"Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble." Psalm 41:1
While on a short-term mission trip with Dr. Jonathan Hansen in February 2006, I was sweating while we walked through the Kibera slum. The day was very hot, and the stench of the trash sprawling throughout the slum permeated my senses, even though I was breathing only through my mouth. I looked over at a heap of garbage ahead of us and saw two young children about one or two years old on top of it. As I zoomed in on the crawling child, I saw him pick up something from the trash and put it in his mouth and eat it. Immediately, nausea and disgust overwhelmed me, but simultaneously a deep compassion and love hit deep in my heart. It was then that the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit that now was the time to move to Africa.
As the department head of the benevolence ministry at World Ministries International (WMI) for several years, I had done countless short-term mission trips all over the world. I had been serving with WMI since 1998 and had felt a call from God to go to Kenya from the first year that I had served in the ministry. Standing in the sun in the midst of the Kibera slum with the stench of sewage in my nostrils, I knew that now was the time and that my life would never be the same again. By August,
2006 my family had moved to Kenya, and we have been serving there ever since. Although we have done many benevolence projects throughout the world, this newsletter is dedicated to sharing some of the benevolence projects that we have done in Kenya. After the last election on December 27th, 2007, violence and killing erupted and fear gripped the nation. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from their homes. Dr. Hansen visited during this time, and we drove to Western Kenya through the Rift Valley, visiting displacement camps and hearing stories of the atrocities that had
occurred. While at the displacement camp at Nakuru we stopped and spoke to encourage the people. We brought some food and treats for the children. One little girl standing in the line was playing with the plastic leg of a doll. The remaining parts of the doll were nowhere to be seen. Although we had seen burned down houses, cars, and trucks and had to pass over and around twenty road blocks made of stones and trees, it was the final image of a girl playing with the plastic leg that haunted me. I knew that I was here to help people and children like this little girl.
Sometimes, the church may give in a way that is not good for the people. Although there are times when helping hurts, there are also times when any act of compassion or help is better than nothing. Pictured on the front page here are some children at the Nest Orphanage in Limuru, Kenya. The smiles on their faces reflect joy after we had assisted them in making their own necklaces. This is just one way that WMI is touching lives through our benevolence ministry. Whether it is creating long-term sustainable projects such as a water borehole project or a dental clinic, or helping someone today by handing out a piece of clothing or food, it is all part of work that we are doing in WMI to get the message of HOPE out to a desperate world. The benevolence ministry is another branch of our ministry, working hand in hand with Dr. Hansen’s Warning message to the nations. We ask that you consider a generous donation to our benevolence ministry to help us continue to touch the people who need the help most.
May God richly bless you and shalom,
Dr. Michael Hyodo

World Ministries International (WMI) knows that the heart of God is for His people to visit the fatherless, widows, and afflicted. We have been tirelessly laboring in the field to help the poor in many ways, through the years. The following benevolence ministry report for WMI is just a small glimpse of some of the things that we have done to not only preach the Word of God and to give the warning to the nations, but also to DO the Word of God through good deeds to the nations such as giving food, Bibles, clothes, medical and dental care, scholarships for education, school supplies, desks, chairs, sports jerseys and equipment, and lighting. We have helped orphanages and slum schools with various things such as borehole/water projects, energy-saving ovens, and painting projects. We are near our goal of completing 12 dental clinics in Kenya.

The WMI benevolence ministry has been active for a long time, helping people behind the scenes. The last 5 years in particular, we have done much serving and giving in Kenya. The department head of the benevolence ministry, Dr. Michael Hyodo, has been living in Nairobi, Kenya with his family as full-time missionaries since 2006. They are pictured here in 2007 with Maasai Tribesmen. Dr. Hyodo is a pastor and a dentist.
The Mcedo School Project

Dr. Jonathan Hansen stands outside the Mcedo School in the Mathare Slum. This area is one of the poorest places in Kenya. Because of this, WMI has been working with this school beginning in 2006.

Since then, WMI has helped the Mcedo School through the difficulties of trying to provide education for over 500 children in the Mathare slum. When we first started visiting in 2006, the classrooms were small, overcrowded rooms scattered throughout the slum.

