Pictured above is the Asakusa Kannon, a Buddhist Temple in Tokyo, Japan. World Ministries International visited Japan between May 21st and June 7th, 2004.
On October 8, 1994, Reverend Jonathan Hansen received a revelation from the Lord that judgment and catastrophe were coming to Japan. On January 9, 1995, Reverend Hansen received another revelation that Japan had remained proud and self-reliant; therefore, earthquakes and a catastrophe of a different type would fall upon Japan. Please see our website at www.worldministries.org or call (360) 629-5248 for the complete prophecy over Japan.
The word of warning from God came true as many earthquakes have since hit Japan, including the Kobe earthquake on January 17, 1995 that killed 5,000 people and left 300,000 homeless. A disaster of a different type came to Japan on April 3, 1995 when a sarin gas attack hit a Tokyo subway, killing twelve and injuring 5,000 people.
The Shinto religion has over 8 million gods and Japan Today, January 6, 2004 reports, “An estimated 89 million people, a record high, visited Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples during the first three days of the New Year...”
The Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple is next to the Asakusa Jinja Shinto Shrine, which is known as the “Sanja-sama”, meaning, “three persons.” It is flanked by two beasts, one with an open mouth and the other with a closed mouth - signifying the “beginning and the end”.
Man-made structures, such as the Sanja-sama, fall short of the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ is the true alpha and omega - the beginning and the end of all things.
Pictured below is the Yasukuni Jinja Shinto Shrine in Tokyo, which was founded by Imperial command in 1869 for the worship of the divining spirits of those who sacrificed themselves for their country. All Shinto Shrines contain an outer wall, an outer gate, an altar to burn incense, a water washing station, and main altar to give offering and prayer. All these outward symbols are a copy or counterfeit of the items used in the original tabernacle of Moses.
On May 28, 2004 at 3:30 AM, the Lord told Rev. Hansen, “Your idols, the Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple and the Yasukuni Jinja Shinto Shrine, will crumble and fall, and you will know that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am Lord of all. Turn to Me while you can, while there is still time, for total judgment is at hand.”
Ninty-nine and one half percent of the people of Japan are following a false light, or counterfeit, created by Satan who transforms himself as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14).
Many missionary Evangelicals and pastors warned our team of how difficult it is for salvation to come to the Japanese.
The Christians have prayed for so long without seeing results; yet we marveled at how God used Reverend Hansen to lead many people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior (such as this lady pictured above). Many others had demons cast out of them as well as miraculous healings during our meetings there.
It is truth that takes away deception and the Holy Spirit that brings anointing which breaks the yoke - not just prayer alone.
Help us to reach Japan. God has given divine direction to reach Japan by instructing us to send a special word to each of the 8,000 Christian churches in Japan. This word has already been prepared and now we need an additional $10,000 to send these letters.
Please help us now by sending a special love offering. Designate your gift by writing “Japan” on your check or call us at (360) 629-5248. God bless you!
© 2004 World Ministries International