This trip was a text book example of how God ordains and leads divine appointments. The trip was September 20th through October 4th and was filled from beginning to end with Spirit-led appointments which, if I had not been sensitive to His voice every moment of the day, would have been missed. I will not belabor this point, but I do want to stress the importance of being totally led by the Lord in order to see His marvelously ordained meetings. He did not allow me to make a schedule before leaving for Israel, but assured me that He would have me meet His contacts if I was patient enough to daily trust and obey His voice.

Peggy, Milton, Pastor, E.J.
The ministry team consisted of Dr. E.J. Buckardt, Dean of my Bible Schools throughout the world; Peggy Magnuson, WMI intercessor and watchman; and Captain Milton Alvarez, ex-mafia man and evangelist. In the JFK airport in New York the Lord led me to start a conversation with a man who later identified himself as Kennedy Patterson, Police Inspector for the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. I talked and prayed with him, sharing what I do in serving the kingdom of God. He invited me to Trinidad where he said his father is a Bishop. Praise the Lord!

Saturday, September 21
Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, I felt led to pray for the man behind the car rental counter, so I laid hands on him with his permission and prayed for him. We rented a car and drove to Har Adar (near Jerusalem) where we made our headquarters.
Sunday, September 22
We drove into Jerusalem to find the location of the TBN studios and God Channel TV. As I was leaving the area, I noticed some Nigerians coming out of a restaurant, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to speak to them. They invited me to go to Tel Aviv the next weekend and speak for the Nigerian Assembly of God leaders, approximately 200 in number, who had just arrived in Jerusalem. Also, just outside the building where I had met the Nigerians, I met Coach Terry and Diane Hill, another divine appointment.

Monday, September 23We attended Ahava Yeshua at Yad Ha Shemoneh, a prayer fellowship led by Apostle Asher Intrater of Revive Israel Ministries. We had wonderful fellowship, along with a busload of visiting believers from Thailand . We then went to Dr. Dan Juster’s home to do a TV interview with him. Dr. Juster is a member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL), along with myself. We then visited in the home of Timothy King, co-founder and former director of International Christian Embassy-Jerusalem (ICEJ) and set an appointment with him to return next week for a TV interview. In the evening we went to the Hinnom Valley for the International Christian Zionist Center's (ICZC) Feast of Tabernacles worship and dance evening. This was hosted by our friend, Jan Willem van der Hoeven, who introduced me.

Tuesday, September 24
Today I was invited to the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles Celebration at the Jerusalem Convention Center by Dr. Jurgen Buhler, ICEJ Director, and Dr. John Kelly, founder and president of ICAL in America and aboard member for ICEJ in Israel. Afterwards, Dr. Kelly and I met with different speakers while our team was given press passes to attend a meeting of leaders where they filmed David Parsons, Media Director; Dr. Jurgen Buhler, ICEJ Director; Dr. Billy Wilson, Pres. of ORU; Rev. Majed El Shafie, victim of religious persecution in Egypt; and Pastor Umar Mulinde, victim of religious persecution in Uganda. After a light lunch we attended the evening session of the ICEJ Israel Night Feast of Tabernacles worship and dance service. Afterwards we were guests for a late dinner at the hotel with Dr. John Kelly.

Wednesday, September 25
This morning at the King David Hotel I did a TV interview with Pastor Roy Kendall. Roy’s music gets him in front of many leaders in the nation of Israel. An elderly gentleman, Michael Marder, who was watching the interview, approached the team and shared that he was an 88 year old holocaust survivor and had survived 9 death camps during World War II. I took the opportunity to do a TV interview with him. He is from Florida and is asked at times to share his experiences in the Florida schools. We returned to the ICEJ Conference Center where I did a TV interview with Rev. Majed El Shafie, an Egyptian victim of religious persecution. His testimony was riveting and heart breaking. It was a privilege to have met this young man! After the interview, we met Angus Buchan from South Africa, whose testimony is in the book and movie, “Faith Like Potatoes”. He invited me to come to South Africa.

