Waiting on the Lord may be one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. It is easier said than done, right? Very few of us like to wait; it reminds us we’re out of control. We don’t like waiting in traffic, in line at the supermarket, at the airport, or when our computers don’t work fast enough.

The first thing is this: waiting on the Lord requires patient trust. Will I trust that God has good reasons for telling me to wait? I don't know what they are, but will I trust that God knows what He's doing? Will I remember that things look different to God because He views things from eternity?

2 Peter 3:8 But do not ignore this one fact, beloved: with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.

Often, we forget His work in us while we wait. It is as important as for what we are waiting on. Waiting means we must trust that God knows what He's doing.

Waiting, biblical waiting is not a passive waiting around for something to happen that will allow us to escape our troubles. Waiting does not mean doing nothing. Waiting is the confident, disciplined, expectant, active, and sometimes painful clinging to God. It knows that we will reap a reward. A farmer can wait all summer for his harvest because he has done his work of sowing the seed and watering the plants.

In the real issues of life, I am not just waiting around. I am waiting on God; therefore, I can trust His wisdom and His timing. I've heard it said that the person who waits on God loses no time.

Keep us in your prayers. Remember, the end of the year is soon approaching. Pray we finish strong. The Kenya Mission Trip will happen soon afterwards, pray for a safe journey and that we fulfill all we hope to accomplish.

Adalia Hansen


Dear Prayer Warrior:

In December, we will be in Oahu, HI ministering for 10 days. We need your prayers for mighty meetings. Also, in January we will be in Kenya, East Africa ministering for 17 days. Please intercede with us for tremendous moves of the Holy Spirit with signs following. Pray for safety in our travels and God’s favor. Pray for the funds to come in for the traveling and accommodations.

We also need to close this year strong financially, so pray for the bounty of God to be poured into our ministry. We need some new equipment etc., and more personnel.

Pray with us for people to join EAGLES SAVING NATIONS that I also lead. We have to have another Great Awakening if the Republic of the United States is going to survive.

Blessings, Jonathan Hansen