Dear Intercessors,

I know we are heading toward the end of January but it's not the end yet.  I feel deeply in my Spirit that if we give this month to the Lord through PRAYER, FASTING AND GIVING, the Lord will honor Himself by showing us great and mighty things and mighty interventions that are mind blowing.  I am urging everyone to stay in His presence this month and wait and hear what the Lord will say or do.

Habakkuk 2:1-2
"I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.  And the Lord answered me, and said, 'Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.' "

We are still praying for provisions for a ministry vehicle to travel throughout the country to bring men and women together who are hungry for more of the Lord.  Eagles Saving Nations has been launched; bathe it in prayer for thousands to join each month for the glory and honor of our Lord.  Continually pray for Pastor Hansen's wellbeing, good health and protection.  Thank you for standing with us in prayer.

Adalia Hansen