Dear Intercessors,

We greet you all in this month of June.  We know that God is the author of every genuine prophecy and a prophecy has no expiration date.  He has given us the assurance that it is His will for us to accomplish all that He has called us to do.  People will continually back us, to make sure we reach the goals set before us.  Faith without works is dead, so we just have to pray in faith believing that the Lord, just as He promised, will abundantly supply all the needs of the ministry according to His riches in glory.

You are our earthly reinforcement in this warfare.  Your prayers are like a shield round about us, for health, for protection, for provision and for strength.  There is still so much to do!  We haven't covered the rest of the states.  Please pray for all of us, that we may indeed stand strong and be renewed in our inner man.  We are constantly under attack.  Our strength sometimes fails, but we look to Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith.  Finances are a major issue.  We cannot accomplish what we need to do without the finances.  Please pray that the Eagles Saving Nations memberships increase.

Also, please pray that we can finish paying the remaining $16,601 owed on the vehicle that was purchased to enable us to travel throughout the United States, conducting tremendous meetings based on the power of Pentecost.

We thank you for your prayers and support.  We love you.

Adalia Hansen