Dear Intercessor,

Are you always in a rush to start praying?  Well, God wants us to be silent for a while to quiet our minds before engaging in prayer.  Most of us tend to be apprehensive about just sitting still without saying anything.  During the first attempts our minds might wander off, so I usually add anointed worship in the background so I can focus on Jesus.  God is a mystery, silence is one of the most profound ways to dive deeper into the mystery that is God.  It allows God to speak to our heart in mysterious ways.

Accept God’s invitation to rest in His presence during solitude and silence.  Ask God to help you quiet your mind and listen to Him with your spirit, trusting that He will respond to your prayer by speaking to you.  If grief is weighing on your soul, confess it to God.  When your soul feels grateful for God’s love, express that gratitude to God.  Sometimes we may feel empty, let this motivate you to turn to God to seek fulfillment in that moment.  The more time you spend with Him in silence, the more you’ll learn how to recognize God’s voice when He speaks to you.  Pray for the guidance you need to make wise decisions, and be alert for His Spirit witnessing to your spirit about what is true.  The Holy Spirit will reveal truth to you concerning yourself, people and nations.  Now you will be able to know what to pray for without amiss.

God impressed in my heart to start raising donations for the homeless, orphans and widows.  I call it the Dorcas Women and Children Agape Fund.  The woman named Dorcas in the bible gave herself to helping others and the Lord reminded me why I was given that name.  I knew I had to start doing something about it.  I need your support and prayers that it will come to fruition and that people will be moved to give for this assignment.  We need clothes, shoes and food.  If you are able to donate clothes, shoes and funds I would greatly appreciate it.  The ministry is also in dire need of supporters.  We do need God's direction in this hour.  We continually lift you up in prayer, for without you we don't have a backing.

Kindly continue to keep us in prayer.  God bless you.

Adalia and Jonathan Hansen