Dr. Hyodo’s wife, Trisha, is pictured standing outside the original school office, located right behind her to the right side of the photograph. Now the school is located in a stone building all in one place. We have been active in assisting with firewood, food, books, clothes, soccer jerseys, shoes, gloves, balls, desks, chairs, and painting projects.

At left are the original chairs and the new chairs provided through our ministry. At right is one of the school soccer teams wearing some of the over 500 soccer uniforms that WMI had shipped in a container to Kenya.
r. Mike is standing inside the container that we sent to Kenya filled with benevolence items to use for charity.

Until recently the Mcedo School had to cook their lunch in a kitchen located a short walk from the school. It was in a small room with no ventilation. After the food was cooked, children helpers would come from the school to take the food in plastic buckets through the slum back to the school. Most of the time it made it back, but sometimes the food spilled, got dirty, or was taken before it reached the school.

A new kitchen was finally built with ventilation and energy-saving ovens to cook the food with only a fraction of the firewood required before. It is located at the school so now the children go directly to the kitchen to get their food. The new kitchen was a joint project with WMI and the World Food Programme and seeded through a donation by the Hollywood actress, Drew Barrymore.

The World Food Programme brings in a regular supply of staples such as beans, rice, maize, bulgur, oil, etc. to cook lunch. Dr. Mike and the school principal, Pastor Benedict Kiage, are pictured standing in the storeroom inside the new kitchen.

Included in the container shipment from WMI were thousands of books. A new library was developed by painting, putting in new shelves and a bench for the children to enjoy reading. Some spend hours in the library reading as it is one of the only libraries in the slum.

WMI has helped to provide a teacher scholarship for Jacob Dee, pictured below, to attend Kenyatta University where he is completing a teacher diploma program. The vast majority of schools in the slums have no teachers who are credentialed. Through the years, we have joined hands with the Mcedo School and Principal Benedict, who had explained that in the slums, knowledge is power and education is the future for the slum children.
The Comido School Project

In similar fashion, WMI has also been working intimately for a long time with the Comido School in the Kwa Njenga Slum. Dr. Jonathan Hansen is pictured talking to Pastor James Kariuki, the director of I-Link Community Services and the Comido School. Pastor James was saved under Dr. Hansen’s ministry when he lived in Kenya in the 1980’s and 1990’s and was raised up as a pastor by Dr. Hansen.

Old Comido School Building

During the last five years the school has been transformed . The place was filled with sewage and sludge. WMI has helped it become a beautifully developed school, complete with a water borehole. This project took over a year to complete. After the numerous regulations and permits were accomplished, the work was finally started. Instead of using PVC piping for a more shallow 
well, we used metal casings, going 240 meters deep into the main aquifer. Truck loads of rock were laid down through the slum so that the water drilling trucks could make it in all the way to the school. After they were done, we had to bring in more rocks because some were taken while the work was being done.
For years, the residents of the slum in this area had to walk several kilometers to reach a place where they could fill up their plastic jerry cans with polluted water for use in their homes. For the bad water they had to pay from 10 to 15 Kenya shillings per jerry can. Now, they can go to the school and get pure, clean water for three Kenya shillings per jerry can. The money collected helps defray the costs of operating the well.

To the right Dr. Hansen is standing in the old school library. With the thousands of books that came over with the WMI container, we were also able to help start a new library at the Comido School. The difference between the old school facilities and the new school facilities is astounding.
New School Library

Dr. Mike and Pastor James are talking in the old kitchen which has little ventilation and small open pots that use a lot of firewood. Dr. Hansen and Pastor James are talking in the new kitchen complete with energy-saving ovens that have a larger capacity and use a small percentage of the firewood that was used before.

On the left you see the old classrooms and on the right are the new classrooms. The impact that WMI has made is visibly clear! We have helped to bring much progress to renovate and improve the school facilities and sanitation. The children and the community are thankful for the wonderful difference that has been made in their lives.

