Dear Intercessor,

We have been in the following different states:  Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas, so far.  We have held meetings in Cincinnati, Ohio and Bristol, Virginia and met different leaders to help in this initiative to wake up the church.  We have already seen miracles as one crippled was healed, her legs straightened out and she could walk straight, leaving her walker behind.   Demons were cast out and coming out of people screaming.  We are asking for prayers for the meetings to leave an impact behind to awake the sleeping church.  Pray for us so that many people will realize the urgency of the era we have entered in and that many people will join Eagles Saving Nations in this crucial time and season.  “Awake, awake, thou that sleepeth”  Ephesians 5:14 (KJV)

Pray also for our safety and well being as we drive through America.  We thank you and love you.

Adalia Hansen

Please also pray for another $25,000 to pay for this vehicle we needed in order to travel through America to cause another Great Awakening.  Evil forces are trying to put America under the New World Order to topple America and bring persecution to the true church.

We appreciate all of you standing in the gap with us and praying these requests through to victory.

Blessings, Jonathan Hansen