Thursday, September 26
In the late morning we drove to Roy and Mary Kendall’ s home in Jerusalem to do another TV interview and visit with them and their guests who were visiting for Tabernacles from Washington State. Later that afternoon we were at the home of Coach Terry Hill where Terry served us a beautiful dinner. His wife, Diane, was at the hospital with their daughter, Kim, who was in the process of giving birth! Terry is a former college basketball and football player and is now head coach for Israel’s national football and basketball teams. He and Diane have been living in Israel for over six years.

Friday, September 27
At the Emanuel Book Store in the Old City I met with Binyamin Turkia. Binyamin graciously left his work early and led us to our next appointment at the home of Pastor Umar Mulinde, the Ugandan victim of an acid attack by terrorists, and who is living in Israel while his plastic surgery is being completed. This is another tragic and heart breaking story of man’s inhumanity to man.

Saturday, September 28
In Tel Aviv today we visited a Ghanan Church, an Ethiopian Church, and I spoke at a Nigerian A/G Church I made great contacts there, particularly with the leaders from Nigeria.

Sunday, September 29
Today I felt led to take Capt. Alvarez to the Holocaust Museum, and this turned out to be a “divine appointment” for me. The Lord told me to introduce myself to a total stranger who turned out to be the General Superintendent of the Nigerian Assemblies of God. He had not been present at the service we had attended the day before. Arrangements were made for me to visit there soon. Later we went to the Crown Plaza Hotel where I had a meeting with Angus Buchan’s associate to talk about my coming to South Africa.

Monday, September 30
We drove to the Christ Church Garden Cafe where we were to meet with several people. At the cafe I met a lady who expressed an interest in doing dental missions in Africa with Dr. Mike Hyodo, our Benevolence/Bible School Director in Kenya. Later we drove to the offices of TBN Israel and had a meeting with CEO Oren Lev Ari and a friend of his, Pastor Daniel Rozen, pastor of King of Glory Jerusalem, which meets on the same floor as the TV studios. There was also a Russian pastor from a church in Tel Aviv who was doing the live show with Mr. Lev Ari that evening. Many connections were made at this awesome meeting. Arrangements were made for myself and Evang. Milton Alvarez to be on live TV with Mr. Lev Ari the next evening.

Tuesday, October 1

The team went to the Jerusalem office of Josh Reinstein, Knesset Director for Christian Allied Caucuses, where I did a TV interview. Josh is recognized as one of the top 50 most influential Israelis in the world today.

At the CBN studios in Jerusalem I interviewed Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell on the CBN television set!

Afterwards, we drove to TBN Israel and did the live broadcast with Oren Lev Ari. God is so faithful to open doors!!

That evening the team went to the Kraft Stadium in Jerusalem, built by the New England Patriot's owner, Robert Kraft, and watched me interview Coach Terry Hill on TV.
Wednesday, October 2

At the ICEJ Headquarters I did a TV interview with Nichole Yoder, Director of the ICEJ Aid Program. Nicole is a lovely lady, and she shared with us all about the projects that the ICEJ is participating in for the Land, including the home for holocaust survivors.

The team also visited with Anthony Simon, a British evangelist to the Muslim nations. He spoke about his dangerous work among the Muslims. This is a mission home where he has volunteers coming from other countries for short term missions training.

Later we were with Timothy King, co-founder and former director of ICEJ, where we also met his lovely wife, Martha. It was a great interview about Timothy’s personal history and his work for the ICEJ.

The last visit of the day was with Richard Brogden in Meveseret, a village near where we were staying. Mr. Brogden and his Greek wife, Sulah, have been with David Wilkerson's ministry, Teen Challenge, since the 1960’s, first representing them in Kenya for many years, and now in Israel, where they are developing a home for women.
Thursday, October 3
This last day we drove to Jericho where I met with my friend, Tass Saada, the former Arafat sniper, and discussed needs in that area. Tass showed the team some of the additions to his youth building, including a wonderful prayer tower at the top of the
building. He also now has a daycare for babies and has expanded the “Seeds of Hope” offices. I also listened to the needs of the people in Bethlehem and how I can minister to the descendants of both sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael.

After discussion about WMI establishing a dental clinic in the Jericho area and me bringing leaders to the Middle East, Tass served us a wonderful lunch. That evening we flew out of Israel back to the United States.
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