The Mcedo School and the Comido School are two of many examples of the work WMI is doing through the benevolence ministry. In this report we are also showing some other projects that we have been involved with.
WMI brings food supplies to a pastors' displacement camp in Molo, Kenya
Won’t you partner with us? God has blessed us to bless others, but we need your help. Contact our office now to give and help us to help the poor and make a difference in a life by changing a community and exhorting a nation to turn to Jesus Christ.
Please call (360) 629-5248

WMI has been "brushing up" on their benevolence ministry in Kenya. Beginning in 2006, we have started 10 dental clinics in Kenya. The Kenya Dental Association reports that there are about 600 dentists in Kenya. Less than this number of dentists are actively practicing dentistry in the nation. Of those, many are practicing in dental clinics that are of poor quality and are unable to offer even basic dental services. It is estimated that there is about one dentist per every 180,000 people in Kenya, far less than the one dentist per 5,000 people recommended by the World Health Organization. This is one of the reasons why we are investing in long-term sustainable projects such as building dental clinics. Four clinics were built for local organizations, churches, and ministries for them to operate in their local communities. Dr. Mike is pictured with Pastor Stephen Osotsi in one of these clinics located in Kayole, Nairobi. Dr. Mike is also pictured in another one of the dental clinics built in the Korogocho slum area of Nairobi.

Two community clinics were built upcountry in Western Kenya. Dr. Mike and a WMI team stand in front of a dental clinic built in Kiboswa, which is located near Kisumu, the largest city in the Western district. Another dental clinic is pictured which was built in Bungoma, located near the border to Uganda.

In addition to these four community dental clinics, WMI has also started other dental clinics. One of them is in Nairobi in an area called Satellite. Dr. Hansen is pictured in front of the clinic with Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya and George, two men he trained in the 1980’s while he lived in Kenya. This dental clinic is located in the Christian Life Worship Center church compound serving the local slum community.

A clinic was also started in the Hurlingham area of Nairobi (right). Below is our main dental clinic in the South C area of Nairobi, where we make our own crowns, bridges, partials and dentures, as well as provide a medical clinic, a medical lab and staff housing. Dr.Hansen is pictured in front of the clinic with
Dr. Solomon Kimuyu and his assistant, Lila, Dr. Mike, Pastor Paul Sitati, and Sean Bradley.

Dr. Mike is pictured at left treating a patient in one of our three treatment rooms in the South C clinic.

We have also started a dental clinic in our main ministry and bible school office on the 13th floor of the Telposta Towers in downtown Nairobi.

One of our most recent dental clinics was built in Ngong town, about one hour outside of Nairobi at the Ngong Rapha Hospital. Dr. Hansen is pictured at the clinic with Sophy, our Community Oral Health Officer. Dr. Hansen was happy to discover that Sophy attended his church as a girl when he was in Nairobi in the 1980’s, and she is now working for our ministry in our Ngong clinic.

Our newest dental clinic is at the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust building in Western Kenya. Dr. Mike and part of our local dental team stand in front of the clinic building.

WMI has also hosted many “dental camps” in which we travel to out-lying areas where there is no access to dental care. We bring portable dental equipment and chairs, dental supplies, compressors, generators, etc., and provide free dental care to the community.

It is a blessing to treat the community with not only extractions, but also cleanings and tooth-colored composite fillings. We also have hosted many dental teams that travel to Kenya and help to provide necessary treatment. Dr. Mike is pictured with Pastor Paul Sitati and Gina Gregory at a dental camp in the South B slum at the Kayaba Free Baptist Church.

At left Dr. Mike rests with some health care team members from Rotary International serving in a free dental camp in Kisii. Dr. Mike’s daughter, Nikki, is pictured sterilizing dental instruments at a dental camp in Nanyuki. The dental team was so touched by the needs of the people there, they did not stop working when the electricity and power ran out
at night. USC dental student, Joshua Weinstein is pictured working long into the night using only a headlamp to see the teeth.

The WMI dental team served at an orphanage in Kitale where hundreds of people lined up every day for dental care. Pictured at left, the team also did a dental camp at an orphanage in Athero. We have done many other dental camps in other areas of Kenya.

