I was seeking the Lord on the account of what just happened during the elections and I was distraught at the outcome that might be sooner than we think, which is the start of the persecution of Christians, and I mean the true believers of Christ who do not wish to compromise in this nation.

In a vision I had, I was taken up in the realms of the spirit and was seeing through someone else's eyes, like I was in another transformed body.  I saw different sorts of creatures in different forms, which I perceived were demons.  I could hear metal-like sounds clashing, like what you would hear in a sword fight.  I realized that I am in a battle.  When the demons were near me, my hand moved and swung and indeed there was a sword in my hand.  The demons were destroyed, as I saw them falling.  More kept coming and the sword was swung effortlessly.  I saw some people just  standing by, watching and doing nothing.

Often, at times, we are on the receiving end of punches from the devil because we are a passive fighter.  We would rarely throw a punch and anxiously wait for the end of the fight.  Christians don't want to suffer through a long and hard fight, so they give in to the opponent and would try to restrain him until he calms down.  True faith will make Christians fighters and in Christ, we are more than conquerors.

Though we are enlisted in God's army, there is a distinction between spiritual warriors and soldiers.  The training required to be a true warrior requires great sacrifice, discipline, and faith.  God is not a respecter of persons; this calling is voluntary and open to whosoever will.  A person needs to pause and count the costs because if charged with specific, God-led special assignments, we must live a highly disciplined, selfless lifestyle; along with an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying at all times.  Warriors are raised up to battle and hold ground in the spiritual realm.

I believe this nation is now covered with a dark cloud and the intercessors are getting discouraged and are ready to throw in the towel.  Listen to what the Spirit says:

"If President Trump is out of the White House, it is by the reason of my church being divided and operating under the Spirit of Division and the Flesh.  I have my Plan for America; the instruction is for the body of Christ to pray and release my Spirit and I will expose that which has and is still happening in that Election Process."

"If Biden sits on that seat, it shall be not so long after, that the Woman shall be seated on that seat by conspiracy, and the rest shall be history.  Many who are celebrating, shouting, clapping and mocking God and his Word, over the Nations, shall see in that day when they shall cry and I shall not answer.  I will give them to their own derision and desire, for in my anger I gave them a King and in my wrath, I took him away."

Pray that the Supreme court of heaven issues a decree and the Supreme Court of America reflects it on this nation.  God shall show Himself strong yet again.

Adalia Hansen

Pray like your life depended on it; that the truth will be revealed and justice will be restored.  We need four more years of grace with President Donald Trump!

Jonathan Hansen