Beloved Intercessors,

There are two things that the devil constantly attacks us on without us realizing.  All might seem so well around us with things running smoothly and we think the devil has retreated.  We sit back and relax but the truth is, you have already been trapped.  He has got you where he wants and that's to be distracted.  He won't openly show his activities around you to make you aware he is there.  The supernatural victory that is supposed to be experienced in a believer's life is anchored by these two pillars.

  1.  Prayer
  2.  Time in the Word of God.

If you examine yourself and realize these two things are no longer your primary care, then you are under attack.  The devil is cunning and crafty and your spiritual antennas have to be constantly on radar and this can only be achieved by continual time with the Holy Spirit through His word and prayer.

The Lord has put an assignment on Dr. Hansen to hold Holy Spirit revival meetings.  We are waiting on the Lord for strategies on how to kick-start these meetings.  Pray for us in this area.  It's a big thing when souls are involved, it immediately becomes a warfare.  Pray for our well-being and protection.

Adalia Hansen

Dear SOC intercessor,

Beware, Satan will always bring false accusations against you.  Put your trust and confidence in the Lord as He will surely vindicate.

Also, I need $13,600 to have a new web site developed by professionals.  The current one was developed by volunteers that do not have it set up to be located on search engines and a multitude of other problems that make it impossible to be effective.  We need a new one immediately so we can reach the nations for Jesus.

Please pray for these areas so we can have victories in proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ.  The enemies of God want to lead this nation into civil war, topple the Republic and move us into the New World Order.

Blessings, Jonathan Hansen