Help us help kids who are on the outside wanting to come in. The level of poverty is difficult to convey, but even small things are lacking. A common item found in Kenya is this soccer ball made up of wound string. Because funds are so scarce at schools and in the slums, they cannot afford real soccer balls and make their own out of things they find in the trash.

WMI has invested in all segments of society in Kenya. From giving to the poor to educating the leaders, we have labored to bring knowledge and compassion to a nation. Since 2006 we have operated a bible school in downtown Nairobi called the WMI-Kenya Bible School. Above is the classroom in which we deliver DVD-based lectures through the World Ministries International School of Theology. Degrees up to a Doctor of Theology can be earned through the Christian Life School of Theology. At left is Dr. Mike with one of our bible school students who has earned his Master of Theology degree.
Over the years we have partnered with many groups, churches, service clubs, and individuals such as yourself to give to the poor. We have shipped a lot of good used clothing to help in this area.

Dr. Mike is pictured giving clothes to the Embu community at an orphanage near Mount Kenya. The benevolence ministry is not without its humorous moments; some of the pants donated from America were so large that they would not fit anyone in the community. We joked that two of the largest people would fit in one pair of pants. However, the material was later used to make other clothing items. Dr. Mike is seen here handing out stuffed animals and toys to the children at the orphanage. He was very happy to give a girl a whole doll to play with! Clothes and food were donated to an orphanage in Naivasha. Other items, such as school supplies, were met with awe from the school children. We give to supply short-term urgent need, as well as to address long-term sustainable need, such as helping to build rabbit and chicken cages in Kakiyuni.

WMI has done many painting projects to clean up classrooms in schools. At right is Dr. Mike’s son, Joshua, with visiting missionary friends from the U.S. painting a classroom in the Mathare slum. At left, Dr. Mike is helping children do a craft project making necklace in an orphanage in Limuru.

There are occasions when we will stop and have an ad hoc distribution of clothes. Dr. Mike is getting mobbed handing out clothes near Narok.

WMI visits the homeless street people in Eastleigh, a section of Nairobi that is heavily populated with Muslims and Somali people. Many are on drugs, such as sniffing glue, and sleep in local areas called “bases”, such as this one pictured that we visited. We work with other ministries to get teenagers off the streets, off drugs, cleaned up, educated and learning a trade.

Trisha Hyodo visits slum schools and reads to the children. Dr. Mike’s daughter, Tia, is participating in a grass planting project in Kamulu.

Dr. Mike’s other daughter, Nikki, is visiting children in the slums. WMI missionary, Sean Bradley, presents food for the disabled at a church in the Gachie slum.

Dr. Mike and his family also regularly foster distressed orphan babies at their home in Nairobi. They have had several babies, including their first baby, Joanne, who was HIV positive and malnourished when she first arrived in the Hyodo home. Pictured here with Dr. Mike, Joanne was retested five months later to find that God had healed her, and she was confirmed as HIV negative.

Dr. Mike and a visiting mission team do a painting project in the Eastleigh Community Center in Nairobi. We have done numerous evangelical crusade meetings where we have seen many people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pictured is a showing of the
“Jesus Film” in the Umoja slum in Nairobi. We had another showing of the Jesus Film in Kiswahili language at the Kayaba Free Baptist Church in the South B slum. We look for opportunities to share the gospel in planned and unplanned situations. Dr. Mike is pictured leading a Kenyan man, who we had met at a Rift Valley observation point, in the “sinner’s prayer”.

We have also helped churches and ministries in various spiritual and practical ways, providing electrical boxes, speakers, amplifiers (pictured), microphones, and other items that help the church get the gospel out. We also had a team help build a classroom for a church in the Kawangware slum. We helped to provide a food outreach for a church in the Umoja slum. Dr. Mike is pictured at right after a painting project at a technical college and future bible school site in Nanyuki. At left Trisha and daughter, Tia, are handing out pillows to a girls' orphanage in Limuru.

