashioned printing press that he uses to print out educational materials to dispense to students at his bible school. We discussed the possibility of helping them to establish a video-correspondence bible school. However, the cost became a real barrier. The most that he could charge his students was $1 every other month to offset the costs of operation.
(Apostle Hansen with Pastor Jesus Diaz)
(Dr. Hansen with ‘Church on the Rock’ Sr. Pastor Apostle Benefiel)
The people rejoiced and there was much time for ministry and healing, including one young woman who made a decision to commit her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our whole team was blessed as we remembered the commission from Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19. It is a privilege and a pleasure to serve in the kingdom of God. On the mission trip it was a blessing to work with many other apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors from different ministries, churches, and countries.

Pictured above is a leadership meeting with the 5-fold ministry leaders of the conference. There were a wide range of leaders from areas such as India, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Korea, the Bahamas, New York, Florida, Oregon, Washington, and Oklahoma, as well as Pastor Paul Okara, who is head over the largest Christian denomination in Russia. Pastor Paul is pictured below with Reverend Hansen.

Cuba is a nation of approximately 11 million citizens. The city of Havana has a population of about 2.9 million people. The cries of these people are heard by God who is sending His Spirit upon the land.
(Dr. Hansen with A/G General Superintendent Rev. Hector Hunter)
Where once many pastors were imprisoned, now the gospel can be preached, although prayer cannot be done publicly. The Lord has opened the way for this Christian conference to be held in Havana where 45 different denominations were represented. God has not forgotten Cuba. He is sending His servants from all corners of the world to Cuba. Pictured below is a delegation of 14 pastors from Korea, led by Bishop Park, who is over 100,000 pastors in a church of 12 million members.

On Sunday the conference was held at Pastor Alejandro’s church, Liga Evangelica de Cuba. The sanctuary was completely packed out. People were lined up outside by the hundreds.

We snuck upstairs only to find room after room with hundreds more cheering and praising while watching the service live on television.

It was a blessing to see the apostolic anointing of God break down barriers and to see the people of God join together in unity. We saw communists with capitalists, cowboys with indians, black with white, Russians with Americans, all praising God together hand in hand. This was all happening in a communistic nation! It is sweet to see the body of Christ come together in fellowship and worship of the living God.

Help us to go back to Cuba. The leadership of the Alliance is going back to Cuba this summer to get permission to hold a much larger evangelistic crusade in the nation.

Missions is the backbone of World Ministries International. We go in and out of 88 nations, bringing the Word of warning of coming judgment to the nations. We are sounding the alarm, allowing God to convict the heart and bring repentance.
Won’t you be a part of this great end-time commission that God has called us all to? Partner with us in reaching the nations. Make a difference by sowing into this ministry. Be faithful to God and support us to help the masses of people in over 88 nations.
We work with church leadership as well as political leadership because it is leadership that is the reason why a nation will be blessed or cursed. This year we have been away from our ministry office almost every month. This year we will have visited Liberia, Ghana, Jamaica, Japan, Cuba, Jamaica again and finally Russia. Because we have focused our efforts on international travel, it has made it more difficult for our ministry to work on building financial support from America.

We ask that you prayerfully search your heart and support us now in our greatest time of need. Although we have had more opportunity this year to minister to presidents and the people of nations, we have struggled with our weakest financial support.
We ask not only because we are having the most need at this time, but also because we want you to grow and mature and be blessed from being faithful and giving from the heart. See 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 and Philippians 4:10-20.
Join with World Ministries International as a part of God’s end-time army of believers to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Call us now at (360) 629-5248 and ask how you can help us to reach the nations. God bless you and give you peace. Shalom.
“I Will Build My Church, and The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It” Matthew 16.18
GATES REPRESENT AUTHORITY: In the Garden of Eden, Adam handed over his God-given authority to Satan when he directly disobeyed the command of the Lord. The Scriptures declare that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, this authority has been stripped from Satan and is being delegated to the Church: “The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen and dissolve) the works the devil has done” (1Jn 3:8 AMP). Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Mt. 28.18), and it is because our lives are hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3), that all authority is at our disposal. The gates or authority of Hell can be toppled (as in Jericho), when the heirs of the Kingdom, the Church, rises up in faithfulness and obedience to the Word of God.
THE BURDEN: World Ministries International has a prayer ministry called Gate Breakers, and we want to faithfully minister to those who are part of The Church Without Walls. The Gate Breakers team prays daily over all the requests which come into our office. As with any church, praying with the people over their needs is very important. Gate Breakers desires to come into agreement with you, and stand alongside and lift you up before the Lord in your time of need. If we live in obedience to Christ, then true faith can manifest and together we can knock down the “gates” of the enemy! This is the body of Christ in action, to “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” We hear many tremendous answers to prayer and rejoice with the people as they relate to us what God has done in their lives. We welcome your prayer requests and will truly pray over each one.
HOW TO RESPOND: You can respond by one of four ways: 1) Send your requests to the address above 2) Call us at 360-629-5248 3) Utilize our website at and click on prayer requests, or 4) Email us at
Blessings and love,
Karen Buckardt - Gate Breakers Dept. Head
© 2004 World Ministries International