April 27 - May 9 & May 29 - June 11, 2018
April 27, 2018 - Dr. Hansen did a television interview with Bishop Wellington Mutiso; First Baptist Church Athi River at the WMI Bible College office. They discussed the points of his prophecy to Kenya. Kenya is on the fifth and final point! Dr. Hansen & Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya prayed for Bishop Mutiso.

April 28, 2018 - L to R: devotions with the WMI Kenya Bible college staff, visiting with Pastor Paul Sitati and devotions with the staff at the WMI South C Dental office.

April 29, 2018 - Dr. Hansen spoke at Athi River First Baptist Church in Kenya with Bishop Wellington Mutiso. The message challenged Christians to be ambassadors for Jesus and extend His Kingdom on earth in order to bring salvation and prosperity to Kenya.

May 4, 2018 - Meetings at the WMI office

Apostle Michael Wafula, God’s Apostolic House
and Prophet Peter Selowa from South Africa

Anglican Arch Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit

Arch Bishop Arthur Kitonga

Political Leader Lydia Muira
May 6, 2018 - Dr. Hansen spoke for Bishop Thomas Muthee at Word of Faith Church in Kiambu, Kenya. His message was, “A Time of Spiritual Warfare and Confidence to achieve Destiny.”

May 6, 2018 - On the left is the Assistant Pastor at Bishop Thomas Muthee’s Word of Faith Church and his son on the right. Bishop Muthee is a strong apostolic leader and a man of integrity.

Dr. Hansen was in Kenya four different times in 2018
and each time met with both political and church leadership.
Here he is meeting with Her Excellency Rachael Ruto,
the wife of the Deputy President William Ruto.
Counsel and prayer was given for God’s wisdom and direction.
May 7 & 8, 2018 - Meeting with many leaders in Kenya to strengthen the church and extend the Kingdom of God. Pictured below from L to R are former Vice-President of Kenya, Stephen Kalanzo at his residence with Adalia Peace and Paul Amakobe. Bishop Geoffrey Njuguna, Deliverance Church Langata; and a Congo businessman that now lives in Kenya.

May 27, 2018 - Dr. Hansen flew out of SeaTac International Airport in Seattle, WA on his second trip to Nairobi, Kenya during the month of May 2018. Time is critical for Kenya and Dr. Hansen is organizing apostolic leadership.

May 29, 2018 - Dr. Hansen met with Dr. Karita Mbagara, Senior Pastor of CITAM (Christ is the Answer Ministries) in Karen.

May 30, 2018 - Dr. Hansen met with Pastor Rose Mulwa, her daughter, Attorney Serah Mulwa, and the WMI team of Pastor Edward Shichende and Adalia Peace to discuss advancing a righteous agenda for Kenya and the need for an apostolic coalition.
May 31, 2018 - Meeting with Apostle Michael Wafula and Bishop Calistus Barasa in the WMI College board room, planning strategy to expand the Kingdom of God in Kenya to usher in peace.

June 3, 2018 - Pictured with Pastor Rose Mulwa at My Father’s House. She graduated from our Bible College in 2017 with a Bachelors Degree in Theology. Political and church leaders below.

June 4 & 7, 2018 - Devotions with staff in both WMI offices. Pastor Edward Shichende leading worship. Meeting a new WMI dentist, Dr. Vincent, who seems to be a good fit for our WMI team.

June 5, 2018 - Dr. Hansen met with Bishop Ibraham Omondi and again with Pastor Rose Mulwa to unite the church for prosperity.

June 6, 2018 - Dr. Hansen had the honor of speaking for Bishop Mark Kariuki, presiding Bishop over the Deliverance Churches of Kenya, at his national Pastors/Bishops conference in Nakuru, Kenya where over 1,500 to 2,000 church leaders and their wives attended.

June 7, 2018 - Meeting with Bishop Henry Mulandi; Christian Church International. He also spoke with Bishop Boniface Adoyo via phone concerning the Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.

June 10, 2018 - Dr. Hansen spoke for Bishop Wachira Karani; Eastgate Kenya Assemblies of God in Nyeri, Kenya. Bishop Karani is the District Superintendent for the Nyeri, Kenya Assemblies of God. The message was “Righteous Leadership Prospers a Nation.”

June 11, 2018 - Meeting with Pastor Rose Mulwa one last time before leaving Kenya. Mount Kilimanjaro and the Tanzania airport in transit to Amsterdam, Netherlands en route to Seattle.

WMI is a 100% missions ministry supported solely on outside donations and we desperately need your financial support. I encourage you to strongly consider supporting WMI monthly as a television or radio partner. Together we can use the media to defend and protect the people of God in every nation. Only a united church can bring peace and prosperity to Kenya. Please help us today as we need your support to continue to pay the expenses in expanding the kingdom of God and traveling the nations to wake up the church and give Warning to Governments of the coming Day of The Lord. Any gift, monthly or one time, is greatly appreciated!
© 2018 World Ministries International