To our fellow Intercessors,                                               

We are going through trying times right now as the body of Christ and the whole world in general.  The deaths, the lock downs, and the fear gripping people is so overwhelming.  I believe this situation will require intercessors to take it very seriously and not be slothful in prayer at this time.  We are all praying up, but do we know what God is saying back to us?

Isaiah 26:20 reads, "Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation is past."

As you shut yourself in during this hour, we should dedicate it for prayer.  This is a window of opportunity that God is giving, a real place of pressing into the presence of God.  We should be ready for what's coming to the world and be prepared for the harvest of souls.  I could hear in my spirit, 'the harvest is full, but the laborers are few'.  Right now there are a lot of people turning to God, some because of fear and others because of a realization that they can do nothing without God.  Let's join together and pray that there may be true repentance sweeping across the nations.

This virus shall come to pass, and then there will be a period for the body of Christ to reach out for lost souls, as many as we can.  At this time, I quickly discerned the word 'hurry!'  We have to start spreading the gospel with such urgency like never before.

Adalia Hansen

On March 14, 2020 I received the following direct prophetic word that I have already given on TV, Radio and FaceBook.  "The Lord is saying this COVID-19 virus will go as quickly as it came!  This is but a warning!  Prayer alone for mercy without repentance will not work in the future!  It is good that leaders such as President Trump are leading prayers for my mercy, but in the future, I demand repentance for sins of abomination such as killing the innocent (abortion), immorality (pornography, fornication, homosexuality, etc), idolatry (serving self, ideologies, philosophies, religions, etc) and dividing the land of Israel."  COVID-19 is a warning that much worse judgments/plagues are about to come.

Please go to my YouTube channel:  Warning TV-Dr. Jonathan Hansen and watch my message titled:  CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/Hype/Warning or Cononavirus Prophecy.  Here is the web address of this specific program.  Just enter this address into the address line on the internet:  After watching it, please push like and subscribe.

We also need your prayers as pastors have cancelled my church meetings for March and April due to this pandemic.  Consequently, we do not have the income to pay our bills.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer at this critical time.  Blessings and our prayers are for God's protection on you dear partners.

Jonathan & Adalia Hansen