One of our favorite benevolence projects is giving hugs and love to people. We know that people of all ages and walks of life can give, serve and love. Three of Dr. Mike’s children are pictured playing with children. If you are interested in joining a mission team, contact our ministry to let us know. We have had many groups come and enjoy the blessings of serving others on mission trips to Kenya. If you can’t visit, then please consider a heartfelt gift to our ministry.

During one mission trip our team was walking quickly through the bustling core of downtown Nairobi. Suddenly we all stopped as Dr. Hansen was nowhere to be found. As we backtracked our steps, we found him bending down and praying for a homeless beggar on the street . Won’t you take a moment and help us to help them? Don’t just “walk by”... but stop...and give your best donation to our benevolence ministry to assist us in continuing to give to and serve the poor.

It is difficult to convey the reality of the conditions that people live in as residents of the slum. If you could be there, you would know how any gift, anything that you can do will help.

Reach out with us to touch the orphans....reach out with us to touch the kids! The WMI Benevolence ministry has compassion for people. It is good to feel the pulse of the heart of God when it comes to helping others. For some of us, it may not be practical to travel to third world countries and give in person. WMI is definitely not just praying, but also becoming the hand of
God. We invite you to partner with us by giving what you can to help us continue to help others. Please consider a generous gift to our ministry so that we can help the orphan, widow, poor, and afflicted. There are many millions of people who live in conditions that are unsanitary. Dr. Hansen is standing in the Kibera slum next to homes where open sewage streams by. Help us to help people in these areas. Your donation to World Ministries International is tax-deductible.
Please write a check to:
World Ministries International
PO Box 277, Stanwood, WA 98292
Tel: (360) 629-5248
Call our office to discuss our charitable payment options, or any other questions you may have. We love you and pray that you will choose to help us extend a helping hand.
God bless you!

In various slums in Nairobi, Kenya, Dr.Mike is involved in a new project we are calling "Let There Be Light". With the use of something called "solar coke bottle" technology, we are transforming the darkness of the slum dwellings into a unit that has the equivalent of a 50 watt light bulb in the center of each little space they call home. This is a project that utilizes recyclable bottles, some water, a little bleach, and a small piece of tin. At left you see Dr. Mike's eldest son, Blake, on top of a roof inspecting the work.

You can view this phenomenon at: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=kDL52lTri5 where we adopted the idea. Before discovering this technology, the people were left in the dark after sundown in the evening. Even during the day, it was difficult to move around in the small, crowded space, and the children were not able to read and do their homework. In this picture you see a person in their tiny room with the sunlight shining through the opening at the front.

In the picture to the left you see the plastic bottle coming through the tin roof and bringing in the light of the sun. The process is simple. When a clear coke bottle is filled with water and then inserted into the roof, it gives off the same light as a 50 watt light bulb. Amazing!
What an opportunity to share the light of God's gospel with the needy people in Kenya! As we daily work with each family, we are able to share the Good News with people we might not otherwise have the opportunity to talk with on a spiritual level. God in His infinite wisdom has shown us how the "simple things" can bring the most radical difference to the beloved people Jesus Christ paid such a price to save.
Won't you join with us now to develop this project as quickly as possible? I am convinced that you will see this as a wonderful opportunity to share our love and caring to those who live in such dark circumstances.
Dr. Jonathan Hansen
Please give now to help us help them!
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Hansen
Founder and President
To faithfully speak to the nations of the world, proclaiming the kingdom of God; giving warning to political and church leaders, the church, and society of the signs of the return of Jesus Christ. We are "sounding the alarm" for the nations to turn from sin and to draw near to Jesus Christ.
Our purpose is to influence and transform the nations whereby enabling peace, blessings and prosperity to come to the people. We are endeavoring to meet emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual needs through the love of Jesus Christ.
To reach 100% of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. To change the destiny of nations through reconciliation with God. To bring truth and restoration to the body of Christ and to set people free from bondage.
The Commission
The mission, purpose, and vision are being realized by the following means:
*Crusade Meetings
*Revival Meetings
*Radio & Short-Wave Radio
*Prayer Ministry
-Gate Breakers Prayer Team
-Soldiers of the Cross
*Bible Institutes
© 2012 World Ministries International