Dear Partner:

We are experiencing some very troubling and trying times in the nation right now.  Consequently, my ministry is in desperate need of help.  Besides traveling the nations, I speak in churches across America where I receive love offerings that helps my ministry pay the monthly bills.  My last trip was to Kenya at the end of January 2020.  I arrived home at SeaTac International airport on February 1, 2020.  I haven’t been able to travel since, as different powers are using this hyped up Coronavirus as an excuse to try and take away the church’s freedom.

You can tune into my YouTube channel, Warning TV Dr. Jonathan Hansen, to view my weekly TV programs as well as listen to my daily radio programs.  There is nothing else like it on Christian television for exposing the truth without compromise in the political arena and all other topics effecting Christian freedoms today.  Forces are trying to move us into a civil war to topple America and force us into socialism and the New World Order.

In addition to our normal monthly bills, we are in desperate need of $20,000 to get a new web site built and to upgrade some of our television equipment so we can continue to meet the standards in order to air our programs.  My staff has sacrificed twice and gave over $4,000.  We hope and pray that our first and second fruits will give us a good harvest.  Please help us now, and if you’re a partner, please give an additional offering and designate it for the new website and/or television equipment upgrade, as my staff and I have so we can continue to fight this fight we are all in to keep our freedom.  May God  richly bless you and protect all of us in these dangerous times!!

Dr. Jonathan Hansen

© 2020 World Ministries International