Sharing across the nation with the conference, “Direction in an Age of Confusion”.
The Ministry Team - Rev. Jonathan Hansen, Larry Bates, Economist,
Chuck Bates, Political Analyst, and Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America.
Seattle, WA - February 3, 2001
Dallas/Fort Worth/Irving, TX February 10, 2001
Wichita, KS - March 17, 2001
New Orleans, LA - March 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM - March 31, 2001
Yakima, WA - April 28, 2001
St Louis, MO - May 5, 2001

Keystone, CO - May 26-28, 2001 National Leadership Conference
Midland, TX - October 20, 2001
Lake Havasu City, AZ October 27, 2001

<-- Mimi Hansen meets Ben Kinchlow while she and her parents, -->
Jonathan and Jeannie Hansen, are interviewed on Sid Roth’s
“It’s Supernatural” in January, 2001.
Jonathan Hansen speaks live at Quad K Radio Station
in Midland, TX January 26, 2001
A WMI Convention in Odessa, TX January 27, 2001
Pastor Hansen records with Larry and Chuck Bates at the
National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Dallas, TX February 11-13, 2001
Rev. Hansen holds a week-long crusade at the YWCA
in downtown Brooklyn, New York City, March 4-9, 2001.
Rev. Hansen with Pastor Leighton Smith, who hosted
the WMI team and organized the crusade.
Rev. Hansen appeared daily on local television during the
crusade week in New York. He challenged the city to repentance.
Rev. Hansen speaking at the morning and evening services
for Grandview Church of God, Odessa, TX, Oct. 21, 2001.
Brother Hansen performs a baptism at the
Hilton Hotel in Midland, TX, Oct. 22, 2001
Jonathan Hansen speaking at Midland Civic Center,
Midland, TX, Oct. 22, 2001
Brother Hansen ministers at Stonebridge Christian Fellowship Morning & Evening Services
hosted by Pastor Richard Tatham Lake Havasu City, AZ October 28, 2001
Brother Hansen with Pastor Tatham and son-in-law, Faron Eckelbarger,
who manages Advance Ministries, Inc., “Advancing the Master’s Work
Through Radio and Television Broadcasting”
in Lake Havasu City, AZ October 28, 2001
One of Brother Hansen’s target cities in his prophecy
“The Fall of America” Las Vegas, NV October 29, 2001
One of the many churches in which Brother Hansen ministered during the
two-week crusade in Jamaica November 4-18, 2001. The Holy Spirit was
faithful and there was a spirit of repentance in these meetings.
Brother Hansen appearing on a live television interview in Kingston, Jamaica,
with Pastor Ramon Edwards, who helped organize the Jamaican crusade.
The Lord opened doors for Rev. Hansen to be on television on
Nov. 10th, 11th, 18th and 19th.
The Lord also provided several opportunities for Brother Hansen
to minister on local radio during his stay in Jamaica.
On the weekend of October 6, 2001, the WMI fellowship group met for the
Feast of Tabernacles Camp-out...time to worship the Lord and fellowship together.
October 14, 2001, retirement party for two of WMI’s faithful volunteers,
E.J. Buckardt (left) who travels regularly with Brother Hansen,
and Bob Peterson (right) who is in charge of the sound studio.
2001 was a very busy year. Besides traveling to the cities, states, and countries in these pictures, we at World Ministries International (WMI) were extremely involved in organizing the ministry foundationally to reach people in the nations with the gospel through technology and ministry teams. Time is extremely short! We all must be about our Father’s business! In the year 2002 I will again be traveling throughout the United States in conferences with the team of Dr. Larry Bates, Chuck Bates, and Larry Pratt. I will also hold revival meetings personally throughout America in key cities where God has shown me that chemical, biological and nuclear terrorism and/or attack is coming. Also in 2002 I will be traveling to Honduras, Africa, and returning to Jamaica, sharing what is coming upon those nations, their leadership and why.
Please pray for us at WMI as we continue to warn the nations through the mass media; radio, short wave, television, newsletters, articles, etc. Please pray for me personally as I raise and lead ministry teams to various countries and WMI’s Bible College, World Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions, which equips the Gifts of Ministry to become “flames of fire.”
WMI is now focusing on the following 42 nations: The United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Philippines, India, Jamaica, Honduras, Kenya, Madagascar, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, Burundi, The Congo, Iran, Sweden, Norway, England, Russia, Germany, Finland, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Turkey. In these countries we are trying to saturate the nation with the prophetic warning through articles, newspapers, radio, television, etc. We encourage you to study the prophecies on many of these nations on our web site at They will help you know how to pray for each nation. We need intercessors in and for these countries.
© 2002 World Ministries International