Dear Intercessors,

As I was studying the Bible this week, there is one verse that stood out for me:

Joshua 21:45  "Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel; all came to pass."

It is timely for the season.  God has already revealed to His prophets concerning the crisis we are in that as quickly as it came, the same shall it go.  He has confirmed the same all over the world and I can’t help but give Him all the praise and honor.  God cannot lie.  We shouldn’t faint, but rather look at the situation with spiritual eyes.  Man might lose control over the virus, but God surely hasn’t.  We have hope that soon we will be able to move around so we can accomplish what we have been assigned.  What have you been assigned?  If you do not know, take this time to seek Him and dig deeper.  He is measuring us from the standard of heaven, not the standard of man.  If we were living in the permissive will, let’s step out of the boat and live in His perfect will.  I am praying for you and your families.  Keep us in prayer for the harvest is plenty.  We have to go and start reaping and we need all the help we can get.  Remember the Dorcas Women and Children Agape Fund, if there is anything you would like to give, whether it be clothes, shoes or funds, contact the office or send me an email.  God bless you.

Adalia Hansen

We are living in very prophetic times.  Know that God is still there!  I hope you watched and enjoyed my video titled, "Coronavirus/COVID-19/Hype/Warning or Coronavirus Prophecy".  I sent out another video to the people on our email newsletter list titled, "COVID-19 vs. The Wrath of God".  If you have not watched it yet, please do.  Again, go to my YouTube channel:  Warning TV-Dr. Jonathan Hansen.  Here is the web address of this program:

There are sinister forces at work trying to take advantage of this Coronavirus to control mankind and usher the world into The New World Order.  We need your prayers and support to get this gospel warning message throughout the United States and around the world.

Blessings, Jonathan Hansen